This is a simple Operating System, Which implements some useful component. All componnet of PT-OS is just ProtoType, and that is origin of its name. When you have some intersting ideas, and you can implement them in PT-OS. And I think it will reduce the waste of time.
I gave detailed comments in code and design ideas in /doc/ dir. And all of them is wrote in chinese.
These are the target that I want to do.
- single Intel core (working)
- two same Intel cores (In the future)
- two Intel cores with different frequency (In the future)
- single Hbird e200 32 core (In the future)
There is a problems that the Hardware-Platform is based on Intel, and I want to transplant it to other platforms in the future. Recently I am building a SOC based on RISC-V ISA, so this maybe a new direction.
physical page management (working)
linux(Buddy system), book(bitmap ok)
Fine-grained memory management (working)
FreeRTOS(heap testing), Linux(Slab)
The detailed information about memory will be showed
- ELF program load (tesing)
- Kernel thread (ok)
- Simple priority scheduling (ok)
- User process and thread (In the future)
- CFS scheduling (In the future, and it needs a long time)
- RR sechduling ((In the future, and it needs some time))
- EAS scheduling (In the future, and it needs a long time)
- Interrupt controler based on 8258A (ok)
- Timer based on 8253 (ok)
- Debug port
- Error Handling module
- Linuxmint 17.3/18.3
- GNU gcc 5.4
- GNU ld 2.26.1
- GNU Make 4.1
- bochs 2.6.9
If I build the RISC-V SOC successfully, and the "vivado" will be added in tools.
Fisrt step, you should download "bochs-2.6.9.tar.gz" from Bochs Website
Second step, you should install some package to solve dependency.
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ build-essential xorg-xdev
xserver-xorg-dev libgtk2.0-dev bochs-sdl
Third step, you should configure bochs in bochs_dir.
./configure --enable-debugger --enable-disasm --enable-iodebug
--enable-x86-debugger --with-x --with-x11
Final step, you should compile bochs in bochs_dir.
make -j4
bochs_conf: It includes the bochs's base configure file "bochsrc" and log file "bochsrc". When you use Makefile, a new bochsrc file will be created according to you pc's user name.
boot: It includes some boot code, such as the MBR and loader program.
build: The obj file and elf file will be built here.
dev: The device's hardware interface. (timer, disk_interface)
doc: Some design document which useful for understanding these code.
it: It includes some interrupt controler and some handling program.
kernel: It includes the code which are used to start all init and configure.
lib: There are some general program and struct, which is helpful for our development. (list, bitmap, heap, lock, elf, std_type_define)
mm_v1: This the simplest memory management system, which uses a bitmap to manage the physical/virtual memory's usage.(Low Level)
mm_v2: This the more complex memory management system, which uses a Buddy system to manage the physical memory's usage .(Middle Level)
sc: It has some system call. However, these function can only be used by kernel, because our OS is not completed. In the future , these sys_call will be occured by system_call handle function and interrupt.
The variable in code will be initialized by 0, and I add the option of -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss in gcc C_FLAGS. Therefore the variable will be put in .data segment.
You should put "pt_os" dir and "bochs" dir in current user's Desktop, otherwise you need to modify "bochsrc" and "Makefile".
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