An mp3 player written in ruby
You need mpg123 and PortAudio libraries installed. Also the player uses audite gem.
Player will play songs from files- play PATH_TO_FILESongs in playlists can be filtered by tags(title, artist, album, year, etc.)- filter PLAYLIST_NAME CRITERIA(title, artist, album or year) KEYWORDSongs can be added to playlists- add_to_playlist PATH_TO_SONG PLAYLIST_NAMECreate playlist- add_to_playlist PATH_TO_SONG --new_name NEW_NAMEDelete a playlist- just delete the fileSee all playlists- show --allSee all songs in a playlist- show PLAYLIST_NAMEPlay a playlist- play PLAYLIST_FILE
- Write an mpg123 wrapper for the player - will add support for other file formats and play from URL
- Finish the GUI
- Allow playlist merge
- Add more flow control commands (seek forward, rewind, adjust volume)
- Add more tests
- Create a gem