This software takes a BIDS folder as input and determines parameters for the DCAN Labs' modified HCP pipeline, calling upon the proper code to run the subject(s).
In order to run this software via a container, you will need to acquire a copy of the FreeSurfer License for yourself.
Follow this link for a FreeSurfer License
Before running, you will need to load the image onto your Docker service by running the following command:
docker pull dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline
If you receive a "no space left on device" error during this pull process, you may need to clean up any old/dangling images and containers from the docker registry, and possibly increase the amount of space allocated to Docker.
You can either pull the image from the Docker repository, or build it from the repository for the image to be saved in the working directory.
singularity pull docker://dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline
singularity build abcd-hcp-pipeline.img docker://dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline
These are essentially the same, but in the latter case you have control over the name of the file.
Using the image will require BIDS formatted input data. Consult for more information and for tools which assist with converting data into BIDS format. Our favorite is Dcm2Bids.
These are the minimal command invocations. Options are detailed in the usage below.
To call using Docker:
docker run --rm \
-v /path/to/bids_dataset:/bids_input:ro \
-v /path/to/outputs:/output \
-v /path/to/freesurfer/license:/license \
dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline /bids_input /output --freesurfer-license=/license [OPTIONS]
To call using Singularity:
env -i singularity run \
-B /path/to/bids_dataset:/bids_input \
-B /path/to/outputs:/output \
-B /path/to/freesurfer/license.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt \
./abcd-hcp-pipeline.img /bids_input /output --freesurfer-license=/opt/freesurfer/license.txt [OPTIONS]
notice that the license is now mounted directly into the freesurfer folder, and the call to singularity is prefaced by "env -i"
The Developmental Cognition and Neuroimaging (DCAN) Labs fMRI Pipeline [1].
This BIDS application initiates a functional MRI processing pipeline built
upon the Human Connectome Project's minimal processing pipelines [2]. The
application requires only a dataset conformed to the BIDS specification, and
little-to-no additional configuration on the part of the user. BIDS format
and applications are explained in detail at
positional arguments:
bids_dir Path to the input BIDS dataset root directory. Read
more about the BIDS standard in the link in the
description. It is recommended to use Dcm2Bids to
convert from participant dicoms into BIDS format.
output_dir Path to the output directory for all intermediate and
output files from the pipeline, which is also where
logs are stored.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version, -v show program's version number and exit
--participant-label ID [ID ...]
Optional list of participant IDs to run. Default is
all IDs found under the BIDS input directory. The
participant label does not include the "sub-" prefix
--freesurfer-license LICENSE_FILE
If using docker or singularity, you will need to
acquire and provide your own FreeSurfer license. The
license can be acquired by filling out this form:
--all-sessions Collapses all sessions into one when running a
--ncpus NCPUS Number of cores to use for concurrent processing and
algorithmic speedups. Warning: causes ANTs and
FreeSurfer to produce non-deterministic results.
--stage STAGE Begin from a given stage, continuing through. Options:
PreFreeSurfer, FreeSurfer, PostFreeSurfer, FMRIVolume,
FMRISurface, DCANBOLDProcessing, ExecutiveSummary,
--bandstop LOWER UPPER
Parameters for motion regressor band-stop filter. It
is recommended for the boundaries to match the inter-
quartile range for participant group respiratory rate
(breaths per minute), or to match bids physio data
directly [3]. These parameters are highly recommended
for data acquired with a frequency of approx. 1 Hz or
more (TR<=1.0). Default is no filter.
Special pipeline options:
Options which pertain to an alternative pipeline or an extra stage which is not
inferred from the BIDS data.
--custom-clean JSON Runs DCAN cleaning script after the pipeline
completes successfully to delete pipeline outputs
base on the file structure specified in the custom-
clean JSON. Required for the custom clean stage.
--abcd-task Runs ABCD task data through task fMRI analysis, adding
this stage to the end. Warning: Not written for
general use: a general task analysis module will be
included in a future release.
--study-template HEAD BRAIN
Template head and brain images for intermediate
nonlinear registration and masking, effective where
population differs greatly from average adult, e.g. in
elderly populations with large ventricles.
--ignore {func,dwi} Ignore a modality in processing. Option can be
Runtime options:
Special changes to runtime behaviors. Debugging features.
--check-outputs-only Checks for the existence of outputs for each stage
then exit. Useful for debugging.
Print run commands for each stage to shell then exit.
Continues pipeline even if some expected outputs are
[1] Sturgeon, D., Perrone, A., Earl, E., & Snider, K.
DCAN_Labs/abcd-hcp-pipeline. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2587209. (check on for a version-specific DOI/citation)
[2] Glasser, MF. et al. The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human
Connectome Project. Neuroimage. 2013 Oct 15;80:105-24.
[3] Fair, D. et al. Correction of respiratory artifacts in MRI head motion
estimates. Biorxiv. 2018 June 7. doi:
[4] Dale, A.M., Fischl, B., Sereno, M.I., 1999. Cortical surface-based
analysis. I. Segmentation and surface reconstruction. Neuroimage 9, 179-194.
[5] M. Jenkinson, C.F. Beckmann, T.E. Behrens, M.W. Woolrich, S.M. Smith. FSL.
NeuroImage, 62:782-90, 2012
[6] Avants, BB et al. The Insight ToolKit image registration framework. Front
Neuroinform. 2014 Apr 28;8:44. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00044. eCollection 2014.
First ensure that you have constructed a bids_input
folder which conforms to BIDS specifications.
You may use Dcm2Bids for this purpose.
The code block below shows an example of using some advanced arguments.
We have defined a bandstop filter --bandstop 18.582 25.726
for motion numbers, where our subject demographic have respiratory rates between 18 and 25 breaths per minute.
This is the interquartile range (25th percentile and 75th percentile), not the absolute range.
For study templates we will mount an additional path into the Docker container -v /path/to/template/folder:/atlases
which contains these extra files: study_head.nii.gz
, and study_brain.nii.gz
Then, we add these templates in as the study template head and brain --study-template /atlases/study_head.nii.gz /atlases/study_brain.nii.gz
using the path as mounted into the Docker container /atlases
We have also requested 4 cores for faster processing --ncpus 4
docker run --rm \
-v /path/to/bids_dataset:/bids_input:ro \
-v /path/to/outputs:/output \
-v /path/to/freesurfer/LICENSE:/license:ro \
-v /path/to/template/folder:/atlases \
dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline /bids_input /output \
--freesurfer-license /license \
--bandstop 18.582 25.726 \
--study-template /atlases/study_head.nii.gz /atlases/study_brain.nii.gz \
--ncpus 4
Note that the mount flag -v
follows docker run
, as it is a Docker option, whereas the --freesurfer-license
, --bandstop
, and --study-template
flags follow dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline
, as they are options passed into this pipeline and documented in the usage above.
The outputs are organized in the following structure:
|__ sub-id
|__ ses-session
|__ files
| |__ executive_summary
| |__ MNINonLinear
| | |__ fsaverage_LR32k
| | |__ Results
| |__ T1w
| | |__ id
| |__ task-taskname
|__ logs
: The .html file within can be opened for quality inspection of pipeline results.MNINonLinear
: Contains the final space results of anatomy in 164k resolution.MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k
: Final space anatomy in 32k resolution, where functional data is ultimately projected.MNINonLinear/Results
: Final space functional data.T1w
: Contains native space anatomical data as well as intermediate preprocessing files.T1w/id
: The participant ID folder within T1w is the FreeSurfer subject folder.task-taskname
: These folders contain intermediate functional preprocessing files.
contains the log files for each stage. In the case of an error, consult these files in addition to the standard error and standard output of the app itself (by default this is printed to the command line).
- unchecked: 999
- succeeded: 1
- incomplete: 2
- failed: 3
- not_started: 4
The --stage
option exists so you can restart the pipeline from a specific stage in the case that it terminates prematurely.
The special pipeline options are designed for use with specific data sets.
If you are using an elderly or neurodegenerative population, adding a "study template" tends to improve results. This is generally constructed using ANTs to build an average template of your subjects. This template is then used as an intermediate warp stage, assisting in nonlinear registration of subjects with large ventricles.
It should be noted that abcd-task
is not compatible with a BIDS folder structure, and a compatible task module will be added in a future version which will allow BIDS formatted task data to be processed automatically.
The pipeline may take over 24 hours if run on a single core. It is recommended to use at least 4 cores and allow for at least 12GB of memory total (so at least 3GB per core) to be safe. Most fMRI processing can be done in parallel, so using a number of cores which evenly divides your number of fMRI runs is optimal.
Temporary/Scratch space: By default everything is processed in the output folder. We will work on a more efficient use of disk space in the future, along with the ability to use a temporary file system mount for hot read/writes.
This software will resolve to using spin echo field maps if they are present, then gradient field maps, then None, consistent with best observed performances. Note that there are no errors or warnings if multiple modalities are present.
For specified use of spin echo field maps, i.e. mapping a pair to each individual functional run, it is necessary to insert the IntendedFor
field into the BIDS input sidecar JSONs, which specifies which functional run(s) a field map is intended for. This field is explained in greater detail within the BIDS specification.
In the case of multiband (fast TR) data, it is recommended to employ a band-stop filter to mitigate artifactually high motion numbers. The band-stop filter used on motion regressors prior to frame-wise displacement calculation has parameters which should be chosen based on subject respiratory rate.
Diffusion field maps are still a work in progress, as this data differs significantly between scanner make/model. We will happily add new formats to the pipeline, so please post an issue if you run into field map trouble.
DWI processing is to be included in a future release. Demand for this feature would speed up its release.
The ideal motion filtering parameters have not been robustly tested across repetition times or populations outside of adolescents. Additionally, automatic reading of physio data from BIDS format has not yet been implemented, so the proper range should be decided upon carefully. Consult reference [3] in the usage for more information.
Software does not currently support dynamic acquisition parameters for a single modality (e.g. different phase encoding directions for two fMRI series, like Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left). Other parameters would have to be processed by creating separate BIDS datasets for sessions with varied fMRI parameters.