0.6.32 - 2019/04/03
- Removed disk size being displayed on Schedules. Too much overhead on larger datacenters do extra api calls for each item.
0.6.31 - 2019/03/28
- Removed disk size being displayed on Single Backup. Too much overhead on larger datacenters do extra api calls for each item.
0.6.30 - 2018/12/11
- Add ability to choose first backup disk which allows for connected storage on BackupVM.
- Added pbzip2 and bzip2 compression options. If using pbzip2,
apt-get install pbzip2
- buggy for now recommend sticking with LZO until fixed
- Adjusted log so that multiple lines of the same value do not log
- Check to make sure disks writeable before allowing backup
- Verify disk images are valid after backup and prior to restore to make sure errors are thrown
- When restoring a backup, the disk type (virtio/scsi/ide) will now match the original backed up VM
- Minor adjustments to lists, prompts, logs, etc
0.6.29 - 2018/12/6
- Add disk space alerts to code for /mnt/backups
- Hide lost+found directory on restore list
0.6.28 - 2018/12/5
- Minor Docs Updates
- Adjust UUID to be more flexible for importing from KVM UUIDs (Thanks doe-cu)
- Add cluster name to VM list when choosing a VM for backup
0.6.27 - 2018/10/12
- Add extra setting for backing up memory state (yes/no)
0.6.26 - 2018/09/29
- Add extra logic for troubleshooting initial user/pass entry
0.6.25 - 2018/09/20
- Xen Migrate VMS - sort list by name
- Single Backup - show VM Comment if set
0.6.24 - 2018/09/1
- Fix a couple issues with installer script, manual install how-to
- Fix issue with "desktop" version of restore process
0.6.23 - 2018/08/29
- Fix code to be better with other languages, but "US English" is still recommended to make sure all scripts function as intended
0.6.22 - 2018/05/31
- Fix some issues with Xen migration logic
- Allow for grub fix on CentOS7 VMs (requires installing package "lvm2") ** Still buggy
- Alert "!" will now show in top right menu if version update available
0.6.21 - 2018/05/15
- Fix bug with random emails coming from automatedbackup routine
0.6.20 - 2018/05/11
- Added "from" email address option to settings and email alerts
0.6.19 - 2018/05/04
- Misc bug fixes
0.6.18 - 2018/04/23
- Added lzo encryption (Thanks to Squeekz)
- Bug fixes on multi-disk backup
- Misc bug fixes
0.6.17 - 2018/04/10
- Minor tweaks
0.6.16 - 2018/04/06
- Add a scripted installer for Debian 9
- Compression on backup images added as an option
0.6.15 - 2018/04/06
- Added Multi Schedule Manager for Scheduled Backups
0.6.14 - 2018/04/06
- Update/Upgrade area to fetch new files etc.
0.6.13 - 2018/04/06
- Fixed issues with Restores not showing in list if they contained a '.' in their VMName
- Minor fixes to automated backup logic
- Extra logic added to detect if oVirtSimpleBackupVM has OS mounted as something other than expected /dev/*da
0.6.12 - 2018/04/05
- Allow option for thin provisioned (sparse) disks in restore/migrate
- When restoring or migrating, if choosing a storage domain that supports discard, then you can optionally pass_discard=true to the VM disk(s)
0.6.11 - 2018/04/05
- Additional bug fixes with automated backups and errors with fdisk not being found
- Added extra logic to WebUI if Automated Backup is running
0.6.10 - 2018/04/05
- recover running tasks if browser is closed and re-opened. Just visit status page and click the link to continue the running job.
0.6.9 - 2018/04/05
- Additional Bug fixes in Restore of Multiple Disk VMs
- Moved changelog to its own file
0.6.8 - 2018/04/04
- Bug fixes in Restore of Multiple Disk VMs
0.6.7 - 2018/04/04
- Revise disk mount process to adapt to /dev/?d* to avoid issues with disks not being freed up in time by the oVirtSimpleBackupVM OS
0.6.6 - 2018/04/04
- Auto detect virtio/virtio_scsi from /dev/*da to avoid misconfigurations
- Versioning patches will now auto apply
0.6.5 - 2018/03/30
- oVirtSimpleBackup now checks for any snapshots on oVirtSimpleBackupVM as this will disallow attaching disks dynamically. Warnings will now show if snapshots exist on the oVirtSimpleBackupVM.
- oVirtSimpleBackup will now detect if Storage Domain is not yet set and hide the main menu (other than settings) if Storage Domain has not yet been set.
- Settings will now fix bad log file path.
0.6.4 - 2018/03/27
- Minor fixes
- Added docs: nfs-common required (on BackupVM)
- Added docs: chmod 755 /usr/share/ovirt-engine/ui-plugins/simpleBackup* -R (On Engine VM)
- Added a "Click Here" to the top of the settings page to test config with Engine.
0.6.3 - 2018/03/26
- Scheduled backups with retention periods and email alerts have been added. Instructions below.
0.6.2 - 2018/03/26
- Added version detection on upgrade to clear caches and any other required version adjustments using a versioning function
- Retired old BASH Scripts and promoted PHP version to root of project
0.6.1 - 2018/03/25
- Minor code adjustments and bug fixes
0.6.0 - 2018/03/25
- Obscured admin password for ovirt in code and config.php. This will require a re-config of your settings.
- Added a log viewer
- Added logging to all areas
- Complete JS re-work to move all state into php to allow for future recover processes
- Complete re-work of php processes and functions for xen migrations, backups, and restores to allow for better tracking and state.
- Added support for multi-disk VM backup/restore
- Added timezone support so that logs will be reported in correct date/time and so that future scheduling features will have correct date/time
Prior Versions were not tracked for version history as project was just getting started.