Policies decide whether a request should invoke the defined Controller at all. They are useful to separate validation logic from request-handling logic. For example, they might perform validation on the request parameters, check for a valid User session, or rate-limit a particular client.
As a simple example, let's say your web service should only be available during business hours, 8am - 5pm. We'll write a Policy that validates this condition, and only forwards the request to our Controller only if the request is made during business hours. We'll use momentjs to help us with the time validation. Go ahead and npm install moment
Similar to Controllers and Services, we'll create a new Policy using the Trails generator:
// api/policies/TimePolicy.js
const moment = require('moment')
module.exports = class TimePolicy extends Policy {
static get businessHours () {
return {
open: 8,
close: 17 // 5pm
* Return true if the current time is during business hours
isDuringBusinessHours (request) {
const now = moment()
const { open, close } = TimePolicy.businessHours
if (now.hours() < open || now.hours() > close) {
throw new Error('We are currently closed.')
return true
Let's say we want this Policy to apply to VersionController.getLatest
that we built in the previous section. We configure this Policy as a precondition of the VersionController.getLatest
// config/routes.js
module.exports = [
method: [ 'GET' ],
path: '/version/{packageName}',
handler: 'VersionController.getLatest',
config: {
pre: [
. . . or
// config/policies.js
module.exports = [
VersionController: {
getLatest: ['TimePolicy.isDuringBusinessHours']
Now, requests to /version/{packageName}
will first be validated by TimePolicy
- Request:
GET /version/node
- Response:
{ "node": "v7.5.0" }
- Request:
GET /version/node
- Response:
{ "statusCode": 500, "error": "We are currently closed.", "message": "" }