Incredibly Simple and Cheaply-Written BASIC Interpreter for Arduino
This was a proof of concept for a random assignment as a young'n many years back, and contains atrocities of code that should hardly be poked with a 50 poot pole. You have been warned (:p)
STATUS AS OF 2019-01-01: PRINT/GOTO Working, LET Only Supports Declaration and Direct Changes, Only Math is Addition (Using Negative Numbers Might Be Alternative, Untested)
This project was/is made for a HS-level final project for a digital electronics class. The interpreter is intended to follow the pattern of receiving each string line-by-line via PS/2 keyboard input, searching an inputted line to tokenize the command and delimit each command before inserting it into a string, which, upon execution, will simply iterate through the string and execute the proper instructions accordingly.
-10 LET A = 5
-30 PRINT "Looping String, Complete with symbols"
-40 GOTO 30
assuming each line is separated by Linebreaks/Enter presses, and the dashes at the start of each line are not present, the example would be tokenized and compressed into
',L10C01PA=5,L20C03P(A),L30C03P"Looping String, Complete with symbols",L40C02P30'.
Each command is made up of a set of parts, and is delimited by a comma between commands.
-L marks the line number of each command, and is included for commands like GOTO
-C represents the tokenized commands, which, while not yet determined in final, use C01 for LET, C02 for GOTO, and C03 for PRINT in the example.
-P represents any parameters a command may take, and the compression may vary based on the command. For Example, LET's parameter takes text to the left of an = sign to a variable name, and numbers to the right as the data. variables used inside the compressed string will use () as a notation for readability.
Operations use LET for variable changing operations (ex. LET (a) = ((b) + (c)) or LET (a) = (a) + (b) ), and basic operations are handled directly (ex. PRINT ((a) + (b)). Supported mathematic operations will include: + - * / %
Included commands will be:
LET - Variable Assignment/Modification; Syntax Example: LET foo = 5; LET (foo) = 10
PRINT - Visual Output Command; Syntax Example: PRINT "TEXT"
GOTO - Program Jump Command; Syntax Example: GOTO 10
IF - Conditional Statement; Syntax Example: IF (foo) < (bar)
THEN - Conditional Response Statement; Every Line Contained by an IF Needs THEN; Syntax Example: THEN PRINT "TEXT"
FOR - Loop Of Given Length; Syntax Example: FOR X = -2
TO - Provides Range of Values for Loop, Inclusive; Syntax Example: TO x = 5
STEP - Provides Interval of Values for Loop; Syntax Example; STEP 1
NEXT - Provides Point for Loop to Restart and increments X by STEP; Syntax Example: FOR X = -2 TO 2 STEP 1 NEXT
REM - Provides Line That is Not Executed, Comment line: Syntax Example: REM