spring-data-jpa-extra comes to solve three problem:
- dynamic native query support like mybatis
- return type can be anything
- no code, just sql
- first add ComponentScan
by java bean
by xml
<context:component-scan base-package="com.slyak,your.base.package"/>
- second extends GenericJpaRepository insteadof JpaRepository
public interface SampleRepository extends GenericJpaRepository<Sample, Long> {
Page<Sample> findByContent(String content, Pageable pageable);
CustomVO findCustomVO(Long id);
- third create a file named Sample.xml in your classpath:/sqls/ (you can change this path by setting placeholder spring.jpa.template-location)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<sqls xmlns="http://www.slyak.com/schema/templatequery" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.slyak.com/schema/templatequery http://www.slyak.com/schema/templatequery.xsd">
<sql name="findByContent">
SELECT * FROM t_sample WHERE 1=1
<#if content??>
AND content LIKE :content
<sql name="findCustomVO">
SELECT id,name as viewName FROM t_sample WHERE id=:id
- xml is not recommended the next coming version 2.0 , new template 'sftl' will take place of xml (xml is so heavy, but it is also supported). sftl is a ftl template mixed with sqls. The template will be simplified as below. It can be recognized in Intellij IDEA , follow thease steps: settings->Editor->File Types , find "Freemarker Template" and register a new type named '*.sftl',choose it's 'Template Data Language' such as 'MYSQL'.
SELECT * FROM t_sample WHERE 1=1
<#if content??>
AND content LIKE :content
SELECT id,name as viewName FROM t_sample WHERE id=:id
you can use it by using source code or adding a maven dependency
config with annotation
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "your.packages", repositoryBaseClass = GenericJpaRepositoryImpl.class, repositoryFactoryBeanClass = GenericJpaRepositoryFactoryBean.class)
or with xml
<jpa:repositories base-package="your.packages" repository-base-class="com.slyak.spring.jpa.GenericJpaRepositoryImpl" repository-factory-bean-class="com.slyak.spring.jpa.GenericJpaRepositoryFactoryBean"/>
Methods annotated with @TemplateQuery tells QueryLookupStrategy to look up query by content,this is often used by dynamic query.
Object annotated with @TemplateQueryObject tells content process engine render params provided by object properties.
Entity assemblers can assembler entity with other entities, such as one to many relation or one to one relation.
//batch get items and put the result into a map
Map<ID, T> mget(Collection<ID> ids);
//get items one by one for cache
Map<ID, T> mgetOneByOne(Collection<ID> ids);
//get items one by one for cache
List<T> findAllOneByOne(Collection<ID> ids);
//toggle entity status if it has a Status property
void toggleStatus(ID id);
//set entity status to Status.DELETED if it has a Status property
void fakeDelete(ID... id);
- More types of content support (now freemarker)
- More JPA comparison support (now hibernate)
- Performance test and do some optimization
- More other useful features
- Change to the latest spring-data-jpa version