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172 lines (114 loc) · 6.1 KB

Contributing to ControllerX


This project uses poetry as python management tool. Run the following commands to install dependencies and hooking up the pre-commit to git

poetry install
poetry shell
pre-commit install

Note: I recommend working with Python 3.8 since is the minimum version supported.

Adding a new controller

New controllers need to be added into the apps/controllerx/cx_devices/ and you will need to define the mapping for the integration you are adding support to.

The controller will be added to the documentation automatically, but a JPEG will need to be added to docs/docs/assets/controllers. You can easily find the model (for picture) in the Zigbee2MQTT supported devices page. Check here to know how to run the documentation locally.

The class name convention should be Device Model (No special characters) + Type + Controller. For example, for a new light controller for E1743, the class name should be E1743LightController. Take into account that there are some old controllers that do not follow this convention.

Note that this project will only accept the mapping that the original controller would follow with its original hub, or the closest behaviour we can get.

This is a PR of a complete example of adding a new device, it can be used as a reference.


This repository uses pre-commit which allows us to keep some code standards by using several tools (isort, black, mypy, flake8, etc). For more detail check .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

The following command can be executed to run all checkers for all files:

pre-commit run --all-files

If you want to run it for ust the staged files:

pre-commit run

If pre-commit was installed into git hooks (pre-commit install), it will run the checkers before the commit.


Run the following command for the tests:


or the following to get a report of the missing lines to be tested:

pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=apps


You can use the tool commitizen to commit based in a standard. If you are in the virtual environment, you can run cz commit and answer the questions to commit.

If the commit adds new functionality or fixes something, please add the changes in the file.


Material for MkDocs is used for documentation. If depedencies are installed with poetry, the following can be executed to get the documentation running locally:

cd docs
poetry run mkdocs serve

Then, open in the browser.

Pull Request

Feel free to open a PR on GitHub. It would be appreciated if the CI passes (pre-commit and pytest).

Run code with AppDaemon


This is the easiest option to run your code with AppDaemon and try your changes. First, you need to add apps.yaml in the root of the project with the ControllerX configuration. For example:

  module: controllerx
  class: E1810Controller
  controller: sensor.livingroom_controller_action
  integration: z2m
  light: light.livingroom

Second, you will need an HA Long-Lived Access Tokens (YOUR_HA_TOKEN) which you can get at /profile from your HA instance.

Then, you can run the following:

docker run --pull=always --rm \
-v $PWD/apps/controllerx:/usr/src/app/conf/apps/controllerx \
-v $PWD/apps.yaml:/usr/src/app/conf/apps/apps.yaml \
-e DASH_URL= \
-e HA_URL="http://YOUR_HA_IP:8123" \

This will start AppDaemon with the apps on the apps.yaml. Note that if you want to test mqtt integration or z2m with listen_to: mqtt, you will need to execute with MQTT environment variables:

docker run --pull=always --rm \
-v $PWD/apps/controllerx:/usr/src/app/conf/apps/controllerx \
-v $PWD/apps.yaml:/usr/src/app/conf/apps/apps.yaml \
-e DASH_URL= \
-e HA_URL="http://YOUR_HA_IP:8123" \

Samba addon

Install Samba share addon in Home Assistant, so you can connect to HA folder structure from your computer. Then, you can just copy apps/controllerx on /homeassistant/appdaemon/apps/. When done, you should be able to find in /homeassistant/appdaemon/apps/controllerx/ Then, you can restart AppDaemon addon.

How to change someone else's PR code

If you have the permission to change code from the source branch of the PR, then you can do the following to change it. First, you will need to add the remote:

git remote add <username> [email protected]:<username>/controllerx.git

Then you will need to fetch, create and checkout the branch:

git fetch <username> <branch>
git checkout -b <username>-<branch> <username>/<branch>

Once the changes are commited, you can push with the following command:

git push <username> HEAD:<branch>


Thanks to the GitHub Actions, we are able to deploy by just creating a new tag on git. Before proceding with new version bump, make sure to have all the changes for this release in the file.

We use commitizen to bump version. First, we might want to create a beta version:

cz bump --prerelease beta
git push origin HEAD --tags

--dry-run can be used with cz command to double check the version to be created.

Once we are ready to create the final version, we can bump the version to the final one, and push tag:

cz bump
git push origin HEAD --tags

--dry-run can be used with cz command to double check the version to be created.

When a new tag is created, the CI will automatically generate a GitHub release with the changes for that release, and the release from the file.