This is the monorepo for Enclave, an open-source protocol for Encrypted Execution Environments (E3).
Enclave employs a modular architecture involving numerous actors and participants. The sequence diagram below offers a high-level overview of the protocol, but necessarily omits most detail.
actor Requester
actor Data Providers
participant Enclave
participant Ciphernode Registry
participant Ciphernodes
participant Computation Module
participant Execution Module
loop Each computation request
Requester ->> Enclave: Request computation
activate Enclave
Enclave ->> Ciphernode Registry: Select Committee
activate Ciphernode Registry
Ciphernode Registry -->> Ciphernodes: Key Setup
activate Ciphernodes
Ciphernodes -->> Ciphernode Registry: Publish shared keys
deactivate Ciphernodes
Ciphernode Registry -->> Enclave: Publish Committee
deactivate Ciphernode Registry
loop Each input
Data Providers ->> Enclave: Publish inputs
Enclave ->> Computation Module: Validate inputs
activate Computation Module
Computation Module -->> Enclave: 👌
deactivate Computation Module
Enclave ->> Execution Module: Request execution
activate Execution Module
Execution Module -->> Enclave: Publish ciphertext output
deactivate Execution Module
Enclave -->> Ciphernodes: Request plaintext output
activate Ciphernodes
Ciphernodes ->> Enclave: Publish plaintext output
deactivate Ciphernodes
Requester -->> Enclave: Get plaintext
Enclave -->> Requester: Returns plaintext
deactivate Enclave
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This repo created under the LGPL-3.0+ license.