XKB stands for “X Keyboard Extension”. It may refer to either:
- a [protocol](@ref xkb-the-protocol)
- a [keyboard layout configuration](@ref xkb-the-config)
- a [text format](@ref xkb-the-text-format)
A protocol for the X Windows System, that extends the core protocol.
xkbcommon’s API is somehow derived from this API, but has been substantially reworked to function as a library instead of a protocol, and exposes fewer internal details to clients.
xkbcommon does not depend on a particular windows system; for instance it is used by the [Wayland] protocol.
xkbcommon provides the [xkbcommon-x11]
module to interface
a client with an X server using the XKB protocol. Relevant links:
In order to use [the protocol](@ref xkb-the-protocol), one must first load a [complete keymap]. The keymap usually comes from the OS layout database, which is commonly [xkeyboard-config]. Since keymaps may have definitions in common, the database actually stores their basic components separately to allow maximum composability and coherence. A recipe to compose a keymap from its components is called a keymap configuration.
In XKB, there are several ways to define a keymap configuration. They all aim to produce a [complete keymap]. The following diagram presents an overview. Then they are presented hereinafter, ordered from end user to low-level implementation.
@dotfile xkb-configuration "XKB keymap configurations"
- RMLVO: Rules, Model, Layout, Variant, Options @anchor RMLVO-intro
This is the configuration the end user usually faces in the UI.
The idea is to expose high level concepts such as [keyboard model] and
[keyboard layout] to the user, then to _map_ them to the corresponding set
of low-level configuration files (see [KcCGST]).
@note The RMLVO configurations actually available to the end user is managed by the `xkbregistry`. It uses an XML file, the _registry_, which exposes and documents the set of RMLVO settings in the layout database. The RMLVO configuration consists of the following components: <dl> <dt>Rules @anchor config-rules-def</dt> <dd> The rules define the _mapping_ from high to low level components. The rules _component_ is the file containing the set of rules to use. It is usually implicit and set by the system. See the [rules file format](doc/rules-format.md) for further details. </dd> <dt>Model @anchor config-model-def</dt> <dd> The name of the model of the keyboard hardware in use. It may depend on: - The _location_ and _language_ of the user, because languages may require [specific keys][language input keys] for their input methods, such as the _muhenkan_ key on Japanese keyboard and the _Hanja_ key for Korean keyboards. The keyboard are usually classified by the [standard][keyboard standard] it is based on, e.g. ANSI, ISO, JIS, ABNT. - The keyboard _vendor:_ keyboard may have a set of keys that are not standard, or may be specific to an OS. </dd> <dt>Layout @anchor config-layout-def</dt> <dd> The identifier of the general layout to use. It usually refers to a country or a language. </dd> <dt>Variant @anchor config-variant-def</dt> <dd> Any minor variants on the general layout. It may be national variants </dd> <dt>Options @anchor config-options-def</dt> <dd> Set of extra options to customize the standard layouts. Examples: switch modifiers keys, location of the compose key, etc. </dd> </dl>
- KcCGST: Keycodes, Compat, Geometry, Symbols, Types @anchor KcCGST-intro
This is the low-level configuration of XKB and how the files are actually
organized in the _layout database_.
It is not really intuitive or straight-forward for the uninitiated.
@note _xkbcommon_ [does not offer an API for KcCGST](@ref KcCGST-support): it is considered an implementation detail. Instead, [RMLVO] is the preferred way for the user to configure XKB. The KcCGST configuration consists of the following components: <dl> <dt>Key codes @anchor config-keycodes-def</dt> <dd> A translation of the raw [key codes] from the keyboard into symbolic names. </dd> <dt>Compatibility @anchor config-compat-def</dt> <dd> A specification of what internal actions modifiers and various special-purpose keys produce. </dd> <dt>Geometry @anchor config-geometry-def</dt> <dd> A description of the physical layout of a keyboard. @attention This legacy feature is [not supported](@ref geometry-support) by _xkbcommon_. </dd> <dt>Key symbols @anchor config-symbols-def</dt> <dd> A translation of symbolic key codes into actual [key symbols] \(keysyms). </dd> <dt>Key types @anchor config-types-def</dt> <dd> Types describe how a pressed key is affected by active [modifiers] such as Shift, Control, Alt, etc. </dd> </dl>
- Complete Keymap @anchor keymap-intro
A complete keymap is a _self-contained_ text file with all the [KcCGST]
components needed to configure a keyboard. This is the result of the
_resolution_ of the [RMLVO] and [KcCGST] configurations. This is also the
format used by X11 and Wayland when prompted to _serialize_ the keymap in use.
@note This is a low-level configuration. [RMLVO] is the preferred way for the end user to configure XKB, but some power users may need it for avanced configurations.
See the [XKB text format] for further details.
@note Layout making use of dead keys require a [Compose](@ref compose) file. The same applies when if using a [Compose key].
[key codes]: @ref keycode-def [key symbols]: @ref keysym-def [levels]: @ref level-def [modifiers]: @ref modifier-def [RMLVO]: @ref RMLVO-intro [KcCGST]: @ref KcCGST-intro [complete keymap]: @ref keymap-intro [Compose key]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key [XKB text format]: @ref xkb-the-text-format
A text format to define keyboard keymaps. XKB 1.0 is the specification implemented in current X servers. The format supported by xkbcommon is very close to XKB 1.0, with some removals and additions. See the [compatibility] page for further details.
The format supported by xkbcommon is documented at the page “[The XKB keymap text format, V1][keymap-format-text-v1]”.
The documentation of the original XKB 1.0 format is much more scarce than for the protocol. Some priceless resources are:
- [Ivan Pascal's XKB documentation][ivan-pascal]
- [An Unreliable Guide to XKB Configuration][unreliable-guide]
- [ArchWiki XKB page][arch-wiki]
[xkbcommon-x11]: @ref x11-overview [Wayland]: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/apa.html#protocol-spec-wl_keyboard [compatibility]: @ref xkb-v1-compatibility [keymap-format-text-v1]: doc/keymap-format-text-v1.md [ivan-pascal]: https://web.archive.org/web/20190724015820/http://pascal.tsu.ru/en/xkb/ [unreliable-guide]: https://www.charvolant.org/doug/xkb/html/index.html [arch-wiki]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X_keyboard_extension [keyboard model]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_keyboard [keymap]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout [keyboard layout]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout [xkeyboard-config]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config [keyboard standard]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_keyboard#Types_and_standards [language input keys]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_input_keys
@todo Explain how to configure XKB, with examples