Port of Jax pseudocode from Appendix B of Deepmind's EigenGame Unloaded: When playing games is better than optimizing.
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import jax
import optax
import jax.numpy as jnp
def eg_grads(vi: jnp.ndarray,
weights: jnp.ndarray,
eigs: jnp.ndarray,
data: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
vi: shape (d,), eigenvector to be updated
weights: shape (k,), mask for penalty coefficients,
eigs: shape (k, d), i.e., vectors on rows
data: shape (N, d), minibatch X_t
grads: shape (d,), gradient for vi
weights_ij = (jnp.sign(weights + 0.5) - 1.) / 2. # maps -1 to -1 else to 0
data_vi = jnp.dot(data, vi)
data_eigs = jnp.transpose(jnp.dot(data,
jnp.transpose(eigs))) # Xvj on row j
vi_m_vj = jnp.dot(data_eigs, data_vi)
penalty_grads = vi_m_vj * jnp.transpose(eigs)
penalty_grads = jnp.dot(penalty_grads, weights_ij)
grads = jnp.dot(jnp.transpose(data), data_vi) + penalty_grads
return grads
def utility(vi, weights, eigs, data):
"""Compute Eigengame utilities.
util: shape (1,), utility for vi
data_vi = jnp.dot(data, vi)
data_eigs = jnp.transpose(jnp.dot(data, jnp.transpose(eigs))) # Xvj on row j
vi_m_vj2 = jnp.dot(data_eigs, data_vi)**2.
vj_m_vj = jnp.sum(data_eigs * data_eigs, axis=1)
r_ij = vi_m_vj2 / vj_m_vj
util = jnp.dot(jnp.array(r_ij), weights)
return util
def _grads_and_update(vi, weights, eigs, input, opt_state, axis_index_groups):
"""Compute utilities and update directions, psum and apply.
vi: shape (d,), eigenvector to be updated
weights: shape (k_per_device, k,), mask for penalty coefficients,
eigs: shape (k, d), i.e., vectors on rows
input: shape (N, d), minibatch X_t
opt_state: optax state
axis_index_groups: For multi-host parallelism https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/jax/_src/lax/parallel.html
vi_new: shape (d,), eigenvector to be updated
opt_state: new optax state
utilities: shape (1,), utilities
grads, utilities = _grads_and_utils(vi, weights, V, input)
avg_grads = jax.lax.psum(
grads, axis_name='i', axis_index_groups=axis_index_groups)
vi_new, opt_state, lr = _update_with_grads(vi, avg_grads, opt_state)
return vi_new, opt_state, utilities
def _grads_and_utils(vi, weights, V, inputs):
"""Compute utiltiies and update directions ("grads").
Wrap in jax.vmap for k_per_device dimension."""
utilities = utility(vi, weights, V, inputs)
grads = eg_grads(vi, weights, V, inputs)
return grads, utilities
def _update_with_grads(vi, grads, opt_state):
"""Compute and apply updates with optax optimizer.
Wrap in jax.vmap for k_per_device dimension."""
updates, opt_state = self._optimizer.update(-grads, opt_state)
vi_new = optax.apply_updates(vi, updates)
vi_new /= jnp.linalg.norm(vi_new)
return vi_new, opt_state
def init(self, *):
"""Initialization function for a Jaxline experiment."""
weights = np.eye(self._total_k) * 2 - np.ones((self._total_k, self._total_k))
weights[np.triu_indices(self._total_k, 1)] = 0.
self._weights = jnp.reshape(weights, [self._num_devices,
local_rng = jax.random.fold_in(jax.random.PRNGkey(seed), jax.host_id())
keys = jax.random.split(local_rng, self._num_devices)
V = jax.pmap(lambda key: jax.random.normal(key, (self._k_per_device, self._dims)))(keys)
self._V = jax.pmap(lambda V: V / jnp.linalg.norm(V, axis=1, keepdims=True))(V)
# Define parallel update function. If k_per_device is not None, wrap individual functions with vmap here.
self._partial_grad_update = functools.partial(
self._grads_and_update, axis_groups=self._axis_index_groups)
self._par_grad_update = jax.pmap(
self._partial_grad_update, in_axes=(0, 0, None, 0, 0, 0), axis_name='i')
self._optimizer = optax.sgd(learning_rate=1e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
def step(self, *):
"""Step function for a Jaxline experiment"""
inputs = next(input_data_iterator)
self._local_V = jnp.reshape(self._V, (self._total_k, self._dims))
self._V, self._opt_state, utilities, lr = self._par_grad_update(
self._V, self._weights_jnp, self._local_V, inputs, self._opt_state,
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