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CF Workshop Continuous Delivery Lab


This lab will guide you through building a BASIC continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins, Artifactory, and Cloud Foundry.

Setup Steps

  1. FORK (using the GitHub UI) and clone the [citytest repo](

    $ git clone<YOUR_GIT_USERNAME>/citytest
    $ cd citytest
  2. Login to your Jenkins instance at CloudBees.

  3. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available.

  4. Install the following plugins:

    • Gradle

    • Mask Passwords

    • Extensible Choice Parameter Plugin

    • Artifactory Plugin

    • Parameterized Trigger Plugin

      When you do, tell Jenkins to restart after plugin install.

  5. Login to your Aritfactory Online instance.

  6. Navigate to Admin > Security > General.

  7. Activate encryption for passwords.

  8. Next navigate to Admin > Security > Users.

  9. Create a new user named deployer with a password of your choosing.

  10. Once created, navigate to Admin > Security > Permissions.

  11. Edit the Anything permissions target.

  12. Select the Users tab, and check all permissions for your new user.

  13. Logout, and then log back in as your new user.

  14. Click on the account name in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  15. Enter your password and click Unlock.

  16. Copy your encrypted password and paste it somewhere safe.

  17. Next, go back to Jenkins. And navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.

  18. Find Artifactory, and add a new Artifactory server:


    https://<<your artifactory hostname">[your" class="bare">https://<<your artifactory hostname][your artifactory hostname] (e.g.


    the user you created in artifactory


    the encrypted password you copied a moment ago

  19. Click Apply. Then click Test Connection and ensure things are working.

Create the Initial Build Job

  1. Navigate back to Jenkins Home.

  2. Click New Job, give it the name citytest and select ``Build a free-style software project.'' Then click OK.

  3. Under Source Code Management, select Git, and supply your repository URL (e.g.<YOUR_GIT_USERNAME>/citytest).

  4. Under Build Triggers, select Poll SCM and provide the string * * * * *.

  5. Under Build Environment, select Gradle-Artifactory Integration.

    • Select your Artifactory server.

    • Select libs-releases_local as the Publishing Respoitory.

    • Ensure the following are checked:

      • Capture and publish build info

      • Allow promotion of non-staged builds

      • Publish artifacts to Artifactory

      • Publish Ivy descriptors

  6. Under Build, add a Invoke Gradle Script build step.

    Gradle Version


    Build Step Description

    build environment agnostic artifact




    clean assemble

  7. Save the config and try running the build by clicking ``Build Now''. Ensure that you see the artifact in Artifactory.

Create the Deploy Job

  1. Navigate back to Jenkins Home.

  2. Click New Job, give it the name citytest-deploy and select ``Build a free-style software project.'' Then click OK.

  3. Check This build is parameterized.

  4. Click Add Parameter and choose Extensible Choice.




    The citytest build to promote.

    Choice Provider

    System Groovy Choice Parameter

    Groovy System Script
    import jenkins.model.*
    import hudson.model.*
    def getAllBuildNumbers(Job job) {
      def buildNumbers = []
      (job.getBuilds()).each { build ->
      return buildNumbers
    def buildJob = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName('citytest');
    return getAllBuildNumbers(buildJob)
  5. Under Build Environment, select Generic-Artifactory Integration.

    • Select your Artifactory server.

    • Select ext-releases_local as the Target Respoitory.

      Resolved Artifacts


    • Ensure Capture and Publish Build Info is checked.

  6. Check Mask Passwords, then Add:




    Your Pivotal Web Services Password

  7. Under Build, add a Execute Shell build step. Replace in the script below uniquetoken with something like your username!

    tar -zxvf cf-linux-amd64.tgz
    ./cf --version
    ./cf login -a -u <<Your PWS Username>>> -p ${CF_PASSWORD} -o <<Your PWS Org>> -s <<Your PWS Space>>
    DEPLOYED_VERSION_CMD=$(CF_COLOR=false ./cf apps | grep 'cities-' | cut -d" " -f1)
    ROUTE_VERSION=$(echo "${BUILD_VERSION}" | cut -d"." -f1-3 | tr '.' '-')
    echo "Deployed Version: $DEPLOYED_VERSION"
    echo "Route Version: $ROUTE_VERSION"
    ./cf push "cities-$BUILD_VERSION" -i 1 -m 512M -n "cities-$ROUTE_VERSION-uniquetoken" -d -p artifacts/citytest-${BUILD_VERSION}.jar --no-manifest
    ./cf map-route "cities-${BUILD_VERSION}" -n cities-uniquetoken
    ./cf scale cities-${BUILD_VERSION} -i 2
    if [ ! -z "$DEPLOYED_VERSION" -a "$DEPLOYED_VERSION" != " " -a "$DEPLOYED_VERSION" != "cities-${BUILD_VERSION}" ]; then
      echo "Performing zero-downtime cutover to $BUILD_VERSION"
      while read line
        if [ ! -z "$line" -a "$line" != " " -a "$line" != "cities-${BUILD_VERSION}" ]; then
          echo "Scaling down, unmapping and removing $line"
          ./cf scale "$line" -i 1
          ./cf unmap-route "$line" -n cities-uniquetoken
          ./cf delete "$line" -f
          echo "Skipping $line"
      done <<< "$DEPLOYED_VERSION"
  8. Save the config and try running the build by clicking ``Build With Parameters''. Select the build you created in the previous step from the drop list. You should see the build deploy to Cloud Foundry.

Create the Trigger

  1. Return to the citytest project and click Configure.

  2. Under Post Build Actions add a post-build action, selecting Trigger parameterized build on other projects.

    Projects to build


    Predefined parameters


  3. Save the config and try running the build by clicking ``Build Now''. You should see both builds executed coupled with a zero-downtime deploy of the app to Cloud Foundry.

Make a Commit and Watch the Pipeline Run

  1. In your local clone of the cities project, open src/main/java/org/example/cities/ in an editor.

  2. Change the version number in the string.

  3. Execute git commit -am "change version number".

  4. Execute git push origin master.

  5. You should see both builds executed coupled with a zero-downtime deploy of the app to Cloud Foundry!

  6. Congrats! You’ve reached the end of the lab.