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Cibi is a war dance that Fijian rugby team performs before it gets into a scrum and defeats its opponents.

This package doesn't perform any war dances (yet), but it can defeat most OpenAI Gym environments using neurogenetic programming and BF++: an extended version of Brainfuck language

Some code is blatantly copied and pasted from Google's Brain Coder which is permitted by Apache License

This package has 2 applications:

  • Run BF++ programs in a reinforcement learning environment
  • Synthesize programs that (hopefully) maximize rewards of the agent in a reinforcement learning environment


The main prerequisite is Python 3.0-3.7 (we use a version of Tensorsflow incompatible with Python 3.8 and above, feel free to rewrite everything in modern Tensorsflow and pull request) Before using and commands, install the requirements and cibi itself:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .


Cibi supports any valid OpenAI Gym environment (it is, however, unlikely to perform well on environments with high-dimensional action/observation spaces like Atari games - it will have to write the entire screen pixel-by-pixel onto the memory tape).

For environments listed in the registry no download or installation is required. Custom environments can be added in cibi/ Then you just need to specify the environment name in the form CartPole-v0

Running programs

You can define the program as an argument

cibi-run CartPole-v1 @!

Or a run a codebase file with one or several newline-separated programs

cibi-run CartPole-v1 -i programs.txt

The program will be run once unless --avg and/or --best options are specified. All options:


  --avg INTEGER                   Average results over multiple runs
  --best INTEGER                  Take the best result over multiple runs
  --force-fluid-discretization    Use fluid discretization even if an
                                  observation has lower and upper bounds
  --fluid-discretization-history INTEGER
                                  Length of the observation history kept for
                                  fluid discretization
  -i, --input-file TEXT           Load the programs from a specified file
  -o, --output-file TEXT          Save total rewards to a file
  --debug                         Show a visual rendering of the env and log
                                  full execution traces
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


To train a program synthesis model and generate programs for an environment, create a directory for the results and define an experiment.yml YAML configuration file in this directory. Minimal required configuration is

env: MountainCarContinuous-v0
team: 0

"Team 0" means generating programs with one LSTM. In the future, more configurations will be available including genetic programming.

An example that specifies everything that can be specified:

env: HeartPole
cibi-version: 4
max-sprints: 1000000
max-sprints-without-improvement: 10000
team: 0
allowed-commands: "@><^+-[].,!~01234"
seed: heartpole.txt
sprint_length: 100
stretch_sprints: false
max-episode-length: 10000

max-sprints sets the absolute number of sprints after which training will end. In this case, no more than 4000000 (max-sprints) programs will be written since our batch size is 4. max-sprints-without-improvement lets you set early stopping

allowed-commands lets you use a subset of BF++ instead of the full language

seed let's you use programs you already have to jumpstart the training (the seed file has to be in EXPERIMENT_DIR or in codebases)

sprint_length controls how often the programs are swapped out during training, stretch_sprints make sure that the program isn't swapped out before the episode ends. It's important that stretch_sprints is true for environments where reward is given at the end. It is true by default

HeartPole is an endless environment (it never returns done=True) so we specify max-episode-length manually. If we did not specify this, all sprints would be done within one reinforcement learning episode.

Then run


If the training process was killed (intentionally or not), it can be resumed with the same command.

After the training finishes, there will be several files in EXPERIMENT_DIR, the most important one being top.pickle containing 256 best programs. It is a pandas dataframe to be loaded with pandas.read_pickle() with programs and some metadata including their test_quality - total episode reward averaged over 100 episodes. programs.pickle contains all programs written in the process of getting to the best ones, log.log is what you'd expect from a log file, train folder contains model checkpoints, and summary.yml is a short summary of experiment status:

cibi-version: '4.0'
longest-episode: 42
max-total-reward: 42.0
seconds-elapsed: 16467.135838000104
shortest-episode: 8
sprints-elapsed: 100000

A sample experiment can be found in the sample experiment folder. Experiments we ran for our paper can be found in a separated repo.


codebases folder contains a few programs we've written for CartPole-v1, MountainCarContinuous-v0 and Taxi-v3 environments to be used as seeds.

For example, for Taxi-v3 we've implemented an algorithm that finds what the current destination should be and always moves in its direction:

# Memory map
[T T Pid Did id_pointer D D A_plan]

# Destination derivation

# Absolute destination to relative destination

# Move using the relative destination

# Move back to a

If it's stuck at a wall, it does nothing to unstuck itself - a fatal flaw fixed by the program synthesis system.