- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import seaborn as sns
Gender: Gender of the passengers (Female, Male)
Customer Type: The customer type (Loyal customer, disloyal customer)
Age: The actual age of the passengers
Type of Travel: Purpose of the flight of the passengers (Personal Travel, Business Travel)
Class: Travel class in the plane of the passengers (Business, Eco, Eco Plus)
Flight distance: The flight distance of this journey
Inflight wifi service: Satisfaction level of the inflight wifi service (0:Not Applicable;1-5)
Departure/Arrival time convenient: Satisfaction level of Departure/Arrival time convenient
Ease of Online booking: Satisfaction level of online booking
Gate location: Satisfaction level of Gate location
Food and drink: Satisfaction level of Food and drink
Online boarding: Satisfaction level of online boarding
Seat comfort: Satisfaction level of Seat comfort
Inflight entertainment: Satisfaction level of inflight entertainment
On-board service: Satisfaction level of On-board service
Leg room service: Satisfaction level of Leg room service
Baggage handling: Satisfaction level of baggage handling
Check-in service: Satisfaction level of Check-in service
Inflight service: Satisfaction level of inflight service
Cleanliness: Satisfaction level of Cleanliness
Departure Delay in Minutes: Minutes delayed when departure
Arrival Delay in Minutes: Minutes delayed when Arrival
Satisfaction: Airline satisfaction level(Satisfaction, neutral or dissatisfaction)
train.csv: Original training dataset that is used for ML
test.csv: Original testing dataset that is used for ML
Airline Satisfaction.ipynb: The notebook with analysis for this project
I am trying to find out if airline industry can rely on passenger satisfaction survey to improve their service.
Throughout the analysis in the notebook, I use Data Visualization and Machine Learning techniques to find out that Class (Whether passenger fly in Business or Economy Class) has a big effect on how satisfy the passengers are. I think this will not help the Airline Industry improve their service, because airline don't decide if people purchase a business class or economy class ticket. If Airline solely rely on this factor to improve service, it would be completely unreliable.
Please refer to the Medium: https://medium.com/@zzy98y/can-we-rely-on-air-travel-passenger-satisfaction-survey-to-improve-air-travel-experience-bc60ec474fb3