diff --git a/packages/bumpgen-core/src/services/llm/openai.ts b/packages/bumpgen-core/src/services/llm/openai.ts
index 2bbcf88..4e8ad3e 100644
--- a/packages/bumpgen-core/src/services/llm/openai.ts
+++ b/packages/bumpgen-core/src/services/llm/openai.ts
@@ -29,21 +29,19 @@ const makePlanNodeMessage = (
role: "user" as const,
content: [
`I'm upgrading the package '${bumpedPackage}' and my code is failing. You might need to modify the code or the imports. Look at the errors below and think step-by-step about what the errors mean and how to fix the code.\n`,
+ `\n${importMessages.join("\n")}\n`,
- ]
- .concat(importMessages.length ? [...importMessages, "\n"] : [])
- .concat([`${planNode.block}`, "
- .concat(
- planNode.kind === "seed" && planNode.errorMessages.length > 0
- ? [
- `The block has the following build errors:`,
- "",
- ...planNode.errorMessages.map((e) => `\n${e.message}\n`),
- "",
- ]
- : [],
- )
- .join("\n"),
+ `${planNode.block}`,
+ "\n",
+ ...(planNode.kind === "seed" && planNode.errorMessages.length > 0
+ ? [
+ `The block has the following build errors:`,
+ "",
+ ...planNode.errorMessages.map((e) => `\n${e.message}\n`),
+ "",
+ ]
+ : []),
+ ].join("\n"),
@@ -218,14 +216,7 @@ export const fitToContext = (
export const createOpenAIService = (openai: OpenAI) => {
return {
codeplan: {
- getReplacements: async (
- context: LLMContext,
- temperature: number,
- // externalDependencyContext: {
- // imports: DependencyGraphNode[];
- // sourcegraph: ContextSearchResponse["getCodyContext"];
- // },
- ) => {
+ getReplacements: async (context: LLMContext, temperature: number) => {
const {