[+] Improve compatibility with PHP 5.6 (PS 1.6.0 and PS 1.6.1) [#34009]
[+] Sort the orders list from the most recent [#32265]
[+] Show not imported orders in a new list [#32394]
[+] Improve translations in onboarding setup [#33513]
[+] Add logger system for new APIs [#34052]
[+] Added a link to the PrestaShop order in the list of eBay orders [#32607]
[+] Added link to PrestaShop product in eBay "list of rejected products" [#32610]
[+] Rename "Onboarding URL" field in the token configuration section [#33413]
[+] Change field name in the "Orders not imported" tab [#34392]
[+] Login request after token generation [#35475]
[+] Show listings by shop in the eBay product list [#35616]
[+] Removed statistics collection code [#35505]
[+] Removed links to help 202 in the module [#35530]
[ * ] BugFix: Error in importing orders when using multiple profiles [#34179]
[ * ] BugFix: The token is not generated after onboarding configuration [#33563]
[ * ] BugFix: Error after update shipping business policy [#34033]
[ * ] BugFix: Invalid Shipping policy problem #34229]
[ * ] BugFix: PHP error message after installation (PS 1.6.0 and PS 1.6.1) [#33947]
[ * ] BugFix: Error messages when installing on PS 1.6 [#34283]
[ * ] BugFix: Correction of Auth accpeted URL provided when onboarding on PS 1.6 [#34227]
[ * ] BugFix: Error during OAauth2 token generation in PS 1.6 [#34043]
[ * ] BugFix: Error in the namespace of the vendor libs (PHP 5.6) [#34034]
[ * ] BugFix: Link to eBay profile in the top bar doesn't work on PS 1.7 [#34125]
[ * ] BugFix: idsite US et UK [#34722]
[ * ] BugFix: Policy synchronisation error when the condition name is too long or when there are too many conditions [#35082]
[ * ] Bugfix: error message when uninstalling after module reset [#35615]
[ * ] Fix PrestaShop validator errors [#34796]
Contributors: @bogdan202 @202-ecommerce @Artem202 @andreyPresta