Task 📜 | Stack 🚀 | Time (~ days) ⌚ |
Setup a basic dashboard-type layout | React, Tailwind | 3-4 |
Setup the charts | Charts.js | 2-3 |
Real-time stock ticker marquee | Websockets | 2-3 |
Update the charts live | Express Router | 2-3 |
Optional - Portfolio for a user | Mongo(maybe) or just localStorage | 1-2 |
Have a darkmode support for the layout
Have our own minimal backend which pulls an endpoint and that would emit a socket event to the frontend which will update when there's a stock price change. This would also have a database to store recent historical data so that the user sees some activity when he/she just opens the page.
Portfoilo would just include allowing a user to pin some of his/her stocks on interest.
Figure out how to host the model
How does the user on the website interact with the model (possibly redirect somewhere else, how to send required stock data and receive the predictions, perhaps an API b/w the two?)