diff --git a/build.zig b/build.zig
index d93b476..e4a3f33 100644
--- a/build.zig
+++ b/build.zig
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) !void {
src: []const u8,
.{ .name = "hello", .src = "examples/hello/hello.zig" },
+ .{ .name = "https", .src = "examples/https/https.zig" },
.{ .name = "hello2", .src = "examples/hello2/hello2.zig" },
.{ .name = "routes", .src = "examples/routes/routes.zig" },
.{ .name = "serve", .src = "examples/serve/serve.zig" },
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) !void {
}) |excfg| {
const ex_name = excfg.name;
const ex_src = excfg.src;
const ex_build_desc = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
"build the {s} example",
diff --git a/examples/https/https.zig b/examples/https/https.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc16aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/https/https.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const zap = @import("zap");
+fn on_request_verbose(r: zap.SimpleRequest) void {
+ if (r.path) |the_path| {
+ std.debug.print("PATH: {s}\n", .{the_path});
+ }
+ if (r.query) |the_query| {
+ std.debug.print("QUERY: {s}\n", .{the_query});
+ }
+ r.sendBody("
Hello from ZAP!!!
") catch return;
+fn on_request_minimal(r: zap.SimpleRequest) void {
+ r.sendBody("Hello from ZAP!!!
") catch return;
+fn help_and_exit(filename: []const u8, err: anyerror) void {
+ std.debug.print(
+ \\ Error: File `{s}` : {any}
+ \\
+ \\ To generate both the certificate file and the key file, use the following command:
+ \\
+ \\ **********************************************************************************************
+ \\ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mykey.pem -out mycert.pem
+ \\ **********************************************************************************************
+ \\
+ \\ After that, run this example again
+ ,
+ .{ filename, err },
+ );
+ std.os.exit(1);
+pub fn main() !void {
+ const CERT_FILE = "mycert.pem";
+ const KEY_FILE = "mykey.pem";
+ std.fs.cwd().access(CERT_FILE, .{}) catch |err| {
+ help_and_exit(CERT_FILE, err);
+ };
+ std.fs.cwd().access(KEY_FILE, .{}) catch |err| {
+ help_and_exit(KEY_FILE, err);
+ };
+ const tls = zap.fio_tls_new(
+ "localhost:4443",
+ null, // key file is not password-protected
+ );
+ var listener = zap.SimpleHttpListener.init(.{
+ .port = 4443,
+ .on_request = on_request_verbose,
+ .log = true,
+ .max_clients = 100000,
+ .tls = tls,
+ });
+ try listener.listen();
+ std.debug.print("Listening on\n", .{});
+ std.debug.print("", .{});
+ std.debug.print(
+ \\
+ \\ ***********************************************
+ \\ *** Try me with: curl -k -v localhost:4443/ ***
+ \\ ***********************************************
+ \\
+ \\Your browser may lie to you, indicate a non-secure connection because of the self-created certificate, and make you believe that HTTPS / TLS "does not work".
+ \\
+ , .{});
+ // start worker threads
+ zap.start(.{
+ .threads = 2,
+ .workers = 1,
+ });