All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.9.0 (2021-10-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @diablo2/packets
0.8.0 (2021-10-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @diablo2/packets
0.7.0 (2021-10-16)
0.6.0 (2021-10-13)
0.5.0 (2021-03-26)
- packets: actually export all the packets (bc7b6c2)
- packets/pd2: correct parsing of packet 0x56 (459ef8a)
- add NpcEnchants to track modifiers to Npcs (9c602c4)
- core: basic game state from packets flowing though it (#10) (c052059)
- packets: support unknown 0x56 packet for pd2 (33b25de)
0.4.0 (2020-11-06)
- support both pod and pd2 (d89f86e)
- support project diablo2 (f794865)
- packets: add missing 0xaa StateAdd packet (c31f565)
0.3.0 (2020-09-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @diablo2/packets
0.2.1 (2020-09-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @diablo2/packets
0.2.0 (2020-09-19)
- packets: correct typings for binary parser for npc/item packets (9665ee6)
- packets: dont error if we do not know the attribute name (14a3bbd)
- adding client packets (2cdf7e3)
- correctly load lang and parse npcs (9a82945)
- initial commit (4e1a573)
- initial work on binary file parser (4f16516)
- load lang files from tbl to parse items (29eca9a)
- more packet parsing (dcc75b8)
- parse npcs from packets using mpq data (2fa03e2)
- somewhat working packet parser (be51126)
- start parsing monster information (8a66db3)