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File metadata and controls

145 lines (115 loc) · 7.47 KB

Source Code Structure

This software has modular design to simplify dependency and avoid code duplication. For example, PPP module depends on C++ standard library and TBB/MPI only, all domain specific module depends on PPP and domain related third-party library. Module (C++ namespace) has the same name as the subfolder.

Here is description to each module with one-line description to reach header file. Note: currently the link to module folder only work in markdown format hosted in git repository.

This module provides the missing type system for C++, enabling creating class instance from name.

This module is extracted and adapted from FreeCAD open source project, it is available as an external component from github

  • Type.h: type system for C++
  • BaseClass.h: root class for type system support

This module consists of base classes for data pipeline, and parallel processing. It depends on only C++ standard library, TBB and some header only libraries.

Infrastructure for parallel processing

  • Executor.h: interface and single-thread executor
  • ThreadPoolExecutor.h: multi-threading executor
  • ParallelAccessor.h: Accessor interface for parallel coupling operation
  • SparseMatrix.h: lock free concurrent container to store adjacency matrix
  • AsynchronousDispatcher.h: lock free parallel accessor, based on adjacency matrix
  • Progressor.h: report percentage of progress to console

Base classes for data pipeline

  • DataObject.h: abstract data container passing through pipeline
  • PipelineController.h: coordinate and execute pipeline (processors in order)
  • DataStorage.h: save result to folder, database, etc
  • ProcessorResult.h: single processor result
  • ProcessorError.h: a root exception class derived from std::exception
  • Processor.h: json based processor meta data (readonly attribute, dependency)
  • ProcessorTemplate.h: to write a new processor without declare a new class
  • CouplingMatrixBuilder.h: calculate item pair coupling relationship for ParallelAccessor

Planned yet completed

  • DistributiveExecutor.h: MPI support
  • CommandLineProcessor.h: run command line for each item in a process pool

Pipeline control

  • Parameter.h: mapping from json config input, to control pipeline and processor behavior
  • Context.h: singleton class for pipeline control (logging, data storage, configuration)
  • OperatorProxy.h: support local console and remote operator interaction with pipeline
  • AbstractOperator.h: abstract operator interface
  • ConsoleOperator: terminal operator with console textual input and output


  • TypeDefs.h: alias, typedef and enum, etc
  • Utilities.h: utility functions
  • Process.h: adapter of boost:process and ProcessPool
  • fs.h: adaptor of std::filesystem and boost::filesystem
  • Logger.h: thread-safe logging using loguru and reporting in json
  • UniqueId.h: geometry hashing algorithm

It is an independent reusable component, with test and Readme inside the module folder.

  • PropertyContainer.hpp: type-safe dynamic container, base class for DataObject
  • Property.h: type-safe property based on std::any In the future, FreeCAD's Property framework could be used instead see FreeCAD Property Enumeration, Quantity, Link, List.

[Geom module: Geometry preprocessing] (md_Geom_Readme.html)

This is an example of full-fledged module for geometry preprocessing.

Concrete classes to build a geometry pipeline:

  • GeometryData.h: container for geometry objects, derived from PPP::DataObject class
  • GeometryReader.h: step, brep, FreeCAD file reading, and return GeometryData
  • GeometryWriter.h: geometry shared shape merging (after imprinting) and writing
  • GeometryPipelineController.h: extending PPP::PipelineController
  • GeometryProcessor.h: derived from PPP::Processor parent for all geometry processors
  • ProcessorSample.h: geometry processor skeleton, copy it when creating a new processor
  • Goem.cpp: function implementation that should not put in headers
  • GeometryMain.cpp: executable equals to config.json, for debugging purpose

Concrete geometry processors:

  • GeometryShapeChecker.h: geometry shape error check
  • BoundBoxBuilder.h: calculate bound box for shapes
  • GeometryPropertyBuilder.h: shape meta data extraction
  • GeometryImprinter.h: boolean fragment/imprinting for large assemblies
  • CollisionDetector.h: collision detection, interference check (digital mockup)
  • GeometrySearchBuilder.h: for action search, extract one shape by boundbox, ID, shape matching, etc

Some geometry processors under design and testing:

  • GeometryEnclosure.h: for action fix (currently not working)
  • GeometryFixer.h: for action fix (currently not working)
  • GeometryDecomposer.h: for action decompose (currently not working)
  • GeometryFaceter.h: for action tessellation (surface meshing)

Utility and types:

  • GeometryTypes,h: typedef, data classes,enum, json IO support, etc
  • OccUtils.h: utility functions to deal with brep file, such as dump problematic geometry
  • OpenCascadeAll.h: contains all OpenCASCADE headers used by this module

Operator interaction:

  • GeometryOperatorProxy.h: implements OperatorProxy for Geom module
  • GeometryGuiMain.cpp: start a pipeline with Qt 3D viewer (not fully tested)
  • GuiOperator.h: implements AbstractOperator interface with local 3D viewer
  • WebSocketOperator.h: implements AbstractOperator interface for remote operation by websocket
  • high-level python interface written in pybind11for ppp such as
  • utility scripts
  • python integration test
  • python pypi package generator

Unit tests

Testing code has been gathered into a subfolder for each module

  • C++ unit tests for each module
  • some demonstration executable written in C++

third-party libraries

Third-party source code used by all modules, module specific third-party code are organized into a third-party in each module. Single header libraries are integrated directly into this project.

  • half.hpp: half precision floating point
  • json.hpp: as dump, configuration
  • mm.h: NIST matrix market read and write

The other are incorporated as git submodule, see also

Some libraries not yet integrated

  • zlib:
  • XML:


Hand-crafted documentation for some specific topics, in addition to doxygen generated html documentation.

Test data for each module should be organized into a specific subfolder.

Extra CMake config, mainly downloaded from open source project, see copyright/license in file headers.