These are the naming conventions used in the codebase, particularly in variable names.
Glacier replica/Ireland replica. The cold copy of a bag kept in S3 Glacier in Ireland. In practice, this means the copy kept in
or the staging equivalent. -
Primary replica. The primary/hot copy of a bag kept in the storage service. In practice, this means the copy kept in
, in Standard IA storage. If somebody wants to read a file from the bag, they should read it from the primary replica.
This is a list of terms that we used to use in the storage service codebase, but which have been replaced/removed. If you find references to these in current code, they should probably be updated/removed.
Access/archive copies, now the primary or Glacier replicas, respectively.
Bag auditor. The early name of the bag versioner.
Bagger. This is a service we used when migrating the digitised content from Preservica into the new storage service. It created BagIt packages for the content in Preservica, as if they'd come out of Goobi in the new workflow. It was removed after the migration; you can find the source code and infrastructure in #399.