This document explains how to install all the necessary files on the Tang Nano 20K and the M0S Dock in order to use it as a VIC20Nano device.
This has been tested on Windows 11. It should work on older versions too.
Software needed:
- Gowin V1.9.10.03 to synthesize the core
- BouffaloLabDevCube to flash the BL616
- Latest release of VIC20Nano FPGA bitstream
- Latest release of FPGA-Companion BL616 µC firmware (if not otherwise stated in the release note.)
In order to use the SD card for disks:
- VIC20 disk images in .D64 or .G64 format
- Cartridge images in .PRG format
- BASIC Program files in .PRG format
- Tape images in .TAP format
- VIC20 Kernal files (8K) in .BIN format
- Mega-Cart file (2MB) in .ROM format
First download the Gowin IDE. The Education version is sufficient and won't need a licence.
Install the IDE on your system (follow the installation instructions from Gowin). After the Installation you should have it as an shortcut on your desktop or in your start menu.
- Press the
button on the Tang Nano 20K and keep it pressed - Connect the Tang Nano 20k to the USB on your computer. You should hear the connecting sound of Windows.
- Release the
A FLASH programm attempt without keeping the board in reset may lead to corruption of the C1541 DOS images stored in FLASH requiring re-programming.
- Start Gowin. You should see the following screen
Explanation: The VIC20Nano core makes use of the flash memory of the
Tang Nano 20k to store c1541 DOS ROMs. This may interfere with the FPGA
flash process. Pressing the S2
during power up will prevent the
Tang Nano 20k from booting into the VIC20Nano core and will make sure
the flash ROM can be updated.
Now press on the “programmer” marked red on the picture above. You should see following screen:
- Press save on the dialog
- From there you can add a device for programming by pressing on the little icon with the green plus
- At least three files have to be flashed:
- The core itself:
- Two c1541 DOS ROMs
- The core itself:
- Than you can choose from the drop downs the parameter you see on the pictures.
is written to address 0x000000reserved for Atari ST ROM
address 0x100000c1541 DOS Dolphin 2
is written to address 0x200000c1541 DOS CBM
is written to address 0x20C000
Optionally two additional DOS ROMs may be flashed to the alternate addresses:
c1541 DOS Speeddos Plus
is written to address 0x214000c1541 DOS Jiffy
is written to address 0x21C000
These DOS for the c1541 emulation can later be selected from the on-screen-display (OSD).
- For the FS file please choose the
you just downloaded - User Code and IDCODE can be ignored
- Mark each of your configs and press the little icon with the green play button. You should see a progress bar and then:
At a glance the memory layout of the SPI Flash:
Type | TN20k | TP20k | TP25k | TM60k | TM138k Pro | TN9k | |
FPGA bitstream | 0x000000 | 0x000000 | 0x000000 | 0x000000 | 0x000000 | - | ROM size |
reserved for Atari ST ROM | 0x100000 | 0x100000 | 0x100000 | - | 0x900000 | - | - |
c1541 Dolphin DOS 2 | 0x200000 | 0x200000 | 0x200000 | 0x700000 | 0xA00000 | - | 32k |
c1541 CBM DOS 2.6 | 0x20C000 | 0x20C000 | 0x20C000 | 0x70C000 | 0xA0C000 | - | 16k |
c1541 Speed DOS Plus | 0x214000 | 0x214000 | 0x214000 | 0x714000 | 0xA14000 | - | 16k |
c1541 Jiffy DOS | 0x21C000 | 0x21C000 | 0x21C000 | 0x71C000 | 0xA1C000 | - | 16k |
VIC20 KERNAL+BASIC ROM | - | - | - | - | - | 0x000000 | 32k |
shell / command line Programming alternative
Windows shell and Gowin Programmer
programmer_cli -r 36 --fsFile vic20nano_tn20k.fs --spiaddr 0x000000 --cable-index 1 --d GW2ANR-18C
programmer_cli -r 36 --fsFile vic20nano_tp20k.fs --spiaddr 0x000000 --cable-index 1 --d GW2A-18C
programmer_cli -r 36 --fsFile vic20nano_tp25k.fs --spiaddr 0x000000 --cable-index 1 --d GW5A-25A
programmer_cli -r 36 --fsFile vic20nano_tm60k.fs --spiaddr 0x000000 --cable-index 1 --d GW5AT-60B
programmer_cli -r 36 --fsFile vic20nano_tm138k.fs --spiaddr 0x000000 --cable-index 1 --d GW5AST-138B
programmer_cli -r 36 --fsFile vic20nano_tn9k.fs --cable-index 1 --d GW1NR-9C
programmer_cli -r 38 --mcuFile 2dosa_c.bin --spiaddr 0x200000 --cable-index 1 --d GW2ANR-18C
programmer_cli -r 38 --mcuFile 2dosa_c.bin --spiaddr 0x200000 --cable-index 1 --d GW2A-18C
programmer_cli -r 38 --mcuFile 2dosa_c.bin --spiaddr 0x200000 --cable-index 1 --d GW5A-25A
programmer_cli -r 38 --mcuFile 2dosa_c.bin --spiaddr 0x700000 --cable-index 1 --d GW5AT-60B
programmer_cli -r 38 --mcuFile 2dosa_c.bin --spiaddr 0xA00000 --cable-index 1 --d GW5AST-138B
programmer_cli -r 38 --mcuFile 32k.bin --spiaddr 0x000000 --cable-index 1 --d GW1NR-9C
Linux shell and openFPGAloader.
Please read here if you run into trouble when using openFPGAloader under Linux.
openFPGALoader -b tangnano20k --external-flash -o 0x200000 2dosa_c.bin
openFPGALoader -b tangnano20k -f vic20nano_tn20k.fs
openFPGALoader -b tangnano9k -f vic20nano_tn9k.fs
openFPGALoader -b tangprimer20k --external-flash -o 0x200000 2dosa_c.bin
openFPGALoader -b tangprimer25k --external-flash -o 0x200000 2dosa_c.bin
openFPGALoader -b tangmega138k --external-flash -o 0xA00000 2dosa_c.bin
openFPGALoader -b tangnano9k --external-flash -o 0x000000 32k.bin
c1541 DOS ROM binaries
VIC20 Core mandatorily need the CBM DOS Kernal or Jiffy DOS !
The needed DOS files you will find on the Internet.
Dolphin DOS 2
You will find 2dosa_c.bin
Program at offset 0x200000
You will find dos1541-325302-01+901229-05.bin
Program at offset 0x20C000
Speed DOS Plus
You will find or here C1541.ROM
Program at offset 0x214000
Jiffy DOS
You will get a 16k JiffyDos JiffyDOS_C1541.bin file.
Program at offset 0x21C000
That´s it for the Tang Nano 20k
For the BL616 you have to extract and start the BuffaloLabDevCube.
If you use the internal BL616 present on the Tang Nano 20K you loose your possibility to flash the Tang over the USB connection. It is thus strongly recommended to use an external BL616 (e.g. a M0S Dock).
However, when using the internal BL616 you will be able to flash the original firmware to the internal BL616 again to restore the flasher functionality of the Tang Nano 20K. Using an external M0S is nevertheless recommended.
- Press the
button on your M0S Dock before you plug the USB connection on your PC. You should hear the hardware detecting sound. - Start the BuffaloLabDevCube from the directory where you decompressed it it ask you what chip should be used. Select BL616/BL618 and press “finish”
- You'll now see the program screen. On the right it should auto detect your device with a COM port. If not take a look in the device manager to check for the correct device detection.
- On the top click on MCU and browse to the firmware image file named
(contains a unified firmware both for Atari ST and C64Nano and VIC20Nano) - Choose “Open Uart” and than press “Create & Download”. The firmware should now be flashed
Format the SD card in FAT32. Copy your D64 / G64 / CRT / PRG / BIN files files on
it. You can organize your files in subdirectories. These files can later
be selected using the on-screen-display (OSD).
Default Mountpoints:
Copy a *.D64 Disk image to your sdcard and rename it to disk8.d64 as default c1541 boot image.
Copy a 8K xyz-a000.prg Cartridge ROM to your sdcard and rename it to vic20crt.crt as default Cartridge boot image.
Copy a *.PRG BASIC file to your sdcard and rename it to vic20prg.prg as default Program boot image.
Copy a 8k Byte VIC20 Kernal ROM file *.BIN to your sdcard and rename it to vic20kernal.bin as default Kernal boot image.
Copy a *.TAP Type image to your sdcard.
Copy a *.ROM (Mega-Cart) image to your sdcard.
That´s it for now. Have fun using the VIC20Nano