diff --git a/tests/examples/operating_system_PASS_validation.ttl b/tests/examples/operating_system_PASS_validation.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7687a1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/operating_system_PASS_validation.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+@prefix observable: .
+@prefix owl: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix sh: .
+@prefix xsd: .
+ a sh:ValidationReport ;
+ sh:conforms "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
+ sh:result
+ [
+ a sh:ValidationResult ;
+ sh:focusNode ;
+ sh:resultMessage "In UCO 2.0.0, uco-observable:OperatingSystem will be a subclass of uco-observable:Software. In preparation for UCO 2.0.0, the additional type uco-observable:Software should be assigned to this node."@en ;
+ sh:resultSeverity sh:Warning ;
+ sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:ClassConstraintComponent ;
+ sh:sourceShape [
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ rdfs:comment "This anonymous shape is attached with rdfs:seeAlso in order to associate a warning-severity class constraint, that will only be necessary as an independent shape until UCO 2.0.0."@en ;
+ sh:class observable:Software ;
+ sh:message "In UCO 2.0.0, uco-observable:OperatingSystem will be a subclass of uco-observable:Software. In preparation for UCO 2.0.0, the additional type uco-observable:Software should be assigned to this node."@en ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ sh:targetClass observable:OperatingSystem ;
+ ] ;
+ sh:value ;
+ ] ,
+ [
+ a sh:ValidationResult ;
+ sh:focusNode ;
+ sh:resultMessage "In UCO 2.0.0, uco-observable:manufacturer will not be associated with uco-observable:OperatingSystemFacet. Please place this on a uco-observable:SoftwareFacet instead."@en ;
+ sh:resultPath observable:manufacturer ;
+ sh:resultSeverity sh:Warning ;
+ sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent ;
+ sh:sourceShape [
+ sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ;
+ sh:message "In UCO 2.0.0, uco-observable:manufacturer will not be associated with uco-observable:OperatingSystemFacet. Please place this on a uco-observable:SoftwareFacet instead."@en ;
+ sh:path observable:manufacturer ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ] ;
+ ] ,
+ [
+ a sh:ValidationResult ;
+ sh:focusNode ;
+ sh:resultMessage "In UCO 2.0.0, uco-observable:version will not be associated with uco-observable:OperatingSystemFacet. Please place this on a uco-observable:SoftwareFacet instead."@en ;
+ sh:resultPath observable:version ;
+ sh:resultSeverity sh:Warning ;
+ sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent ;
+ sh:sourceShape [
+ sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ;
+ sh:message "In UCO 2.0.0, uco-observable:version will not be associated with uco-observable:OperatingSystemFacet. Please place this on a uco-observable:SoftwareFacet instead."@en ;
+ sh:path observable:version ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ] ;
+ ]
+ ;
+ .