Mushroom Hierarchical: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning python library.
This repository implements the hierarchical framework proposed in the paper: "A Control Theoretic Approach to Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning"
Mushroom Hierarchical is a python Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) library based on Mushroom, the RL library of Politecnico di Milano. It allows to perform HRL experiments exploiting the control graph formalism.
You can do a minimal installation of Mushroom
git clone
cd mushroom
pip3 install -e .
You can install Mushroom Hierarchical
git clone
cd mushroom_hierarchical
pip3 install -e .
To run experiments, you should use the script in the experiment folder. If you want to visualize the results produced by our runs, you can look at the out folder, or you can re-run the plot_*.py scripts into the graphs folder.