改变速率,看 man mpv 前面的三个快捷键。
npm install -g fanyi
# another three version
go get github.com/c4pt0r/yd
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/felixonmars/ydcv/master/ydcv.py
Q 不提示的退出
>/< 屏幕左右页面
c-h 历史记录
shift-b 回退
shift-u 打开地址栏
shift-t 打开标签
shift-[/] 标签切换{}
pip install glances
pip install trash-cli
cyberduck 同步文件
# 必须要在url后面指定一个文件夹,否则程序会出错
duck -q --synchronize ftp://pftp:[email protected]/pocket/ ~/tmp/tes
mycli - let mysql support auto complate.
tldr - man a command simple,install pip install tldr
http - alias httpie, CLI HTTP client; user-friendly cURL replacement featuring intuitive UI, JSON - support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads
jq - a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
brew/dnf/yum install jq
rg - ripgrep , another searcher
storm - storm is a command line tool to manage ssh connections. github.com/emre/storm
ncdu - 磁盘占用查看