Create event-driven, serverless architecture
Create work-flow using Step functions
Serverless Framework
- API Gateway
- Alexa
- CloudFront
- CloudWatch Events & Logs
- DynameDB Streams & Kinesis Streams
- S3 Buckets
- How to Optimize AWS Lambda Costs (With Examples)
- AWS Lambda Cost Calculator
- How Much Does It Cost To Run A Serverless API on AWS?
- Secure access directly from web app to amazon s3?
- AWS Lambda Limits
- Invocation payload (request and response): 6 MB (synchronous) / 256 KB (asynchronous)
s3.Object('bucket-name', 'uuid-key-name').put(Body='data',
- Best Practices for Working with AWS Lambda Functions
- Tutorial: Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Amazon ElastiCache in an Amazon VPC
- Introducing the C++ Lambda Runtime
- Amazon Linux
- AWS Lambda Runtimes
- 當 lambda 的 code 沒有寫好時,要強制重啟的方式是重新 deploy lambda
- Force Discard AWS Lambda Container
- Restarting AWS lambda function to clear cache
- serverless-application-model/examples/apps/
- awslabs/serverless-application-model
- AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications
- AWS Developers: Serverless Architecture and Monitoring - ongoin 2019-02-27
- Deploying Serverless Applications in AWS Using the Serverless Application Model
- AWS Developer: An Introduction to AWS Lambda on pluralight => done on 2019-02-26
- AWS Developer: Lambda Deep Dive on pluralsight