The ABCD project uses the E-Prime software to run behavioral tests during fMRI scans. E-Prime produces EDAT2 (binary) files with the behavioral results. EDAT2 files are converted, at the acquisition site, into ASCII TAB-separated (preferred) or comma-separated spreadsheet files (extensions .txt and .csv, resepectively) for further analysis. We have observed several types of errors originated during this conversion. reads a text file containing E-Prime spreadsheets, detects the file's encoding and format, interprets its content while fixing known encoding issues, identifies the behavioral task in the spreadsheet in the file, extracts the experiment's starting date and time, the number of runs in the experiment, and the starting time of each run. It then evaluates the matching between each run in the file and a specified pGUID, task name, and series-date & time.
If a directory or path is provided, the program locates and processes all files under that path, looking for the best match to the provided parameters (pGUID, task, series date&time).
The program returns a diagnostic number, per file, summarizing its format and contents.
If requested, the script exports a clean, standard-format version of a particular E-Prime file.
We include an additional script, abcd_get_eprime_datetime.m, to show the use of inside Matlab.
Read E-Prime files saved as csv or tsv spreadsheets, detecting encoding and format.
Find runs in file, extract their starting time, and calculate their difference relative to a specified date & time.
Reads E-Prime files in a directory, and pick the file-run closest to a specified date & time.
Spreadsheets with practice experiments are considered invalid.
Octavio Ruiz. 2017jun05-nov01, 2018feb19-jun25, 2019apr05-jul23, nov13-dec04, 2020jan13-feb14
./ Print this help
./ file Summary Read file, print summary of file encoding and contents
./ file Info Read file, print diagnostics and file information
./ file InfoCheckName Read file, print diagnostics and file information,
check that file name matches experiment in spreadsheet
./ file ExportFile outfile Read file, and write a new file containing the interpreted EPrime data in our standard format
(tab-separated, no comments before header line, extension = .txt)
outfile should be entered with no extension
./ dir Read files in directory and print a table with diagnostics, experiment date, time, and filename
./ dir PickFile Idem, suppress listing, pick file with best format and diagnostics, print diagnostics and file information
./ dir PickFile "YYYYmmdd HHMMSS" Idem, and calculate difference (in minutes) relative to given time
./ dir PickFile "YYYYmmdd HHMMSS" pGUID Idem, order file names by specified subject
./ dir PickFile "YYYYmmdd HHMMSS" pGUID Task Info Idem, filter for files containing specified task, pick file with smallest pGUID and time differences
Suppress table listing, print diagnostics and file information
./ dir PickFile "YYYYmmdd HHMMSS" pGUID Task ExportFile outfile Idem, write picked file using our standard format
(tab-separated, no comments before header line, extension = .txt)
outfile should be entered with no extension
pGUID Participant short keyname or ""
Task Either "" or one of dict_keys(['nBack', 'MID', 'SST'])
-h Print variable names above output line
-v Verbose operation
Info Print an output line containing:
diagnos dir_found file_found pGUIDmatch contents_ok exper exper_ok fname_exp_match datime_ok exp_t0 run run_t0 tdiff naming_ok fname msg
diagnos Sum of values from the following code:
= 0 File not found
> 0 File was found and read succesfully. Encoding and format are:
1 => Encoding = utf-8
2 => Encoding = utf-16
4 => Separator = Tab, instead of comma
8 => Quoted rows
16 => One or more rows before column-names header
64 => Experiment in spreadsheet matches file name (returned only if option = "FileNameCheck")
< 0 File was found and read, but it is not acceptable:
-1..-16 => Format as described for diag > 0
-32 => Unable to recognize experiment in spreadsheet
-64 => Experiment in spreadsheet does not match file name, or practice experiment (returned only if option = "FileNameCheck")
-128 => Start_time_info not found or unable to extract
-256 => Non specified error
dir_found Directory found
file_found Found at least one file in directory
pGUIDmatch Subject in file name matches the specified pGUID
contents_ok File contains E-Prime data
exper Experiment found inside the file (short code)
exper_ok File contains the specified task
fname_exp_match Experiment in file matches file name
datime_ok Date and time can be extracted
exp_t0 Experiment starting time, according to file contents
tdiff Time difference relative to provided date & time (minutes)
naming_ok File name starts with "NDAR_INV"
fname Full file fname
Use: "echo $?" to check exit status code
./ partic1 PickFile "20170520 164900" "" "" Info
./ partic1 PickFile "20170520 164900" NDAR_INVJPLWZ1Z0 "" Info
./ partic1 PickFile "20170520 164900" NDAR_INVJPLWZ1Z0 MID Info
./ /something/somewhere/site/NDAR_INVJPLZW1Z0/baseline_year_1_arm_1/sst-exported_NDAR_INVJPLZW1Z0_baseline_year_1_arm_1_SessionC
./ "/something/somewhere//INVB9CDPZUA//exported"