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Docs / API Reference / Trails

9.1 Trails API

class Trails extends EventEmitter

This class instantiates, starts, and stops the application and all Trailpacks.

constructor (app)

Initialize the application with the provided app definition. All configured Trailpacks are instantiated, and context is bound to resource (Controller, Service, etc) methods.

@param type description required?
app Object the app definition yes. throws RangeError)
app.pkg Object the package.json of the module yes. throws PackageNotDefinedError
app.api Object the application's API definition yes. throws ApiNotDefinedError
@emits description
trailpack:<pack>:constructed after each Trailpack is successfully instantiated

In a New Trails Application, Trails is instantiated in server.js like so:

const Trails = require('trails')
const app = require('./')
const trails = new Trails(app)

trails.start().catch(err => trails.stop(err))
@return type description
Trails the Trails Application


start ()

Binds event listeners and initiates the Trailpack Boot Process.

@emits description
trails:start emitted before the start of the Trailpack boot process
trails:ready emitted once all Trailpacks have successfully initialized
trailpack:<pack>:validated emitted after each Trailpack completes the validate stage
trailpack:<pack>:configured emitted after each Trailpack completes the configure stage
trailpack:<pack>:initialized emitted after each Trailpack completes the initialized stage
trailpack:all:validated emitted after all Trailpacks have completed the validated stage
trailpack:all:configured emitted after all Trailpacks have completed the configure stage
trailpack:all:initialized emitted after all Trailpacks have completed the initialize stage
@return type description
Promise (Trails) the Trails Application

stop (err)

Unbind all event listeners and unload all Trailpacks.

@param type description required?
err Error the error that caused the application to stop no
@emits description
trails:stop emitted before the Trailpacks unload
trailpack:<pack>:unloaded emitted after each Trailpack completes the unload stage
trailpack:all:unloaded emitted after all Trailpacks have completed the unload stage
@return type description
Promise (Trails) the Trails Application

emit (eventName [, ...args])

Emits the event, and logs the event at the debug level.

@param type description required?
eventName String calls the listeners registered to eventName yes
...args any Arguments passed to the listeners no
@return type description
Trails the Trails Application

onceAny (eventNames [, handler])

Resolve Promise (or invoke optional handler) once any of the given events has been emitted.

@param type description required?
eventNames String event names to listen for yes
handler Function handler function to invoke instead of Promise no
@return type description
Promise(Array<Argument>) the arguments passed by the first event emitted

after (eventNames [, handler])

Resolve Promise (or invoke optional handler) once all of the given events have been emitted.

@param type description required?
eventNames String event names to listen for yes
handler Function handler function to invoke instead of Promise no
@return type description
Promise(Array<Argument>) the arguments passed by the each emitted event


Log a message.

@emits description
log:<level> contains the content of the log message

<level> will be one of:

  • silly
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error'hello')

Inside resource classes (e.g. Controller, Service, Policy) and Trailpacks, the following shorthand is available:


__ and t

Translate a message according to the application's i18n Configuration.'')'')

Inside resource classes (e.g. Controller, Service, Policy) and Trailpacks, the following shorthand is available:




Type: Object

A serialized cache of process.env. Accessing environment variables using this field is more performant than using process.env directly.

  NODE_ENV: 'development',
  SHELL: '/bin/bash',
  USER: 'trailsjs',

  // ... etc


Type: Object

A serialized cache of process.versions.

  http_parser: '2.7.0',
  node: '6.9.4',
  v8: '',

  // ... etc


Type: Map

The app configuration.'main.paths.root') // e.g. /home/trailsjs/workspace/myapp


Type: Object

The application's Models

const user = new{
  username: 'trails',
  // ...


Type: Object

The application's Services{ x, y })
  .then(tile => reply(tile)


Type: Object

The package.json for the running module.     // e.g. 'my-trails-app'  // e.g. 0.0.0


Type: Object

The package.json for the trails module.     // 'trails'  // e.g. 3.0.0