This is a Literate Haskell program written in Org Mode.
To extract the source-code into a MicroKanren.hs
file, you may run org-babel-tangle
from within Emacs.
This is just a port of HemannMuKanren2013.pdf to Haskell.
module MicroKanren where
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
data Term
= Var Int
| Atom String [Term]
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Term where
show (Var i) = "_." ++ show i
show (Atom a []) = a
show (Atom a as) = a ++ show as
sym :: String -> Term
sym a = Atom a []
nil :: Term
nil = sym "Nil"
cons :: Term -> Term -> Term
cons a b = Atom "Cons" [a, b]
car :: Term -> Term
car (Atom "Cons" [a, _]) = a
cdr :: Term -> Term
cdr (Atom "Cons" [_, b]) = b
list :: [Term] -> Term
list = foldr cons nil
append :: Term -> Term -> Term
append l t
| nil == l = t
| otherwise = cons (car l) (append (cdr l) t)
A substitution is a map (or rather, an association list) from Variables to Terms.
type Substitution = [(Int, Term)]
substEmpty :: Substitution
substEmpty = []
substAdd :: Substitution -> Int -> Term -> Substitution
substAdd s i t = (i, t) : s
substApply :: Substitution -> Term -> Term
substApply s t@(Var i) = fromMaybe t (lookup i s)
substApply s (Atom a as) = Atom a (map (substApply s) as)
substApplyRec :: Substitution -> Term -> Term
substApplyRec s t =
case substApply s t of
t'@(Var i)
| t' == t -> t'
| otherwise -> substApplyRec s t'
(Atom a as) -> Atom a (map (substApplyRec s) as)
unify :: Substitution -> Term -> Term -> Maybe Substitution
unify s t1 t2 = (++s) `fmap` unify' s (substApply s t1) (substApply s t2)
unify' s (Var i) b = Just (substAdd s i b)
unify' s a (Var j) = Just (substAdd s j a)
unify' s (Atom a as) (Atom b bs)
| a == b && length as == length bs = unify'' s as bs
| otherwise = Nothing
unify'' s [] [] = Just s
unify'' s (x:xs) (y:ys) = unify' s x y >>= (\s' -> unify'' s' xs ys)
The State holds a Substitution and a counter for the next free variable.
type State = (Substitution, Int)
stateEmpty :: State
stateEmpty = (substEmpty, 0)
There are just 4 Goal Constructors.
type Goal = State -> [State]
(===) :: Term -> Term -> Goal
(===) a b (s, c) =
case unify s a b of
Nothing -> []
Just s' -> [(s', c)]
exists :: (Term -> Goal) -> Goal
exists f (s, c) = f (Var c) (s, c + 1)
(/\) :: Goal -> Goal -> Goal
(/\) g1 g2 st = g1 st >>= g2
(\/) :: Goal -> Goal -> Goal
(\/) g1 g2 st = interleave (g1 st) (g2 st)
interleave x y = concat (transpose [x, y])
A few extras.
conde :: [Goal] -> Goal
conde = foldl1 (\/)
exists2 :: (Term -> Term -> Goal) -> Goal
exists2 f (s, c) = f (Var c) (Var $ c + 1) (s, c + 2)
exists3 :: (Term -> Term -> Term -> Goal) -> Goal
exists3 f (s, c) = f (Var c) (Var $ c + 1) (Var $ c + 2) (s, c + 3)
infixl 5 /\
infixl 5 \/
reifyState :: [Int] -> State -> Substitution
reifyState vars (s, _) = map (\i -> (i, substApplyRec s (Var i))) vars
reify :: [Int] -> [State] -> [Substitution]
reify vars = map (reifyState vars)
run :: Int -> [Int] -> Goal -> [Substitution]
run n vars g = take n (run' vars g)
run' :: [Int] -> Goal -> [Substitution]
run' vars g = reify vars (g stateEmpty)
caro :: Term -> Term -> Goal
caro p a = exists (\b -> p === cons a b)
cdro :: Term -> Term -> Goal
cdro p b = exists (\a -> p === cons a b)
membero :: Term -> Term -> Goal
membero x l = conde [caro l x, exists (\b -> cdro l b /\ membero x b)]
appendo :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Goal
appendo l1 l2 l3 =
[ nil === l1 /\ l2 === l3
, exists3 (\x y z -> l1 === cons x y /\ l3 === cons x z /\ appendo y l2 z)
For which values of x
does membero x (list [x])
hold? There is only 1 answer: (0,._0)
, meaning that x
(encoded by the variable number 0
) can be mapped to any value _.0
(since this term is a variable, not an atom.)
-- [[(0,_.0)]]
egMembero1 = run' [0] $ exists (\x -> membero x (list [x]))
For which values of x
does membero x (list [sym "X", sym "Y"])
hold? There are possible two answers: x = X
or x = Y
-- [[(0,X)],[(0,Y)]]
egMembero2 = run' [0] $ exists (\x -> membero x (list [sym "X", sym "Y"]))
-- [[(0,Cons[X,Cons[Y,Nil]])]]
egAppendo1 = run' [0] $ exists (\x -> appendo (list [sym "X"]) (list [sym "Y"]) x)
-- [[(0,Nil),(1,Cons[X,Cons[Y,Nil]])]
-- ,[(0,Cons[X,Nil]),(1,Cons[Y,Nil])]
-- ,[(0,Cons[X,Cons[Y,Nil]]),(1,Nil)]
-- ]
egAppendo2 = run' [0,1] $ exists2 (\x y -> appendo x y (list [sym "X", sym "Y"]))