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# ParticleVisualizer
-Tool for visualizing particle data, supporting binary, bgeo and obj formats
+This is a generalized version from my personal tool for visualizing data of particle-based simulations.
+It supports data with either 2D or 3D coordinates, written in Partio (`*.bgeo`), Wavefront (`*.obj`), or binary (`*.bin` or `*.pos`) file formats.
+Binary and sample data have been provided for instance use (see the Download section below).
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+### Download
+* Binary and sample data: https://github.com/ttnghia/ParticleVisualizer/releases
+### Input Data
+Particle data need to be written as a file sequence in one of the forms
+* `.%d.`, or
+* `.%3d.`, or
+* `.%4d.`
+For example: `frame.0001.bgeo`, `frame.0002.bgeo` etc.
+There are 3 file formats supported: Partio (`*.bgeo`), Wavefront (`*.obj`), or binary (`*.bin` or `*.pos`).
+The binary format must begin with the following layout:
+Bytes 0-3(unsigned int): number of particles
+Bytes 4-7(float): particle radius
+Next (4 x Dimension x numParticles) bytes: array of particle positions
+where `Dimension` can be `2` or `3`. If it is `2`, it must be specified in a `.json` (scene description) file. Default value is `3`.
+Depending on simulation, some additional scene descriptions need to be provided in a `.json` file (arbitrary name) stored in the same folder containing the file sequence. When loading a file sequence, this description file (if exists) is also loaded automatically.
+The desciption file can be used to specified camera, light, material etc. Below is an example of a description file with all parameters:
+ "VisualizationParameters": {
+ "Dimension": 2,
+ "DomainBox": {
+ "BoxMin": [-0.3, 0, -0.5],
+ "BoxMax": [0.7, 1, 1.5]
+ },
+ "RenderDomainBox": true,
+ "CameraPosition": [1.15, 0.5, 0.7],
+ "CameraFocus": [0, 0.25, 0.7],
+ "CapturePath": "Capture",
+ "FrameDelay": 20,
+ "OverrideParticleRadius": 0.002,
+ "ColorAndMaterial": {
+ "ColorMode": "Uniform",
+ "Material": {
+ "Ambient": [0.329412, 0.223529, 0.027451],
+ "Diffuse": [0.780392, 0.568627, 0.113725],
+ "Specular": [0.992157, 0.941176, 0.807843],
+ "Shininess": 30
+ }
+ },
+ "Lights": [{
+ "Position": [-10, 10, -10],
+ "Diffuse": [1, 1, 1]
+ },
+ {
+ "Position": [10, 10, 10],
+ "Diffuse": [1, 1, 1]
+ },
+ {
+ "Position": [0, -10, 0],
+ "Diffuse": [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+* `CapturePath`: Folder to store the capture of OpenGL window when the checkbox `Export to Images` is checked.
+* `FrameDelay`: The delay time (ms) before loading next frame. This parameter is specified to slow down the animation playback.
+* `OverrideParticleRadius`: Specified particle radius for visualization. If no overriding radius is set, the particle radius will be computed as half the average distance between the first 1000 particles.
+Other parameters such as camera and material are easy to infer.
+### Brief Usage
+In order to visualizer a data sequence, press `B`, or click `Browse` button in the `Input` group, and select the first file (frame) of the sequence. The program will count number of files and start visualizing the entire data set.
+For convenience, a list of frequently used file sequences can be stored in the file `PlayList.txt`, line by line.
+Upon start up, this file list will be loaded and displayed in a separate window. Clicking on a line from the list will load the corresponding file sequence.
+**Keyboard shortcuts**:
+* `B`: Broswe input data
+* `O`: Browse capture folder
+* `Spacing`: start/stop playback.
+* `R`: Reverse placback
+* `N`: Play next frame while pausing
+* `[`: Play previous frame while pausing
+* `]`: Play next frame while pausing
+* `F1` = `Home`: Play first frame
+* `End`: Play last frame
+* `S`: Increase delay time between frame playback
+* `F`: Decrease delay time between frame playback
+* `F5`: Reload scene
+* `C`: reset camera
+* `X`: Clip view
+* `Esc`: Exit
+* `Left/Right/Up/Down arrow keys`: move camera by the corresponding directions.
+Happy coding!
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index 0000000..ce6ff75
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index 0000000..9ac6671
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diff --git a/Screenshots/StrandCollisions1.png b/Screenshots/StrandCollisions1.png
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index 0000000..4c4e72f
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diff --git a/Screenshots/StrandCollisions2.png b/Screenshots/StrandCollisions2.png
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index 0000000..01b7a84
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diff --git a/Screenshots/TwoDragons1.png b/Screenshots/TwoDragons1.png
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index 0000000..1e6f665
Binary files /dev/null and b/Screenshots/TwoDragons1.png differ
diff --git a/Screenshots/TwoDragons2.png b/Screenshots/TwoDragons2.png
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index 0000000..4ec99ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/Screenshots/TwoDragons2.png differ