class: center, middle, inverse
A brownbag workshop at
by Seth House
[email protected]
Bring your laptop, a bash shell, and install graphviz. Grab lunch downstairs then head up as soon as you can so we can start on time.
Topics (other topic requests welcome):
- Branches.
- Local and remote refs.
- The reflog and garbage collection.
- Visualize the DAG.
- Rebasing and merge strategies.
brew install graphviz
apt-get install graphviz
- Windows users may want something like
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/git-graph-dag
git rev-list <commit>...
. -- -
git graph-dag
without args to see usage.Can also be called directly. (
chmod +x git-graph-dat
Note, possible (likely, even) to generate multi-gigabyte images.
to abort.- Limit commit ranges.
git graph-dag master~10..master origin/master~10..origin/master \
| dot -Tpng \
| open -a Preview -f
class: center, middle
find .git/refs
cat .git/refs/heads/master
less .git/packed-refs
Branches (local and remote).
git show @{u}..
show --summary --stat --pretty=fuller --patch
printf 'foo\n' | git hash-object -w
git fetch
-- -
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master
class: center, middle
git init testrepo
cd testrepo
for commit in A B; do git stub $commit; done
git checkout -b feature HEAD~1
for commit in C D E; do git stub $commit; done
# git graph-dag master feature
# git rebase master
# git graph-dag master feature
# git graph-dag master feature <old-E-ref>
git init testrepo
cd testrepo
for commit in A B C D E F G; do git stub $commit; done
git rebase -i HEAD~5
git --no-pager reflog --date=relative
- The reflog counts as a reference!
- Persists for 90-days (default).
class: center, middle
<<<<<<< HEAD
twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
all mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogroves
And the mome raths outgabe.
>>>>>>> branchA
class: center, middle