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Opensearch Operator User Guide

This guide is intended for users of the Opensearch Operator. If you want to contribute to the development of the Operator, please see the Design documents and the Developer guide instead.


The Operator can be easily installed using Helm:

  1. Add the helm repo: helm repo add opensearch-operator
  2. Install the Operator: helm install opensearch-operator opensearch-operator/opensearch-operator

Follow the instructions in this video to install the Operator:

Watch the video

A few notes on operator releases:

  • Please see the project README for a compatibility matrix which operator release is compatible with which OpenSearch release.
  • The userguide in the repository corresponds to the current development state of the code. To view the documentation for a specific released version switch to that tag in the Github menu.
  • We track feature requests as Github Issues. If you are missing a feature and find an issue for it, please be aware that an issue ticket closed as completed only means that feature has been implemented in the development version. After that it might still take some for the feature to be contained in a release. If you are unsure, please check the list of releases in our Github project if your feature is mentioned in the release notes.


After you have successfully installed the Operator, you can deploy your first OpenSearch cluster. This is done by creating an OpenSearchCluster custom object in Kubernetes or using Helm.

Using Helm

OpenSearch cluster can be easily deployed using Helm. Follow the instructions in Cluster Chart Guide to install the cluster.

Using Custom Object

Create a file cluster.yaml with the following content:

kind: OpenSearchCluster
  name: my-first-cluster
  namespace: default
    serviceName: my-first-cluster
    version: 2.3.0
    enable: true
    version: 2.3.0
    replicas: 1
         memory: "512Mi"
         cpu: "200m"
         memory: "512Mi"
         cpu: "200m"
    - component: nodes
      replicas: 3
      diskSize: "5Gi"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - "cluster_manager"
        - "data"

Then run kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml. If you watch the cluster (e.g. watch -n 2 kubectl get pods), you will see that after a few seconds the Operator will create several pods. First, a bootstrap pod will be created (my-first-cluster-bootstrap-0) that helps with initial master discovery. Then three pods for the OpenSearch cluster will be created (my-first-cluster-masters-0/1/2), and one pod for the dashboards instance. After the pods are appearing as ready, which normally takes about 1-2 minutes, you can connect to your cluster using port-forwarding.

Run kubectl port-forward svc/my-first-cluster-dashboards 5601, then open http://localhost:5601 in your browser and log in with the default demo credentials admin / admin. Alternatively, if you want to access the OpenSearch REST API, run: kubectl port-forward svc/my-first-cluster 9200. Then open a second terminal and run: curl -k -u admin:admin https://localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?v. You should see the three deployed pods listed.

If you'd like to delete your cluster, run: kubectl delete -f cluster.yaml. The Operator will then clean up and delete any Kubernetes resources created for the cluster. Note that this will not delete the persistent volumes for the cluster, in most cases. For a complete cleanup, run: kubectl delete pvc -l to also delete the PVCs.

The minimal cluster you deployed in this section is only intended for demo purposes. Please see the next sections on how to configure and manage the different aspects of your cluster.

Single-Node clusters are currently not supported. Your cluster must have at least 3 nodes with the master/cluster_manager role configured.

Configuring the operator

The majority of this guide deals with configuring and managing OpenSearch clusters. But there are some general options that can be configured for the operator itself. All of this is done using helm values your provide during installation: helm install opensearch-operator opensearch-operator/opensearch-operator -f values.yaml.

For a list of all possible values see the chart default values.yaml. Some important ones:

  # Log level of the operator. Possible values: debug, info, warn, error
  loglevel: info

  # If specified, the operator will be restricted to watch objects only in the desired namespace. Defaults is to watch all namespaces.

  # Configure extra environment variables for the operator. You can also pull them from secrets or configmaps
  extraEnv: []
  #  - name: MY_ENV
  #    value: somevalue

Configuring OpenSearch

The main job of the operator is to deploy and manage OpenSearch clusters. As such it offers a wide range of options to configure clusters.

Nodepools and Scaling

OpenSearch clusters are composed of one or more node pools, with each representing a logical group of nodes that have the same role. Each node pool can have its own resources. For each configured nodepool the operator will create a Kubernetes StatefulSet. It also creates a Kubernetes service object for each nodepool so you can communicate with a specfic nodepool if you want.

      - component: masters
        replicas: 3  # The number of replicas
        diskSize: "30Gi" # The disk size to use 
        resources: # The resource requests and limits for that nodepool
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
        roles: # The roles the nodes should have
          - "cluster_manager"
          - "data"
      - component: nodes
        replicas: 3
        diskSize: "10Gi"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
          - "data"

Additional configuration options are available for node pools and are documented in this guide in later sections.

Configuring opensearch.yml

The Operator automatically generates the main OpenSearch configuration file opensearch.yml based on the parameters you provide in the different sections (e.g. TLS configuration). If you need to add your own settings, you can do that using the additionalConfig field in the cluster spec:

    # ...
      some.config.option: somevalue
  # ...
- component: masters
  # ...
    some.other.config: foobar

Using spec.general.additionalConfig you can add settings to all nodes, using nodePools[].additionalConfig you can add settings to only a pool of nodes. The settings must be provided as a map of strings, so use the flat form of any setting. If the value you want to provide is not a string, put it in quotes (for example "true" or "1234"). The Operator merges its own generated settings with whatever extra settings you provide. Note that basic settings like, node.roles, and settings related to network and discovery are set by the Operator and cannot be overwritten using additionalConfig. The value of spec.general.additionalConfig is also used for configuring the bootstrap pod. To overwrite the values of the bootstrap pod, set the field spec.bootstrap.additionalConfig.

Note that changing any of the additionalConfig will trigger a rolling restart of the cluster. If want to avoid that please use the Cluster Settings API to change them at runtime.


For security reasons, encryption is required for communication with the OpenSearch cluster and between cluster nodes. If you do not configure any encryption, OpenSearch will use the included demo TLS certificates, which are not ideal for most active deployments.

Depending on your requirements, the Operator offers two ways of managing TLS certificates. You can either supply your own certificates, or the Operator will generate its own CA and sign certificates for all nodes using that CA. The second option is recommended, unless you want to directly expose your OpenSearch cluster outside your Kubernetes cluster, or your organization has rules about using self-signed certificates for internal communication.

TLS certificates are used in three places, and each can be configured independently.

Node Transport

OpenSearch cluster nodes communicate with each other using the OpenSearch transport protocol (port 9300 by default). This is not exposed externally, so in almost all cases, generated certificates should be adequate.

To configure node transport security you can use the following fields in the OpenSearchCluster custom resource:

# ...
    tls:  # Everything related to TLS configuration
      transport:  # Configuration of the transport endpoint
        generate: true  # Have the operator generate and sign certificates
        perNode: true  # Separate certificate per node
          name:  # Name of the secret that contains the provided certificate
          name:  # Name of the secret that contains a CA the operator should use
        nodesDn: []  # List of certificate DNs allowed to connect
        adminDn: []  # List of certificate DNs that should get admin access
# ...

To have the Operator generate the certificates, you only need to set the generate and perNode fields to true (all other fields can be omitted). The Operator will then generate a CA certificate and one certificate per node, and then use the CA to sign the node certificates. These certificates are valid for one year. Note that the Operator does not currently have certificate renewal implemented.

Alternatively, you can provide the certificates yourself (e.g. if your organization has an internal CA). You can either provide one certificate to be used by all nodes or provide a certificate for each node (recommended). In this mode, set generate: false and perNode to true or false depending on whether you're providing per-node certificates.

If you provide just one certificate, it must be placed in a Kubernetes TLS secret (with the fields ca.crt, tls.key and tls.crt, must all be PEM-encoded), and you must provide the name of the secret as If you want to keep the CA certificate separate, you can place it in a separate secret and supply that as If you provide one certificate per node, you must place all certificates into one secret (including the ca.crt) with a <hostname>.key and <hostname>.crt for each node. The hostname is defined as <cluster-name>-<nodepool-component>-<index> (e.g. my-first-cluster-masters-0).

If you provide the certificates yourself, you must also provide the list of certificate DNs in nodesDn, wildcards can be used (e.g. "CN=my-first-cluster-*,OU=my-org").

If you provide your own node certificates you must also provide an admin cert that the operator can use for managing the cluster:

        name: my-first-cluster-admin-cert # The secret must have keys tls.crt and tls.key

Make sure the DN of the certificate is set in the adminDn field.


Each OpenSearch cluster node exposes the REST API using HTTPS (by default port 9200).

To configure HTTP API security, the following fields in the OpenSearchCluster custom resource are available:

# ...
    tls:  # Everything related to TLS configuration
      http:  # Configuration of the HTTP endpoint
        generate: true  # Have the Operator generate and sign certificates
          name:  # Name of the secret that contains the provided certificate
          name:  # Name of the secret that contains a CA the Operator should use
# ...

Again, you have the option of either letting the Operator generate and sign the certificates or providing your own. The only difference between node transport certificates and node HTTP/REST APIs is that per-node certificate are not possible here. In all other respects the two work the same way.

If you provide your own certificates, please make sure the following names are added as SubjectAltNames (SAN): <cluster-name>, <cluster-name>.<namespace>, <cluster-name>.<namespace>.svc,<cluster-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.

Directly exposing the node HTTP port outside the Kubernetes cluster is not recommended. Rather than doing so, you should configure an ingress. The ingress can then also present a certificate from an accredited CA (for example LetsEncrypt) and hide self-signed certificates that are being used internally. In this way, the nodes should be supplied internally with properly signed certificates.

Adding plugins

You can extend the functionality of OpenSearch via plugins. Commonly used ones are snapshot repository plugins for external backups (e.g. to AWS S3 or Azure Blog Storage). The operator has support to automatically install such plugins during setup.

To install a plugin for opensearch add it to the list under general.pluginsList:

    version: 2.3.0
    httpPort: 9200
    vendor: opensearch
    serviceName: my-cluster
    pluginsList: ["repository-s3",""]

To install a plugin for opensearch dashboards add it to the list under dashboards.pluginsList:

    enable: true
    version: 2.4.1
      - sample-plugin-name

Please note:

  • Bundled plugins do not have to be added to the list, they are installed automatically
  • You can provide either a plugin name or a complete to the plugin zip. The items you provide are passed to the bin/opensearch-plugin install <plugin-name> command.
  • Updating the list for an already installed cluster will lead to a rolling restart of all opensearch nodes to install the new plugin.
  • If your plugin requires additional configuration you must provide that either through additionalConfig (see section Configuring opensearch.yml) or as secrets in the opensearch keystore (see section Add secrets to keystore).

Add secrets to keystore

Some OpenSearch features (e.g. snapshot repository plugins) require sensitive configuration. This is handled via the opensearch keystore. The operator allows you to populate this keystore using Kubernetes secrets. To do so add the secrets under the general.keystore section:

    # ...
    - secret:
        name: credentials
    - secret:
        name: some-other-secret

With this configuration all keys of the secrets will become keys in the keystore.

If you only want to load some keys from a secret or rename the existing keys, you can add key mappings as a map:

    # ...
    - secret:
        name: many-secret-values
        # Only read "sensitive-value" from the secret, keep its name.
        sensitive-value: sensitive-value
    - secret:
        name: credentials
        # Renames key accessKey in secret to s3.client.default.access_key in keystore
        accessKey: s3.client.default.access_key
        password: s3.client.default.secret_key

Note that only provided keys will be loaded from the secret! Any keys not specified will be ignored.


What is SmartScaler?

SmartScaler is a mechanism built into the Operator that enables nodes to be safely removed from the cluster. When a node is being removed from a cluster, the safe drain process ensures that all of its data is transferred to other nodes in the cluster before the node is taken offline. This prevents any data loss or corruption that could occur if the node were simply shut down or disconnected without first transferring its data to other nodes.

During the safe drain process, the node being removed is marked as "draining", which means that it will no longer receive any new requests. Instead, it will only process outstanding requests until its workload has been completed. Once all requests have been processed, the node will begin transferring its data to other nodes in the cluster. The safe drain process will continue until all data has been transferred and the node is no longer part of the cluster. Only after that, the OMC will turn down the node.

Set Java heap size

To configure the amount of memory allocated to the OpenSearch nodes, configure the heap size using the JVM args. This operation is expected to have no downtime and the cluster should be operational.

Recommendation: Set to half of memory request

      - component: nodes
        replicas: 3
        diskSize: "10Gi"
        jvm: -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
          - "data"

If jvm is not provided then the java heap size will be set to half of resources.requests.memory which is the recommend value for data nodes

If jvm is not provided and resources.requests.memory does not exist then value will be -Xmx512M -Xms512M.

We don't support dynamic values depending on the node type for now.

Deal with max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count errors

OpenSearch requires the Linux kernel vm.max_map_count option to be set to at least 262144. You can either set this yourself on the Kubernetes hosts using sysctl or you can let the operator take care of it by adding the following option to your cluster spec:

    setVMMaxMapCount: true

This will configure an init container for each opensearch pod that executes the needed sysctl command. By default the init container uses a busybox image. If you want to change that (for example to use an image from a private registry), see Custom init helper.

Configuring Snapshot Repo (BETA)

This feature is Currently in BETA, you can configure the snapshot repo settings for the OpenSearch cluster through the operator. Using snapshotRepositories settings you can configure multiple snapshot repos. Once the snapshot repo is configured a user can create custom _ism policies through dashboard to backup the in indexes.

Note: BETA flagged Features in a release are experimental. Therefore, we do not recommend the use of configuring snapshot repo in a production environment. For updates on the progress of snapshot/restore, or if you want leave feedback/contribute that could help improve the feature, please refer to the issue on GitHub.

        - name: my_s3_repository_1
          type: s3
            bucket: opensearch-s3-snapshot
            region: us-east-1
            base_path: os-snapshot
        - name: my_s3_repository_3
          type: s3
            bucket: opensearch-s3-snapshot
            region: us-east-1
            base_path: os-snapshot_1

Prerequisites for Configuring Snapshot Repo

Before applying the setting snapshotRepositories to the operator, please ensure the following prerequisites are met.

  1. The right cloud provider native plugins are installed. For example:

        pluginsList: ["repository-s3"]
  2. Ensure the cluster is fully healthy before applying the snapshotRepositories settings to the custom resource. Note: For the BETA you cannot add the settings if the cluster is not yet provisioned and healthy, otherwise the configuration of the repositories will fail.

  3. The required roles/permissions for the backend cloud are pre-created. Example: Following is the AWS IAM role added for kubernetes nodes so that snapshots can be published to opensearch-s3-snapshot s3 bucket.

        "Statement": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
        "Version": "2012-10-17"

Configuring Dashboards

The operator can automatically deploy and manage a OpenSearch Dashboards instance. To do so add the following section to your cluster spec:

# ...
    enable: true  # Set this to true to enable the Dashboards deployment
    version: 2.3.0  # The Dashboards version to deploy. This should match the configured opensearch version
    replicas: 1  # The number of replicas to deploy

Configuring opensearch_dashboards.yml

You can customize the OpenSearch Dashboards configuration (opensearch_dashboards.yml) using the additionalConfig field in the dashboards section of the OpenSearchCluster custom resource:

kind: OpenSearchCluster
      opensearch_security.auth.type: "proxy"
      opensearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: |
        ["securitytenant","Authorization","x-forwarded-for","x-auth-request-access-token", "x-auth-request-email", "x-auth-request-groups"]
      opensearch_security.multitenancy.enabled: "true"

You can for example use this to set up any of the backend authentication types for Dashboards.

Note that the configuration must be valid or the Dashboards instance will fail to start.

Storing sensitive information in the dashboards configuration

There are situations where you need to store sensitive information inside the dashboards configuration file (for example a client secret for OpenIDConnect). To do this safely you can utilize the fact that OpenSearch Dashboards does variable substitution in its configuration file.

For this to work you need to create a secret with the sensitive information (for example dashboards-oidc-config) and then mount that secret as an environment variable into the Dashboards pod (see the section on Adding environment variables to pods on how to do that). You can then reference any keys from that secret in your dashboards configuration.

As an example this is a part of a cluster spec:

            name: dashboards-oidc-config
            key: client_secret
      opensearch_security.openid.client_secret: "${OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET}"

Note that changing the value in the secret has no direct influence on the dashboards config. For this to take effect you need to restart the dashboards pods.

Configuring a basePath

When using OpenSearch behind a reverse proxy on a subpath (e.g. /logs) you have to configure a base path. This can be achieved by setting the base path field in the configuraiton of OpenSearch Dashboards. Behind the scenes the correct configuration options are automatically added to the dashboards configuration.

kind: OpenSearchCluster
    enable: true
    basePath: "/logs"

This also sets the server.rewriteBasePath option to true. So if you expose Dashboards via an ingress controller you must configure it appropriately.

Dashboards HTTP

OpenSearch Dashboards can expose its API/UI via HTTP or HTTPS. It is unencrypted by default. Similar to how the operator handles TLS for the opensearch nodes, to secure the connection you can either let the Operator generate and sign a certificate, or provide your own. The following fields in the OpenSearchCluster custom resource are available to configure it:

# ...
    enable: true  # Deploy Dashboards component
      enable: true  # Configure TLS
      generate: true  # Have the Operator generate and sign a certificate
        name:  # Name of the secret that contains the provided certificate
       name:  # Name of the secret that contains a CA the Operator should use
# ...

To let the Operator generate the certificate, just set tls.enable: true and tls.generate: true (the other fields under tls can be ommitted). Again, as with the node certificates, you can supply your own CA via for the Operator to use. If you want to use your own certificate, you need to provide it as a Kubernetes TLS secret (with fields tls.key and tls.crt) and provide the name as

If you want to expose Dashboards outside of the cluster, it is recommended to use Operator-generated certificates internally and let an Ingress present a valid certificate from an accredited CA (e.g. LetsEncrypt).

Customizing the kubernetes deployment

Besides configuring OpenSearch itself, the operator also allows you to customize how the operator deploys the opensearch and dashboards pods.

Data Persistence

By default, the Operator will create OpenSearch node pools with persistent storage from the default Storage Class. This behaviour can be changed per node pool. You may supply an alternative storage class and access mode, or configure hostPath or emptyDir storage.

The available storage options are:


The default option is persistent storage via PVCs. You can explicity define the storageClass if needed:

- component: masters
  replicas: 3
  diskSize: 30
    - "data"
    - "master"
      storageClass: mystorageclass  # Set the name of the storage class to be used
      accessModes: # You can change the accessMode
      - ReadWriteOnce


If you do not want to use persistent storage you can use the emptyDir option. Beware that this can lead to data loss, so you should only use this option for testing, or for data that is otherwise persisted.

- component: masters
  replicas: 3
  diskSize: 30
    - "data"
    - "master"
    emptyDir: {}  # This configures emptyDir

If you are using emptyDir, it is recommended that you set spec.general.drainDataNodes to be true. This will ensure that shards are drained from the pods before rolling upgrades or restart operations are performed.


As a last option you can hose a hostPath. Please note that hostPath is strongly discouraged, and if you do choose this option, then you must also configure affinity for the node pool to ensure that multiple pods do not schedule to the same Kubernetes host.

- component: masters
  replicas: 3
  diskSize: 30
    - "data"
    - "master"
      path: "/var/opensearch"  # Define the path on the host here

Security Context for pods and containers

You can set the security context for the Opensearch pods and the Dashboard pod. This is useful when you want to define privilege and access control settings for a Pod or Container. To specify security settings for Pods, include the podSecurityContext field and for Containers, include the securityContext field.

The structure is the same for both Opensearch pods and the Dashboard pod:

      runAsUser: 1000
      runAsGroup: 1000
      runAsNonRoot: true
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      privileged: false
      fsGroup: 1000
      runAsNonRoot: true
        - ALL
      privileged: false

Labels or Annotations on OpenSearch nodes

You can add additional labels or annotations on the nodepool configuration. This is useful for integration with other applications such as a service mesh, or configuring a prometheus scrape endpoint:

    - component: masters
      replicas: 3
      diskSize: "5Gi"
      labels:  # Add any extra labels as key-value pairs here
        someLabelKey: someLabelValue
      annotations:  # Add any extra annotations as key-value pairs here
        someAnnotationKey: someAnnotationValue
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - "data"
        - "master"

Any annotations and labels defined will be added directly to the pods of the nodepools.

Add Labels or Annotations to the Dashboard Deployment

You can add labels or annotations to the dashboard pod specification. This is helpful if you want the dashboard to be part of a service mesh or integrate with other applications that rely on labels or annotations.

    enable: true
    version: 1.3.1
    replicas: 1
    labels:  # Add any extra labels as key-value pairs here
      someLabelKey: someLabelValue
    annotations:  # Add any extra annotations as key-value pairs here
      someAnnotationKey: someAnnotationValue

Any annotations and labels defined will be added directly to the dashboards pods.

Priority class on OpenSearch nodes

You can configure OpenSearch nodes to use a PriorityClass using the name of the priority class. This is useful to prevent unwanted evictions of your OpenSearch nodes.

    - component: masters
      replicas: 3
      diskSize: "5Gi"
      priorityClassName: somePriorityClassName
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - "master"

Additional Volumes

Sometimes it is neccessary to mount ConfigMaps, Secrets or emptyDir into the Opensearch pods as volumes to provide additional configuration (e.g. plugin config files). This can be achieved by providing an array of additional volumes to mount to the custom resource. This option is located in either spec.general.additionalVolumes or spec.dashboards.additionalVolumes. The format is as follows:

    - name: example-configmap
      path: /path/to/mount/volume
        name: config-map-name
      restartPods: true #set this to true to restart the pods when the content of the configMap changes
    - name: temp
      path: /tmp
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: example-secret
      path: /path/to/mount/volume
        secretName: secret-name

The defined volumes are added to all pods of the opensearch cluster. It is currently not possible to define them per nodepool.

Adding environment variables to pods

The operator allows you to add your own environment variables to the opensearch pods and the Dashboards pods. You can provide the value as a string literal or mount it from a secret or configmap.

The structure is the same for both opensearch and dashboards:

      - name: MY_ENV_VAR
        value: "myvalue"
      - name: MY_SECRET_VAR
            name: my-secret
            key: some_key
      - name: MY_CONFIGMAP_VAR
            name: my-configmap
            key: some_key
    - component: nodes
        - name: MY_ENV_VAR
          value: "myvalue"
        # the other options are supported here as well 

Custom cluster domain name

If your Kubernetes cluster is configured with a custom domain name (default is cluster.local) you need to configure the operator accordingly in order for internal routing to work properly. This can be achieved by setting manager.dnsBase in the helm chart values.

  # ...
  dnsBase: custom.domain

Custom init helper

During cluster initialization the operator uses init containers as helpers. For these containers a busybox image is used ( specifically In case you are working in an offline environment and the cluster cannot access the registry or you want to customize the image, you can override the image used by specifying the initHelper image in your cluster spec:

      # You can either only specify the version
      version: "1.27.2-buildcustom"
      # or specify a totally different image
      image: ""
      # Additionally you can define the imagePullPolicy
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      # and imagePullSecrets if needed
        - name: docker-pull-secret

Edit init container resources

Init container run without any resource constraints, but it's possible to specify resource requests and limits by adding a resources section to the YAML definition. This allows you to control the amount of CPU and memory allocated to the init container, it's helps to ensure that it doesn't starve other containers, by setting appropriate resource limits.

          memory: "128Mi"
          cpu: "250m"
          memory: "512Mi"
          cpu: "500m"

Disabling the init helper

In some cases, you may want to avoid the chmod init container (e.g. on OpenShift or if your cluster blocks containers running as root). It can be disabled by adding the following to your values.yaml:

      value: "true"


The PDB (Pod Disruption Budget) is a Kubernetes resource that helps ensure the high availability of applications by defining the acceptable disruption level during maintenance or unexpected events. It specifies the minimum number of pods that must remain available to maintain the desired level of service. The PDB definition is unique for every nodePool. You must provide either minAvailable or maxUnavailable to configure PDB, but not both.

kind: OpenSearchCluster
    - component: masters
      replicas: 3
      diskSize: "30Gi"
        enable: true
        minAvailable: 3
    - component: datas
      replicas: 7
      diskSize: "100Gi"
        enable: true
        maxUnavailable: 2

Exposing OpenSearch Dashboards

If you want to expose the Dashboards instance of your cluster for users/services outside of your Kubernetes cluster, the recommended way is to do this via ingress.

A simple example:

kind: Ingress
  name: opensearch-dashboards
  namespace: default
  - hosts:
  - host:
      - backend:
            name: my-cluster-dashboards
              number: 5601
        path: "/(.*)"
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific

Note: If you have enabled HTTPS for dashboards you need to instruct your ingress-controller to use a HTTPS connection internally. This is specific for the controller you are using (e.g. nginx-ingress, traefik, ...).

Configuring the Dashboards K8s Service

You can customize the Kubernetes Service object that the operator generates for the Dashboards deployment.

Supported Service Types

  • ClusterIP (default)
  • NodePort
  • LoadBalancer

When using type LoadBalancer you can optionally set the load balancer source ranges.

kind: OpenSearchCluster
      type: LoadBalancer  # Set one of the supported types
      loadBalancerSourceRanges: ","  # Optional, add source ranges for a loadbalancer

Exposing the OpenSearch cluster REST API

If you want to expose the REST API of OpenSearch outside your Kubernetes cluster, the recommended way is to do this via ingress. Internally you should use self-signed certificates (you can let the operator generate them), and then let the ingress use a certificate from an accepted CA (for example LetsEncrypt or a company-internal CA). That way you do not have the hassle of supplying custom certificates to the opensearch cluster but your users still see valid certificates.

Cluster operations

The operator contains several features that automate management tasks that might be needed during the cluster lifecycle. The different available options are documented here.

Cluster recovery

This operator automatically handles common failure scenarios and restarts crashed pods, normally this is done in a one-by-one fashion to maintain quorum and cluster stability. In case the operator detects several crashed or missing pods (for a nodepool) at the same time it will switch into a special recovery mode and start all pods at once and allow the cluster to form a new quorum. This parallel recovery mode is currently experimental and only works with PVC-backed storage as it uses the number of existing PVCs to determine the number of missing pods. The recovery is done by temporarily changing the statefulset underlying each nodepool and setting the podManagementPolicy to Parallel. If you encounter problems with it, you can disable it by redeploying the operator and adding manager.parallelRecoveryEnabled: false to your values.yaml. Please also report any problems by opening an issue in the operator github project.

The recovery mode also kicks in if you deleted your cluster but kept the PVCs around and are then reinstalling the cluster.

If the cluster is using emptyDir i.e. every node pool is using emptyDir, the operator starts recovery in case of these failure scenarios:

  1. More than half the master nodes are missing or crashed and thus, the quorum is broken.
  2. All data nodes are missing or crashed and thus, no data node is available.

But since the cluster is using emptyDir, data is lost and not recoverable. So, it is impossible to restore the cluster to its old state. Therefore, the operator deletes and recreates the entire OpenSearch cluster.

Rolling Upgrades

The operator supports automatic rolling version upgrades. To do so simply change the general.version in your cluster spec and reapply it:

    version: 1.2.3

The Operator will then perform a rolling upgrade and restart the nodes one-by-one, waiting after each node for the cluster to stabilize and have a green cluster status. Depending on the number of nodes and the size of the data stored this can take some time. Downgrades and upgrades that span more than one major version are not supported, as this will put the OpenSearch cluster in an unsupported state. If you are using emptyDir storage for data nodes, it is recommended to set general.drainDataNodes to true, otherwise you might lose data.

Configuration changes

As explained in the section Configuring opensearch.yml you can add extra opensearch configuration to your cluster. Changing this configuration on an already installed cluster will be detected by the operator and it will do a rolling restart of all cluster nodes to apply that new configuration. The same goes for nodepool-specific configuration like resources, annotation or labels.

Volume Expansion

If your underlying storage supports online volume expansion the operator can orchestrate that action for you.

To increase the disk volume size set the diskSize of a nodepool to the desired value and re-apply the cluster spec yaml. This operation is expected to have no downtime and the cluster should be operational.

The following considerations should be taken into account in order to increase the PVC size.

  • This only works for PVC-based persistence
  • Before considering the expansion of the the cluster disk, make sure the volumes/data is backed up in desired format, so that any failure can be tolerated by restoring from the backup.
  • Make sure the cluster storage class has allowVolumeExpansion: true before applying the new diskSize. For more details checkout the kubernetes storage classes document.
  • Once the above step is done, the cluster yaml can be applied with new diskSize value, to all decalared nodepool components or to single component.
  • It is best recommended not to apply any new changes to the cluster along with volume expansion.
  • Make sure the declared size definitions are proper and consistent, example if the diskSize is in G or Gi, make sure the same size definitions are followed for expansion.

Note: To change the diskSize from G to Gi or vice-versa, first make sure data is backed up and make sure the right conversion number is identified, so that the underlying volume has the same value and then re-apply the cluster yaml. This will make sure the statefulset is re-created with right value in VolueClaimTemplates, this operation is expected to have no downtime.

User and role management

An important part of any OpenSearch cluster is the user and role management to give users access to the cluster (via the opensearch-security plugin). By default the operator will use the included demo securityconfig with default users (see internal_users.yml for a list of users). For any production installation you should swap that out with your own configuration. There are two ways to do that with the operator:

  • Defining your own securityconfig
  • Managing users and roles via kubernetes resources

Note that currently a combination of both approaches is not possible. Once you use the CRDs you cannot provide your own securityconfig as those would overwrite each other. We are working on a feature to merge these options.


You can provide your own securityconfig (see the entire demo securityconfig as an example and the Access control documentation of the OpenSearch project) with your own users and roles. To do that, you must provide a secret with all the required securityconfig yaml files.

The Operator can be controlled using the following fields in the OpenSearchCluster custom resource:

# ...
    config:  # Everything related to the securityconfig
        name:  # Name of the secret that contains the securityconfig files
        name:  # Name of a secret that contains the admin client certificate
        name:  # Name of a secret that contains username/password for admin access
# ...

Provide the name of the secret that contains your securityconfig yaml files as In the secret, you can provide the files that you want to configure. The operator will only apply the files present in the secret. Note that OpenSearch requires all the files to be applied when the cluster is first created. So, the files that you do not provide in the securityconfig secret, the operator will use the default files provided in the opensearch-security plugin. See opensearch-security for the list of all configuration files and their default values.

If you don't want to use the default files, you must provide at least a minimum configuration for the file. Example:

tenants.yml: |-
    type: "tenants"
    config_version: 2

These minimum configuration files can later be removed from the secret so that you don't overwrite the resources created via the CRDs or the REST APIs when modifying other configuration files.

In addition, you must provide the name of a secret as that has fields username and password for a user that the Operator can use for communicating with OpenSearch (currently used for getting the cluster status, doing health checks and coordinating node draining during cluster scaling operations). This user must be defined in your securityconfig and must have appropriate permissions (currently admin).

You must also configure TLS transport (see Node Transport). You can either let the operator generate all needed certificates or supply them yourself. If you use your own certificates you must also provide an admin certificate that the operator can use to apply the securityconfig.

If you provided your own certificate for node transport communication, then you must also provide an admin client certificate (as a Kubernetes TLS secret with fields ca.crt, tls.key and tls.crt) as The DN of the certificate must be listed under security.tls.transport.adminDn. Be advised that the adminDn and nodesDn must be defined in a way that the admin certficate cannot be used or recognized as a node certficiate, otherwise OpenSearch will reject any authentication request using the admin certificate.

To apply the securityconfig to the OpenSearch cluster, the Operator uses a separate Kubernetes job (named <cluster-name>-securityconfig-update). This job is run during the initial provisioning of the cluster. The Operator also monitors the secret with the securityconfig for any changes and then reruns the update job to apply the new config. Note that the Operator only checks for changes in certain intervals, so it might take a minute or two for the changes to be applied. If the changes are not applied after a few minutes, please use 'kubectl' to check the logs of the pod of the <cluster-name>-securityconfig-update job. If you have an error in your configuration it will be reported there.

Managing security configurations with kubernetes resources

The operator provides custom kubernetes resources that allow you to create/update/manage security configuration resources such as users, roles, action groups etc. as kubernetes objects.

Opensearch Users

It is possible to manage Opensearch users in Kubernetes with the operator. The operator will not modify users that already exist. You can create an example user as follows:

kind: OpensearchUser
  name: sample-user
  namespace: default
    name: my-first-cluster
    name: sample-user-password
    key: password
  - kibanauser

The namespace of the OpenSearchUser must be the namespace the OpenSearch cluster itself is deployed in.

Note that a secret called sample-user-password will need to exist in the default namespace with the base64 encoded password in the password key.

Opensearch Roles

It is possible to manage Opensearch roles in Kubernetes with the operator. The operator will not modify roles that already exist. You can create an example role as follows:

kind: OpensearchRole
  name: sample-role
  namespace: default
    name: my-first-cluster
  - cluster_composite_ops
  - cluster_monitor
  - indexPatterns:
    - logs*
    - index
    - read

Linking Opensearch Users and Roles

The operator allows you link any number of users, backend roles and roles with a OpensearchUserRoleBinding. Each user in the binding will be granted each role. E.g:

kind: OpensearchUserRoleBinding
  name: sample-urb
  namespace: default
    name: my-first-cluster
  - sample-user
  - sample-backend-role
  - sample-role

Opensearch Action Groups

It is possible to manage Opensearch action groups in Kubernetes with the operator. The operator will not modify action groups that already exist. You can create an example action group as follows:

kind: OpensearchActionGroup
  name: sample-action-group
  namespace: default
    name: my-first-cluster
    - indices:admin/aliases/get
    - indices:admin/aliases/exists
  type: index
  description: Sample action group

Opensearch Tenants

It is possible to manage Opensearch tenants in Kubernetes with the operator. The operator will not modify tenants that already exist. You can create an example tenant as follows:

kind: OpensearchTenant
  name: sample-tenant
  namespace: default
    name: my-first-cluster
  description: Sample tenant

Custom Admin User

In order to create your cluster with an adminuser different from the default admin:admin you will have to walk through the following steps: First you will have to create a secret with your admin user configuration (in this example admin-credentials-secret):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: admin-credentials-secret
type: Opaque
  # admin
  username: YWRtaW4=
  # admin123
  password: YWRtaW4xMjM=

Then you have to create your own securityconfig and store it in a secret (securityconfig-secret in this example). You can take a look at securityconfig-secret.yaml for how such a secret should look like. Make sure that the password hash of the admin user corresponds to the password you stored in the admin-credentials-secret.

Notice that inside securityconfig-secret You must edit the hash of the admin user before creating the secret. if you have python 3.x installed on your machine you can use the following command to hash your password: python -c 'import bcrypt; print(bcrypt.hashpw("admin123".encode("utf-8"), bcrypt.gensalt(12, prefix=b"2a")).decode("utf-8"))'

  internal_users.yml: |-
      type: "internalusers"
      config_version: 2
      hash: "$2y$12$lJsHWchewGVcGlYgE3js/O4bkTZynETyXChAITarCHLz8cuaueIyq"   <------- change that hash to your new password hash
      reserved: true
      - "admin"
      description: "Demo admin user"

The last thing that you have to do is to add that security configuration to your cluster spec:

        name: admin-credentials-secret  # The secret with the admin credentials for the operator to use
       name: securityconfig-secret  # The secret containing your customized securityconfig
        generate: true
        generate: true

Changing the admin password after the cluster has been created is possible via the same way. You must update your securityconfig (in the securityconfig-secret) and the content of the admin-credentials-secret to both reflect the new password. Note that currently the operator cannot make changes in the securityconfig itself. As such you must always update the securityconfig in the secret with the new password and in addition provide it via the credentials secret so that the operator can still access the cluster.

Custom Dashboards user

Dashboards requires an opensearch user to connect to the cluster. By default Dashboards is configured to use the demo admin user. If you supply your own securityconfig and want to change the credentials Dashboards should use, you must create a secret with keys username and password that contains the new credentials and then supply that secret to the operator via the cluster spec:

      name: dashboards-credentials  # This is the name of your secret that contains the credentials for Dashboards to use

Adding Opensearch Monitoring to your cluster

The operator allows you to install and enable the Aiven monitoring plugin for OpenSearch on your cluster as a built-in feature. If enabled the operator will install the aiven plugin into the opensearch pods and generate a Prometheus ServiceMonitor object to configure the plugin for scraping. This feature needs internet connectivity to download the plugin. if you are working in a restricted environment, please download the plugin zip for your cluster version (example for 2.3.0: and provide it at a location the operator can reach. Configure that URL as pluginURL in the monitoring config. By default the convention shown below in the example will be used if no pluginUrl is specified.

By default the Opensearch admin user will be used to access the monitoring API. If you want to use a separate user with limited permissions you need to create that user using either of the following options:

a. Create new applicative User using OpenSearch API/UI, create new secret with 'username' and 'password' keys and provide that secret name under monitoringUserSecret. b. Use Our OpenSearchUser CRD and provide the secret under monitoringUserSecret.

To configure monitoring you can add the following fields to your cluster spec:

kind: OpenSearchCluster
  name: my-first-cluster
  namespace: default
      enable: true # Enable or disable the monitoring plugin
      scrapeInterval: 30s # The scrape interval for Prometheus
      monitoringUserSecret: monitoring-user-secret # Optional, name of a secret with username/password for prometheus to acces the plugin metrics endpoint with, defaults to the admin user
      pluginUrl:<YOUR_CLUSTER_VERSION>.0/prometheus-exporter-<YOUR_CLUSTER_VERSION> # Optional, custom URL for the monitoring plugi
      tlsConfig: # Optional, use this to override the tlsConfig of the generated ServiceMonitor
        serverName: "testserver.test.local"
        insecureSkipVerify: true
  # ...