Download the source code
# Initialize local repository
repo init -u https://github.com/AOSPMinimal/platform_manifest -b aosp-12
# Initializa a shallow local repository "useful for saving space"
repo init -u https://github.com/AOSPMinimal/platform_manifest -b aosp-12 --depth=1
# Sync
repo sync -c --force-sync --no-tags --no-clone-bundle -j$(nproc --all) --optimized-fetch --prune
Build the rom
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch ($Device)-userdebug
make bacon
As this rom is born to be an experiment, i don't like to see someone buildbotting this and saying "WhY tHiS rOm DoEsN't BoOt ??, AuDiO/dIsPlAy/MeDiA Is DeAd SuR, hOw I cAn FiX iT ??, and similar", is just because you have nothing to do
Mostly is because of some changes i've hardcoded to work with my device
- Make sure to adapt this for your device https://github.com/AOSPMinimal/platform_vendor_aosp/commit/020786113b0adb857902b3b8b29c0499d4967f7d
- also https://github.com/AOSPMinimal/platform_vendor_qcom_opensource_power/blob/aosp-12/Android.mk#L34
- also drop project pathmap on your hals "like https://github.com/ItsVixano/hardware_qcom-caf/commit/3278ed4a4d3646238702404816377abfa27ed91c"
Also, i won't recruit any maintainers so don't spam me if you want to maintain this rom "Officially"