Spring 5: Spring 5 Core, AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Boot 2, Thymeleaf, JPA & Hibernate
- Spring Framework 5
- Spring Core
- Spring Annotations
- Spring Java Configuration (all Java, no xml)
- Spring AOP
- Spring MVC
- Hibernate CRUD
- Spring Security
- Spring REST
- Maven
- Spring Boot Starters
- Spring Boot and Hibernate
- Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA
- Spring Boot and Spring Data REST
- Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Spring MVC
- Spring MVC and Hibernate CRUD real-time project
- Spring Security (with password encryption in the database)
- Spring REST (with full database CRUD real-time project)
- Spring Boot REST (with full database CRUD real-time project)
- Spring Boot with JPA and Spring Data JPA (with full database CRUD real-time project)
- Spring Boot with Spring Data REST (with full database CRUD real-time project)
- Spring Boot with Thymeleaf (with full database CRUD real-time project)