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Sphinx Search
Michael Snoyman edited this page Feb 16, 2012
6 revisions
This is a port of the code in the Sphinx Search case study blog post by Michael Snoyman. It has been updated to work with Yesod 0.10 with Conduits 0.2, Persistent 0.8
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell,
QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs, FlexibleContexts
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import Database.Persist.Store (PersistValue (PersistInt64))
import qualified Text.Search.Sphinx as S
import qualified Text.Search.Sphinx.Types as ST
import qualified Text.Search.Sphinx.ExcerptConfiguration as E
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (ignore)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Blaze (preEscapedLazyText)
import Data.Conduit (Source, Flush (Chunk), ($=), transSource)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.XML.Types as X
import Network.Wai (Response (ResponseSource))
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Text.XML.Stream.Render (renderBuilder, def)
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persist|
title Text
content Textarea
data Searcher = Searcher ConnectionPool
mkYesod "Searcher" [parseRoutes|
/ RootR GET
/doc/#DocId DocR GET
/add-doc AddDocR POST
/search SearchR GET
/search/xmlpipe XmlpipeR GET
instance Yesod Searcher where
approot _ = ""
instance YesodPersist Searcher where
type YesodPersistBackend Searcher = SqlPersist
runDB action = do
Searcher pool <- getYesod
runSqlPool action pool
instance RenderMessage Searcher FormMessage where
renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage
addDocForm :: Html -> MForm Searcher Searcher (FormResult Doc, Widget)
addDocForm = renderTable $ Doc
<$> areq textField "Title" Nothing
<*> areq textareaField "Contents" Nothing
searchForm :: Html -> MForm Searcher Searcher (FormResult Text, Widget)
searchForm = renderDivs $ areq (searchField True) "Query" Nothing
getRootR :: Handler RepHtml
getRootR = do
docCount <- runDB $ count ([] :: [Filter Doc])
((_, docWidget), _) <- runFormPost addDocForm
((_, searchWidget), _) <- runFormGet searchForm
let docs = if docCount == 1
then "There is currently 1 document."
else "There are currently " ++ show docCount ++ " documents."
defaultLayout [whamlet|
<p>Welcome to the search application. #{docs}
<form method=post action=@{AddDocR}>
<td colspan=3>
<input type=submit value="Add document">
<form method=get action=@{SearchR}>
<input type=submit value=Search>
postAddDocR :: Handler RepHtml
postAddDocR = do
((res, docWidget), _) <- runFormPost addDocForm
case res of
FormSuccess doc -> do
docid <- runDB $ insert doc
setMessage "Document added"
redirect $ DocR docid
_ -> defaultLayout [whamlet|
<form method=post action=@{AddDocR}>
<td colspan=3>
<input type=submit value="Add document">
getDocR :: DocId -> Handler RepHtml
getDocR docid = do
doc <- runDB $ get404 docid
defaultLayout $
<h1>#{docTitle doc}
<div .content>#{docContent doc}
data Result = Result
{ resultId :: DocId
, resultTitle :: Text
, resultExcerpt :: Html
getResult :: DocId -> Doc -> Text -> IO Result
getResult docid doc qstring = do
excerpt' <- S.buildExcerpts
[T.unpack $ escape $ docContent doc]
(unpack qstring)
let excerpt =
case excerpt' of
ST.Ok bss -> preEscapedLazyText $ decodeUtf8With ignore $ L.concat bss
_ -> return ()
return Result
{ resultId = docid
, resultTitle = docTitle doc
, resultExcerpt = excerpt
excerptConfig = E.altConfig { E.port = 9312 }
escape :: Textarea -> Text
escape =
T.concatMap escapeChar . unTextarea
escapeChar '<' = "<"
escapeChar '>' = ">"
escapeChar '&' = "&"
escapeChar c = T.singleton c
getResults :: Text -> Handler [Result]
getResults qstring = do
sphinxRes' <- liftIO $ S.query config "searcher" (unpack qstring)
case sphinxRes' of
ST.Ok sphinxRes -> do
let docids = map (Key . PersistInt64 . ST.documentId) $ ST.matches sphinxRes
fmap catMaybes $ runDB $ forM docids $ \docid -> do
mdoc <- get docid
case mdoc of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just doc -> liftIO $ Just <$> getResult docid doc qstring
_ -> error $ show sphinxRes'
config = S.defaultConfig
{ S.port = 9312
, S.mode = ST.Any
getSearchR :: Handler RepHtml
getSearchR = do
((formRes, searchWidget), _) <- runFormGet searchForm
searchResults <-
case formRes of
FormSuccess qstring -> getResults qstring
_ -> return []
defaultLayout $ do
addLucius [lucius|
.excerpt {
color: green; font-style: italic
.match {
background-color: yellow;
<form method=get action=@{SearchR}>
<input type=submit value=Search>
$if not $ null searchResults
$forall result <- searchResults
<div .result>
<a href=@{DocR $ resultId result}>#{resultTitle result}
<div .excerpt>#{resultExcerpt result}
getXmlpipeR :: Handler RepXml
getXmlpipeR = do
Searcher pool <- getYesod
sendWaiResponse $ ResponseSource status200 [("Content-Type", "text/xml")] $
transSource (flip runSqlPool pool) fullDocSource
$= renderBuilder def
$= CL.map Chunk
entityToEvents :: Entity Doc -> [X.Event]
entityToEvents (Entity docid doc) =
[ X.EventBeginElement document [("id", [X.ContentText $ toPathPiece docid])]
, X.EventBeginElement content []
, X.EventContent $ X.ContentText $ unTextarea $ docContent doc
, X.EventEndElement content
, X.EventEndElement document
fullDocSource :: Source (SqlPersist IO) X.Event
fullDocSource =
CL.sourceList startEvents `mappend`
docSource `mappend`
CL.sourceList endEvents
docSource :: Source (SqlPersist IO) X.Event
docSource = selectSource [] [] $= CL.concatMap entityToEvents
toName :: Text -> X.Name
toName x = X.Name x (Just "http://sphinxsearch.com/") (Just "sphinx")
docset, schema, field, document, content :: X.Name
docset = toName "docset"
schema = toName "schema"
field = toName "field"
document = toName "document"
content = "content" -- no prefix
startEvents, endEvents :: [X.Event]
startEvents =
[ X.EventBeginDocument
, X.EventBeginElement docset []
, X.EventBeginElement schema []
, X.EventBeginElement field [("name", [X.ContentText "content"])]
, X.EventEndElement field
, X.EventEndElement schema
endEvents =
[ X.EventEndElement docset
main :: IO ()
main = withSqlitePool "searcher.db3" 10 $ \pool -> do
runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool
warpDebug 3000 $ Searcher pool