Name | Presentation | Slides | Video | |
Alexis Gallagher | @alexisgallagher | Everything a Swift Developer Wanted to Know about Machine Learning But Was Afraid To Ask | TBA | x |
Eric Wing | @ewingfighter | Swift on Android | TBA | x |
Nate Cook | @nnnnnnnn | Swift's Pointy Bits | x | x |
Meghan Kane | @meghafon | 3D Touch: Bring your apps to a new dimension | TBA | x |
Rikke Møller Koblauch | @Rikkekoblauch | Pixels, process and passion | TBA | x |
Agnes Vasarhelyi | @vasarhelyia | Everyday Reactive | TBA | x |
Kazuaki Matsuo | @Kazu_cocoa | Tasting tests at Cookpad | TBA | x |
Sommer Panage | @Sommer | Writing your UI Swiftly | TBA | x |
Kyle Fuller | @kylefuller | Building a Swift Web API and Application Together | x | x |
Marius Rackwitz | @mrackwitz | Craft Collaborative Apps with Realm | TBA | x |
Orta Therox | @orta | Building your own tools | TBA | x |
Brandon Williams | @mbrandonw | The Two Sides of Writing Testable Code | TBA | x |
Soroush Khanlou | @khanlou | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sequence and Collection | TBA | x |
Yusuke Ito | @novi_ | Swift Outside the Box | TBA | TBA |
Kateryna Gridina | @gridNAka | Document Indexing and App Search in iOS | TBA | x |
Mo Kudeki | @kudeki | Startup Swift | TBA | x |
Krzysztof Siejkowsk | @_siejkowski | A Neatly Typed Message | TBA | x |
Laura Ragone | @lauraggle | Color Me Surprised!: Architecting a Robust Color System with Swift | TBA | x |
Jon Reid | @qcoding | Making Mock Objects More Useful | TBA | x |
Derek Lee | @derekleerock | Minimizing Decision Fatigue to Improve Team Productivity | TBA | x |
Christopher Rogers | @christorogers | Lessons in Swift Error Handling and Resilience | TBA | x |
Felix Krause | @KrauseFx | Scaling open source communities | x | x |