Hi, I'm Julian. I'm very interested in coding and gaming if you are too, feel free to join my discord server. The 0FFENS1VE community is currently very small, but everyone started out small, right? I'm glad you found this account and I hope you find the code you were looking for here!
PayPal // www.paypal.me/S0C1AL
Bitcoin // bc1q4q5l24qwv3tuu2fdatnjzhk0v4vrahyzc66y60
Bitcoin Cash // qqm9el49c8cvtz7cc7fxz2yu0l0j079cssvdf86r5u
Ethereum // 0x0d7C461154D2B19De35830655C32fBb029527893
Lifecoin // ltc1qr8kmxqne3y2qjc86yjrg69yj7k2qzx2c5hpz25
Polygon // 0x0d7C461154D2B19De35830655C32fBb029527893