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216 lines (166 loc) · 7.98 KB

Example code from OSRM


Std::forward + [parameter pack] could perfectly forward variable parameter list to target function which could deal with them correctly.

One example is OSRM parameters.
osrm::BaseParameters is the one holding all basic information related with GPS trace. It records coordinate points, bearing, radius, etc.

In his constructor he assign default value for all its member variables.

    BaseParameters(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates_ = {},
                   const std::vector<boost::optional<Hint>> hints_ = {},
                   std::vector<boost::optional<double>> radiuses_ = {},
                   std::vector<boost::optional<Bearing>> bearings_ = {},
                   std::vector<boost::optional<Approach>> approaches_ = {},
                   bool generate_hints_ = true,
                   std::vector<std::string> exclude = {})
        : coordinates(coordinates_), hints(hints_), radiuses(radiuses_), bearings(bearings_),
          approaches(approaches_), exclude(std::move(exclude)), generate_hints(generate_hints_)

RouteParameters inherit from BaseParameters. He has a default constructor in case you pass nothing

    RouteParameters() = default;

He also have constructor to forward all information passed to him to his parent BaseParameters

   template <typename... Args>
    RouteParameters(const bool steps_,
                    const bool alternatives_,
                    const bool annotations_,
                    const GeometriesType geometries_,
                    const OverviewType overview_,
                    const boost::optional<bool> continue_straight_,
                    Args... args_)
        : BaseParameters{std::forward<Args>(args_)...}, steps{steps_}, alternatives{alternatives_},
          number_of_alternatives{alternatives_ ? 1u : 0u}, annotations{annotations_},
          annotations_type{annotations_ ? AnnotationsType::All : AnnotationsType::None},
          geometries{geometries_}, overview{overview_}, continue_straight{continue_straight_},

    //[Perry] Please notice that, C++ only allow last parameter has default value, 
    //        which means everything before args should be properly constructed.

MatchParameters Inherits from RouteParameters, which add additional information related with map matching, such as time stamp. In its constructor, it will forward everything not related with himself to its parents

    template <typename... Args>
    MatchParameters(std::vector<unsigned> timestamps_,
                    GapsType gaps_,
                    bool tidy_,
                    std::vector<std::size_t> waypoints_,
                    Args... args_)
        : RouteParameters{std::forward<Args>(args_)..., waypoints_},
          timestamps{std::move(timestamps_)}, gaps(gaps_), tidy(tidy_)

         //[Perry] Please notice that, it also implement default constructor.  
         //        It will call the constructor of RouteParameters with nothing be forwarded to BaseParameters 
        : RouteParameters(false,
          gaps(GapsType::Split), tidy(false)

Here I wrote some simple could to experiment this part:

Here is where MatchParameters is constructed. OSRM create a MatchParameters without any parameters, and then directly construct its members.




//RandIt first, RandIt last
std::sort(first, last, [](auto lhs, auto rhs) { return lhs.node < rhs.node; });
// [Perry] unique should pair with sort
std::unique(first, last, [](auto lhs, auto rhs) { return lhs.node == rhs.node; }


Important example in reorderFirstLast demo's the usage of std::nth_element

// Reorders the first n elements in the range to satisfy the comparator,
// and the last n elements to satisfy the comparator with arguments flipped.
// Note: no guarantees to the element's ordering inside the reordered ranges.
template <typename RandomIt, typename Comparator>
void reorderFirstLast(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, std::size_t n, Comparator comp)
    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(n <= (last - first) / std::size_t{2}, "overlapping subranges not allowed");

    if (n == 0 || (last - first < 2))

    // Reorder first n: guarantees that the predicate holds for the first elements.
    std::nth_element(first, first + (n - 1), last, comp);

    // Reorder last n: guarantees that the flipped predicate holds for the last k elements.
    // We reorder from the end backwards up to the end of the already reordered range.
    // We can not use std::not2, since then e.g. std::less<> would lose its irreflexive
    // requirements.
    std::reverse_iterator<RandomIt> rfirst{last}, rlast{first + n};

    const auto flipped = [](auto fn) {
        return [fn](auto &&lhs, auto &&rhs) {
            return fn(std::forward<decltype(lhs)>(rhs), std::forward<decltype(rhs)>(lhs));

    std::nth_element(rfirst, rfirst + (n - 1), rlast, flipped(comp));


code example

auto desired_start_index = std::find(std::begin(duration_trip), std::end(duration_trip), 0);
std::rotate(std::begin(duration_trip), desired_start_index, std::end(duration_trip));


code example

    std::vector<std::size_t> indices(num_entries);
    std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);
    std::mt19937 g(1337);
    std::shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end(), g);


    std::fill(flags.begin() + edges_size - new_edges_size, flags.end(), flag);


        const auto total_step_count =
            std::accumulate(legs.begin(), legs.end(), 0, [](const auto &v, const auto &leg) {
                return v + leg.steps.size();


    std::adjacent_difference(timestamps.begin(), timestamps.end(), sample_times.begin());


    // inplace prefix sum
    std::partial_sum(turn_lane_offsets.begin(), turn_lane_offsets.end(), turn_lane_offsets.begin());


    double primary_sq_sum = std::inner_product(
        timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end(), timings_vector.begin(), 0.0);