Repo Containing all custom messages used for XPLORER
- Add New Messages files to msg folder
- Add the message names to the CMakeLists.txt file after line 26
- Build the package using the following command
colcon build --packages-select squeeze_custom_msgs
Run the following command to verify if the messages are built
ros2 interface list | grep squeeze_custom_msgs
To see the message details run the following command
ros2 interface show squeeze_custom_msgs/msg/<message_name>
Add the follwing line to package.xml file of the package that will use the message
Build the package and use the message using the following command
from squeeze_custom_msgs.msg import <message_name>
- ExternalWrenchEstimate - This message is used to publish the external wrench estimate
- ImuData - This message is used to publish the arm bending angles
- StateMachine - This message is used to publish the state machine of the trajectory generator