I am Kartik Patel, from Vadodara, Gujarat. I'm a first-year CSE student studying in Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT).
It is a great project, an organised collection of Data Structures and Algorithms. I am glad to have been selected by the organisation for WOC. I liked the idea of the project the moment I discovered it, collecting everyone's knowledge and understanding into an app!
- Add Edit distance.py #1537
- Add Knapsack Unbounded.py #1606
- Add knapsack01 #1659
- Add Burrows Wheeler Transform in python #1787
This was my first participation in any open-source competition and first contribution to a repo! I would like to see NeoAlgo as an app and refer to it for any problems for data structures or understanding and exploring algorithms. And I will definitely be back to contribute whenever I can.
It was great participating in the Winter Of Code and getting an experience of how the competitions like GSoC work. Mentors were very helpful and patient. Reviews on PR helped me grow and learn. I am grateful to get a chance of participating. Thank You WOC, NeoAlgo and everyone else for giving me this chance!