This website can call the geographical visualization algorithm back-end provided in this repository and show the generated geographical map data.
This website has been developed with design principles to promote responsiveness and good mobile usability:
- Mobile-first stylesheets.
- Minimize 'clutter'; maximize 'content'.
- Show something soon; indicate more is coming.
- Minimize reloading heavy content.
Note that there are several widely used frameworks that can be used to make it easier to build and maintain the website, such as React, Vue, and Angular. This website does not use these frameworks to keep it lightweight, but they are definitely worth considering before the website becomes large.
This directory contains the example website. Subdirectories are organized as follows:
- bin : native (server-side C++) applications.
- data : data stores such as databases.
- html : doxygen-generated HTML documentation.
- include : source code for native applications.
- latex : doxygen-generated LaTeX documentation.
- lib : native (server-side C++) libraries.
- page : referenced webpages.
- res : webpage resources like images and icons.
- script : javascript and other (client-side) scripts.
- style : stylesheets.
This website uses as a back-end the library shipped in this repository. These two are connected using PHP scripts built when building the library and copied to the script directory when the library is installed. Note that each application included in the library provides its own PHP script, because this reduces security risks by enforcing absolute paths.
Each PHP script can be called by POST request, while providing any relevant usage parameters and data. The script will return the contents of an SVG file to replace the current map in the website.
The HTML and CSS webpage files follow the Google HTML/CSS style guide ( with the following changes:
- Ignore section 3.1.7 on optional elements: always keep the and tags for separation of concerns (e.g. separating metadata from data).
- Ignore section 4.1.8 on hexadecimal notation: always use 6- or 8-character notation. Shorter notations obfuscate the actual value.
- All style classes for general use within the group use the "myorg-" prefix. All style classes for specific use within a project use a short prefix based on the project name.
The JavaScript files follow the Google JavaScript style guide ( with the following changes:
- Ignore section 9.3.2 on using clang-format. Instead, when using VS Code, use the Prettier plugin to format the code. One of the reasons is that clang-format violates section 4.1.2 on closing brace placement.
- Instead of using 4+ spaces fo continuation indentation (section 4.5.2), continuations are idented by 2 spaces compared to the original.
- Whenever spreading function parameters/arguments over multiple lines, always put the first one on a new line. Prefer to use exactly 1 parameter/argument per line.
- When naming elements in camel case, only capitalize the first letter of an abbreviation.