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Persistent entity syntax

Rehno Lindeque edited this page Mar 3, 2014 · 36 revisions

Persistent's entity syntax has acquired quite a few special cases. The goal of this page is to document all of them. This page is not yet fully up-to-date, please contribute!


Persistent automatically derives some typeclasses, but the typeclasses derived can be changed.

    name Text
    deriving Show

JSON instances

You can automatically get ToJSON and FromJSON instances for any entity by adding json to the entity line:

Person json
    name Text

Changing table/collection name

Person sql=peoples
    name Text

Sum types




Nullable fields

By default fields will have NOT NULL added. To allow NULL values, add Maybe.

string Text Maybe



Note: if you get migration warnings every time, then you need to tweak defaults. For example, when I had a model definition like so:

created Day default=CURRENT_TIME
avsrelax Bool default='false'

every time yesod started I got:

Migrating: ALTER TABLE "accounts" ALTER COLUMN "avsrelax" SET DEFAULT 'false'

By building a custom persistent-postgresql with this patch (plus the obvious import)

--- Database/Persist/Postgresql.hs.orig	2013-06-23 18:40:53.000000000 +0100
+++ Database/Persist/Postgresql.hs	2014-01-07 11:37:30.387071854 +0000
@@ -490,6 +492,9 @@
                             _ -> []
                 modType = if sqltype == sqltype' then [] else [(name, Type sqltype)]
                 modDef =
+                  let msg = "def is: " ++ show def ++ " and def' is: " ++ show def'
+                  in trace msg $
                     if def == def'
                         then []
                         else case def of

I found that the correct syntax was:

created Day default=('now'::text)::date
avsrelax Bool default=false


Introduced with persistent-template 1.2.0. The purpose of this attribute is to mark a field which will be entirely ignored by the normal processing, but retained in the database definition for purposes of migration. This means, in SQL, a column will not be flagged for removal by the migration scripts, even though it is not used in your code. This is useful for phasing out usage of a column before entirely removing it, or having columns which are needed by other tools but not by Persistent.

    name Text
    age Int
    unusedField ByteString Maybe MigrationOnly

Note that you almost certainly want to either mark the field as Maybe or provide a default value, otherwise insertions will fail.


This is intended to be used as part of a deprecation of a field, after MigrationOnly has been used usually. This works somewhat as a superset of the functionality of MigrationOnly. In addition, the field will be removed from the database if it is present. Note that this is a destructive change which you are marking as safe.


Migration will remove any manual constraints from your tables. Exception: constraints whose names begin with the string __manual_ (which starts with two underscores) will be preserved.

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