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410 lines (297 loc) · 15 KB



The Cartographer project team welcomes contributions from the community. If you wish to contribute code and you have not signed our contributor license agreement, our bot will update the issue when you open a Pull Request. For any questions about the CLA process, please refer to our FAQ.

Development Dependencies

  • ctlptl: for deploying local changes to a local registry
  • go: for compiling the controllers as well as other dependencies - 1.18+
  • kapp: for managing groups of kubernetes objects in a cluster (like our CRDs etc)
  • kbld: for resolving image references to absolute ones
  • kind: to run a local cluster
  • ko: for building and pushing the controller's container image
  • kuttl: for integration testing. MUST use version >1.13
  • shellcheck: for shell script linting
  • ytt: for Cluster Templates with ytt: sections
  • woke: for detecting non-inclusive terminology

Error handling and logging

Best practices

Do not use fmt.Sprintf in log messages. Use key-value pairs. See Logging messages.

When logging kubernetes objects, you can log the object as a value. Only name, namespace, apiVersion and kind will be printed. See Logging Kubernetes Objects.

Rules of thumb

  • When an error occurs, think about what debug will improve our ability to debug issues related to the error.
  • Do not blindly add logs at every call site.
  • With values that will provide context in higher abstractions, add them as soon as you can, for example "supplychain" in the workload reconciler. Do not add them if they're only going to be useful locally (eg stampedObject in our reconcilers will mean nothing in callee's).
  • Place context on errors and describe the error in 'local' terms. Eg: for a get to the api server: "failed to get supply-chain from api server" but for the same error in the reconciler "failed to get supply-chain". There will still be a lot of repetition, but the changing context gives the duplicate messages a reason to exist.

Error types

There are many kinds of 'error':

  • an exception: "This code should not be reached, but no one likes a panic". Use: Log.Error and return an unhandled error (retry-with-backoff)
  • a recoverable error: async/external comms usually. Use: Log.Error and return an unhandled erorr (retry-with-backoff)
  • a message that we consider recoverable by user action: "I tried to stamp but couldn't" (often these are deeper user validations). Use: Status.Conditions (primary form of user comms), Log.Info, and return nil or a handled error (will not retry-with-backoff)
  • a message that we consider recoverable with a retry: "something is not ready yet". Use: Status.Conditions, Log.Info and return nil or a handled error (will not retry-with-backoff)

Contribution workflow

This section describes the process for contributing a bug fix or new feature.

Before you submit a pull request

This project operates according to the talk, then code rule. If you plan to submit a pull request for anything more than a typo or obvious bug fix, first you should [raise an issue][new-issue] to discuss your proposal, before submitting any code.

Depending on the size of the feature you may be expected to first write an RFC. Follow the RFC Process documented in Cartographer's Governance.

Commit message and PR guidelines

  • Have a short subject on the first line and a body.
  • Use the imperative mood (ie "If applied, this commit will (subject)" should make sense).
  • Put a summary of the main area affected by the commit at the start, with a colon as delimiter. For example 'docs:', 'extensions/(extensionname):', 'design:' or something similar.
  • Do not merge commits that don't relate to the affected issue (e.g. "Updating from PR comments", etc). Should the need to cherrypick a commit or rollback arise, it should be clear what a specific commit's purpose is.
  • If the main branch has moved on, you'll need to rebase before we can merge, so merging upstream main or rebasing from upstream before opening your PR will probably save you some time.

Pull requests must include a Fixes #NNNN or Updates #NNNN comment. Remember that Fixes will close the associated issue, and Updates will link the PR to it.

Sample commit message

extensions/extenzi: Add quux functions

To implement the quux functions from #xxyyz, we need to
flottivate the crosp, then ensure that the orping is

Fixes #xxyyz

Signed-off-by: Your Name <[email protected]>

Merging commits

Pull requests with multiple commits can be merged with the Create a merge commit option. Merging pull requests with multiple commits can make sense in cases where a change involves code generation or mechanical changes that can be cleanly separated from semantic changes.

Maintainers should feel free to request authors to squash their branches. Maintainers should default to this if the branch contains WIP commits.

PR CI Actions

Before a PR is accepted it will need to pass the validation checks.

Validations should pass if you can run make test pre-push without failing.

If you run make pre-push and it fails, it usually autocorrects lints and generable files, so git add the changes, commit them and run make pre-push again.

Running a local cluster

A local Kubernetes cluster with a local registry and Cartographer installed can be stood up with the hack/

# here we're performing a few actions, one after another:
# - bringing the cluster up with a local registry already trusted
# - installing cert-manager, a cartographer's dependency
# - installing cartographer from the single-file release
./hack/ cluster cert-manager cartographer

This cluster will use a local registry. The controller running in the cluster will demonstrate the behavior of the codebase when the deploy command was run (Devs can check expected behavior by rerunning the deploy command).

Running the tests

Unit tests

Nothing else required aside from doing the equivalent of go test ./...:

make test

Integration tests

Integration tests involve a Kubernetes API server, and a persistence service (etcd).

There are two sets of Integration tests:

  1. Those that are purely declarative, and run using kuttl

    make test-kuttl
    make test-kuttl-kind  # see below section about testing with a full cluster.
  2. Those that require asynchronous testing, run using ginkgo.

    make test-integration

Running integration tests without a complete cluster

For speed, both kuttl and the ginkgo tests can (and usually do) use envtest from controller-runtime

The envtest package runs a simplified control plane, using kubernetes-apiserver and etcd. You'll need etcd and kube-apiserver installed in /usr/local/kubebuilder/bin and can download them with:

if [[ "$(go env GOARCH)" == "arm64" ]] && [[ "$(go env GOOS)" == "darwin" ]]; then ENV_TEST_ARCH="amd64"; else ENV_TEST_ARCH="$(go env GOARCH)"; fi # use Rosetta on M1 macs
curl -sSLo envtest-bins.tar.gz "${K8S_VERSION}-$(go env GOOS)-${ENV_TEST_ARCH}.tar.gz"

Note: envTest cannot run pods, so is limited, but is typically all that's needed to test controllers and webhooks.

Dealing with flaky integration tests

Tests in test/integration/ use envTest, which is a real APIServer and ETCD instance, so they are sometimes slower than Gomega's 1s eventually timeout.

When run locally, without the env var CI set to true, Gomega uses the 1s timeout.

Please do not specify a timeout for eventually. If the server takes too long because of load on your machine, you can use:

$ make test-integration 
$ # or 
$ gingko ./test/integration/<path to specific spec>

When run in CI, we run make test CI=true which ensures integrations run with a 10s timeout to avoid flaky tests.

Running integration tests with a complete cluster

Declarative kuttl tests can be run against a real cluster, using kind. This approach is slower but can be useful sometimes for easy debugging with the kubectl command line tool.

make test-kuttl-kind  # see below section about testing with a full cluster.

Pull Request Flow

Often, code in a pull request will be worked on by a pair from the team maintaining Catographer. In this case, a pull request should be made by one engineer. The second engineer should approve the pull request. If the work is not blocking other stories, the pull request should stay open overnight, to allow others on the team time to read. The following morning, the pull request should be merged.

Maintaining a useful commit history

The commit history should be legible and (to our greatest ability) logical. In pursuit of this:

  1. Use small commits. Keeping logical work in their own commit helps document code.

  2. Remove WIP commits from a branch before merging it into another. If a WIP commit is made at the end of a day, a soft reset the following morning can help ensure that only logical commits remain in the branch.

  3. When merging, do not fast forward. E.g. use git merge --no-ff This will make clear the small commits that belong to a logical group.

  4. When merging Branch A into Branch B, perform a rebase of Branch A on Branch B. This will ensure that the commits of Branch A are easily readable when reading Branch B's history.

Creating new releases

A release of Cartographer consists of:

  1. a tagged commit in the Git history
  2. a GitHub release aiming at that tag making available a few assets that make Cartographer installable in a cluster

While the first step is manual (someone needs to git tag and then git push), the second isn't: the release.yaml GitHub workflow takes care of preparing the assets and pushing to GitHub all the necessary bits.

Although 2 is automated, it's still possible to do the procedure manually.

Automatic release

  1. Check the previous release -
  2. Create a tag for the new release
git tag v0.0.x # or v0.0.x-rc.n
git push origin <tag-name>
  1. Ensure workflow has kicked off -

Manually building and pushing release assets to GitHub

  1. a container image registry that we can temporarily push images to
# `cluster` brings up a local container image registry and a kubernetes
# cluster that we can use to push images to and try the installation
# out (this cluster already trusts the local registry).
./hack/ cluster
  1. tag the current commit for release
git tag v0.0.6-rc
  1. generate the release assets
RELEASE_VERSION=v0.0.6-rc ./hack/
  1. submit to github
RELEASE_VERSION=v0.0.6-rc ./hack/

Running the end-to-end test

Cartographer has a script that allows users to:

  • create a local cluster with a local repository
  • push the image of the controller to that cluster
  • run the controller
  • create the supply chain(s) and workload(s) the example directory
  • assure that the expected objects are created by the Cartographer controller

To run the tests, first make sure you have Docker running and no Kubernetes clusters already there, then proceed with the use of the script:

# 1. create a local cluster using kind as well as a
#    local container registry that is already
#    trusted by the cluster, including
#    pre-requisite dependencies like kapp-ctrl and
#    cert-manager.
# 2. produce a new local release of cartographer and
#    have it installed in the local cluster
# 3. install all the dependencies that are used by
#    the examples
# 4. submit the example and wait for the final
#    deployment (knative service with our app) to
#    occur.
./hack/ cluster cartographer example-dependencies example

Once the execution finished, you can either play around with the environment or tear it down.

# get rid of all of the containers created to
# support the containers
./hack/ teardown

Maintaining Documentation

CRD definitions

CRD manifests must include clear documentation. Use go doc comments liberally in the CRD objects under /pkg/api

The doc comments are presented in both kubectl explain documentation as well in our documentation website. It's important to realise there are limitations to formatting in both situations. In kubectl explain the entire comment runs together, eg:

	// Sources is a list of references to other 'source' resources in this list.
	// A source resource has the kind ClusterSourceTemplate
	// In a template, sources can be consumed as:
	//    $(sources.<name>.url)$ and $(sources.<name>.revision)$
	// If there is only one source, it can be consumed as:
	//    $(source.url)$ and $(source.revision)$


  sources	<[]Object>
     Sources is a list of references to other 'source' resources in this list. A
     source resource has the kind ClusterSourceTemplate In a template, these can
     be consumed as: $(sources.<name>.url)$ and $(sources.<name>.revision)$ If there
     is only one source, it can be consumed as: $(source.url)$
     and $(sources.revision)$

Use conjunctions and comma seperated lists.

// aye
// bee
// cee

should be:

// aye, bee and cee

Stops at the end of every sentence, capitals at the start of every sentence.

Talking about one thing

talking about another

presents as:

Talking about one thing talking about another

instead use:

Talking about one thing.

Talking about another.

which is presented as:

Talking about one thing. Talking about another.