ADTPro 1.0.4
January 21, 2008
New functionality:
[DOS ADT Client] Included DOS ADT client, now at version 2.2,
with nibble and halftrack send capability for Disk II drives
from Gerard Putter and Eric Neilson -
[Server] Incorporated nibble and half track disk logic from
Gerard Putter's ADT-compatible Virtual ][ A2V2 transfer software -
it's still experimental, so support hasn't been added to ADTPro
client yet
Bug fixes:
[Client] Better automatic serial device detection for Apple IIc
computers (select Modem vs. Printer port) -
[Client] Update track counter during fast Disk II reads (you had
to watch carefully to realize they weren't moving during read) -
[Server] Audio data capture logic was refactored to be more
reliable and understandable by Marc S. Reßl -
[Client] Audio send protocol (from Apple to Host) was out of sync,
causing transfers to immediately abort -
[Server] Fix progressive backoff timing for transmission failures