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React-Native-Plugin Pagseguro

A react-native plugin to connect pagseguro to your machine credit card using react-native, machine-credit-card like a "morderninha" or other's.

Getting started

  npm install react-native-plug-pag-service --save

Mostly automatic installation

  react-native link react-native-plug-pag-service

Manual installation

  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.reactlibrary.PlugPagServicePackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new PlugPagServicePackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-plug-pag-service'
    project(':react-native-plug-pag-service').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-plug-pag-service/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-plug-pag-service')
  3. AndroidManifest.xml
  • Permissions To integrate the library with the PlugPagService library in Android applications you must add the following permission to AndroidManifest.xml.

    <uses-permission android:name=""/>

    This permission allows the library to bind to PlugPagService , Moderninha Smart's embedded service , which manages all payment transactions.

  • Intent-filter In order for your app to be chosen as the default payment app and receive Card Insertion Intents, you need to add the following code to your AndroidManifest.xml within your main Activity.

          <action android:name=""/>
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>


import PlugPagService, { PlugPag, PlugPagPaymentData, PlugPagActivationData } from 'rn-pagseguro-plugin';


Parameter Description
A_VISTA_INSTALLMENT_QUANTITY Default installment quantity for cash sales.
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Code used when PlugPagService is not enabled.
BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR Code used to indicate transaction message generation failure due to buffer size.
COMMUNICATION_ERROR Code used for communication errors.
DISABLED_FUNCTION Code used to indicate that a given functionality is not available for the terminal.
ERROR_CODE_OK Code used for successful transaction.
INSTALLMENT_TYPE_A_VISTA Installment type: Cash.
INSTALLMENT_TYPE_PARC_COMPRADOR Installment type: Buyer installment.
INSTALLMENT_TYPE_PARC_VENDEDOR Installment type: Seller installment.
INVALID_AMOUNT_FORMAT Code used to indicate that the transaction amount is invalid, possibly due to a typing or formatting error.
INVALID_BUFFER_DATA Code used to indicate that the response buffer is invalid and needs to be reestablished.
INVALID_LENGTH_USER_REFERENCE Code used to indicate that the sale code exceeds the size limit (10 characters).
MIN_PRINTER_STEPS Minimum number of lines printed after the printing process finishes.
MODE_PARTIAL_PAY Code used for partial payment.
NFC_RET_ERROR Code used to indicate NFC operation failure.
NFC_RET_OK Code used to indicate success in NFC operations.
NO_PRINTER_DEVICE Code used when no printer is available on the device.
NO_TRANSACTION_DATA Code used for transaction without data.
NULL_AMOUNT Code used to indicate that the transaction amount is null.
NULL_APPLICATION_PARAMETER Code used to indicate that the application parameter is null.
NULL_TOTAL_AMOUNT Code used to indicate that the total transaction amount is null.
NULL_TRANSACTION_RESULT Code used to indicate that the transaction result value is null.
NULL_USER_REFERENCE Code used to indicate that the sale code is null.
OPERATION_ABORTED Code used as a return for a canceled transaction.
PLUGPAG_ASYNC_CONFIRMATION Remote configuration constant for asynchronous confirmation.
PLUGPAG_ASYNC_METRICS Remote configuration constant for sending metrics.
PLUGPAG_CDCVM Remote configuration constant for CDCVM.
PLUGPAG_CRASHLOG_SENDING Remote configuration constant for sending crash logs.
PLUGPAG_PRE_PRINTING Remote configuration constant for pre-printing.
POS_NOT_READY Code used to indicate that the terminal is not ready for transaction.
RET_OK Code used to indicate success in operations.
SHARE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED Code used to indicate that Bluetooth transaction is not allowed in shared mode.
TRANSACTION_DENIED Code used to indicate unsuccessful transaction.
TYPE_CREDITO Payment type: Credit.
TYPE_DEBITO Payment type: Debit.
TYPE_PIX Payment type: Pix QR Code.
TYPE_PREAUTO_CARD Payment type: Pre-authorization via card.
TYPE_PREAUTO_KEYED Payment type: Pre-authorization via manual entry.
TYPE_QRCODE Payment type: Debit QR Code.
TYPE_QRCODE_CREDITO Payment type: Credit QR Code.
TYPE_VOUCHER Payment type: Voucher (meal voucher).
VOID_PAYMENT Code used for payment reversal.
VOID_QRCODE Code used for QR Code reversal.