Simple Weibo SDK turns Weibo API into a Java interface with RxJava.
My posts:
weibo = SimpleWeibo.create(activity);
Observable<Status> myStatuses = weibo.getStatuses();
logIn (default permissions):
weibo.logInWithPermissions("email", "statuses_to_me_read").subscribe();
Using Weibo Core SDK:
WeiboParameters params = new WeiboParameters(appId);
params.put("access_token", accessToken); // AbsOpenAPI.KEY_ACCESS_TOKEN
// put ...
new AsyncWeiboRunner(context).requestAsync(
"" + "/statuses/friends_timeline.json", // AbsOpenAPI.API_SERVER
new RequestListener() {
@Override public void onComplete(String json) {
@Override public void onWeiboException(WeiboException e) {
Using Weibo SDK:
StatusesAPI statusesApi = new StatusesAPI(context, appId, accessToken);
statusesApi.friendsTimeline(0L, 0L, 10, 1, false, 0, false, new RequestListener() {
@Override public void onComplete(String json) {
StatusList statusList = StatusList.parse(response);
List<Status> statuses = statusList.statusList;
// statusAdapter.addAll(statuses);
// statusAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
@Override public void onWeiboException(WeiboException e) {
After, using SimpleWeibo:
<string name="weibo_app_id" translatable="false">2045436852</string>
<!-- Optional -->
<string name="weibo_redirect_url" translatable="false"></string>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/weibo_app_id" />
<!-- Optional -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/weibo_redirect_url" />
SimpleWeibo weibo;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
weibo = SimpleWeibo.create(activity);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
weibo.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Add intent-filter on caller activity:
<action android:name="" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
Though onActivityResult(..)
, handle onCreate(Bundle)
, onNewIntent(Intent)
, onResponse(BaseResponse)
public MainActivity extends Activity implements IWeiboHandler.Response {
SimpleWeibo weibo;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
weibo = SimpleWeibo.create(this);
weibo.onCreate(this, this, savedInstanceState);
// Bitmap bitmap = ...;
weibo.share(this, "Hello", bitmap).subscribe(baseResponse -> {});
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
weibo.onNewIntent(this, intent);
public void onResponse(BaseResponse baseResponse) {
Ready API:
public abstract Observable<Status> getStatuses(
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("base_app") boolean baseApp,
@Query("trim_user") boolean trimUser,
@Query("feature") int featureType
public Observable<Status> getStatuses() {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Status> getMentionedStatuses(
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("filter_by_author") int filterByAuthor,
@Query("filter_by_source") int filterBySource,
@Query("filter_by_type") int filterByType,
@Query("trim_user") boolean trimUser
public Observable<Status> getMentionedStatuses() {
// ...
public abstract Observable<User> getUsersById(@Query("uid") long uid);
public abstract Observable<User> getUsersByName(@Query("screen_name") String screenName);
public abstract Observable<User> getUsersByDomain(@Query("domain") String domain);
public abstract Observable<User> getUsersCount(@Query("uids") long[] uids);
public abstract Observable<Comment> getCommentsById(
@Query("id") int id,
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("filter_by_author") int filterByAuthor
public Observable<Comment> getCommentsById(int id) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> getCommentsByMe(
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("filter_by_source") int filterBySource
public Observable<Comment> getCommentsByMe() {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> getCommentsByMe(int filterBySource) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> getCommentsToMe(
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("filter_by_author") int filterByAuthor,
@Query("filter_by_source") int filterBySource
public Observable<Comment> getCommentsToMe() {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> getCommentsToMe(int filterByAuthor, int filterBySource) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> getComments(
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("trim_user") boolean trimUser
public Observable<Comment> getComments() {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> getComments(boolean trimUser) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> getMentionedComments(
@Query("since_id") long sinceId,
@Query("max_id") long maxId,
@Query("count") int count,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("filter_by_author") int filterByAuthor,
@Query("filter_by_source") int filterBySource
public Observable<Comment> getMentionedComments() {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> getMentionedComments(int filterByAuthor, int filterBySource) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> getBatchComments(@Query("cids") long[] cids);
public abstract Observable<Response> invite(@RetroWeibo.Query("uid") long uid, @RetroWeibo.Query("data") Invitation invitation);
public abstract Observable<Status> publishStatus(
@RetroWeibo.Query("status") String content,
@RetroWeibo.Query("long") double longtitude,
@RetroWeibo.Query("lat") double latitude
public abstract Observable<Status> publishStatus(
@RetroWeibo.Query("status") String content,
@RetroWeibo.Query("pic") Bitmap picture,
@RetroWeibo.Query("long") double longtitude,
@RetroWeibo.Query("lat") double latitude
public abstract Observable<Status> publishStatus(
@RetroWeibo.Query("status") String content,
@RetroWeibo.Query("url") String pictureUrl,
@RetroWeibo.Query("pic_id") String pictureId,
@RetroWeibo.Query("long") double longtitude,
@RetroWeibo.Query("lat") double latitude
public Observable<Status> publishStatus(
String content,
String pictureUrl,
double longtitude,
double latitude
) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> publishComment(
@RetroWeibo.Query("comment") String comment,
@RetroWeibo.Query("id") long id,
@RetroWeibo.Query("comment_ori") boolean pingback
public Observable<Comment> publishComment(String comment, long id) {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> publishComment(String comment, Status status) {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> publishComment(String comment, String id) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Comment> deleteComment(
@RetroWeibo.Query("cid") long commentId
public abstract Observable<Comment> deleteComments(
@RetroWeibo.Query("cids") long[] commentIds
public abstract Observable<Comment> replyComment(
@RetroWeibo.Query("comment") String comment,
@RetroWeibo.Query("cid") long cid,
@RetroWeibo.Query("id") long id,
@RetroWeibo.Query("without_mention") boolean withoutMention,
@RetroWeibo.Query("comment_ori") boolean pingback
public Observable<Comment> replyComment(
String comment,
long cid,
long id
) {
// ...
public Observable<Comment> replyComment(String comment, Comment parentComment) {
// ...
public abstract Observable<Response> revoke();
public Observable<Response> logOut() {
// ...
Add Model:
public abstract class Status implements android.os.Parcelable {
@AutoJson.Field(name = "created_at")
public abstract String createdAt();
public abstract String id();
// ...
- Sample code:
- apk:
via jitpack:
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.8tory.SimpleWeibo:simpleweibo:-SNAPSHOT'
via jcenter:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.infstory:simpleweibo:1.0.1'
Copyright 2015 8tory, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.