Name | Presentation | Slides | Video | |
James Dempsey | @jamesdempsey | Flexible View Controller Interfaces With Swift 4 | x | |
Erica Sadun | @ericasadun | A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To This Array | x | |
Neem Serra | @TeamNeem | Map & FlatMap Magic | x | x |
Craig Clayton | @thedevme | Creating Rich Custom UI Notifications | x | x |
Paola Mata | @PaolaNotPaolo | Exploring Natural Language Processing | Slides & GitHub project | x |
Matt Gallagher | @cocoawithlove | View-State Driven Applications | Slides & GitHub project | x |
Nataliya Patsovska | @nataliya_bg | MVVM at Scale | Slides & GitHub project | x |
Priya Rajagopal | @rajagp | Core Data Migrations: Can we do Better? | x | x |
Harlan Haskins | @harlanhaskins | Improving Swift Tools with libSyntax | x | x |
Carl Brown | @CarlBrwn | Swift from the Foundation Up | Slides & GitHub project | TBA |
Glenna Buford | @glennersboofy | Getting Started With ARKit Tips + Tricks | Slides & Github project | x |
Yasuhiro Inami | @inamiy | Swift 4 Codable | x | x |
Sonam Dhingra | @Sdhingra89 | Building a Framework with Viper | Slides & GitHub project | x |
Ray Tsaihong | @rmundo | Swift Chatbots for Fun and Profit | x | x |
Eleni Papanikolopoulou & Kostas Kremizas | @elenipapanikolo & @kostaskremizas | Error Handling Made Easy | Slides & GitHub project | x |
Tanner Nelson | @tanner0101 | Server-Side Swift Using Swift | x | x |
Krunoslav Zaher | @krunoslavzaher | Modern RxSwift Architectures | Slides & Github project | x |
Julio Carrettoni | @dev_jac | Accessibility - Everyone is your user | Slides & GitHub project | TBA |