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Releases: tloncorp/tlon-apps


23 Feb 14:34
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Over-the-air (OTA) update to Groups and Talk. This release adds Leap, includes a minimally-viable CLI client for Talk, and addresses several UX pain points.

%groups: 0v1r.pve3l.d4v4v.c127n.0dd4l.a8e0v.hug5c.5oru2.el3no.8bp4b.vivfu
%talk: 0vc.2na28.2o1v9.cr1ma.ogp1a.ijgvp.q3mrd.ur623.denhh.3mq30.18od3

What's new

  • Adds navigational Leap capability in Talk and Groups, accessible via Ctrl/Cmd-k, closable with Esc
  • Adds a minimally-viable CLI client for Talk, accessible in Terminal via |start %talk %talk-cli followed by |link %talk-cli
  • Adds support for notification content in Small Talk
  • Adds the ability to bulk-invite ships to a group by copying and pasting a comma-separated list of @ps
  • Adds notifications scoped to individual groups
  • Adds confirmation dialogs for all destructive actions (deleting items, kicking/banning users, etc.)
  • Adds the ability to "reply" to a message in Chat, recreating the quote-reference pattern from Groups 1
  • Adds a persistent Help and Support floating action button to Groups and Talk
  • Adds delete, react, and copy-reference actions to Gallery comments
  • Adds draft support for Chat messages to prevent input wiping between navigation states
  • Adds suggested groups in Find Groups
  • Adds an empty-state placeholder for the Groups sidebar
  • Improves the performance of the Chat scroll and restores scroll-to-position functionality
  • Improves the appearance of notifications in Groups
  • Improves the invitation input in the final step of the group creation flow
  • Improves optimistic rendering of sent DMs
  • Improves first-run experience by routing to Find Groups by default
  • Fixes authentication to work with the new cookie scheme in Urbit OS
  • Fixes an issue where fresh ships would fail a permissions check when joining a channel
  • Fixes an issue where setting a color in a profile that started with 0 in the hex value would result in an unexpected, different color
  • Fixes an issue where joining a group from a reference was impossible
  • Fixes an issue where unread markers in the Groups sidebar would eventually stop updating
  • Fixes an issue where creating new DMs in Safari would fail if localStorage errored
  • Fixes an issue where adding more than a few Pinned Groups in the sidebar would make the scrollable list of All Groups unusably short
  • Fixes an issue where Notebook comments would appear out of order
  • Fixes an issue where a "Reject" button would appear on references to groups you have joined
  • Fixes an issue where channel hosts could be kicked and group hosts could be banned from a group
  • Fixes an issue where block content could be added to a list in a Notebook post
  • Fixes an issue where multiple image blocks in Notebook posts would use the same URL
  • Fixes an issue where the unread blue dot of a group would show if notifications emanating from that group hadn't been read
  • Fixes an issue where rearranging channels and sections in Groups would glitch or not re-render


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0


02 Feb 22:05
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release improves navigation in Talk, fixes several navigation and unread bugs, and adds an alert showing when your ship has applied an OTA to either app.

%groups: 0vs.00vi9.h6fga.bf0tg.u1ifm.pqkb9.uihiu.h1vg2.td5qn.cfcak.n5mvl
%talk: 0vm.re785.tq37s.duuhf.chn8b.bgbtq.ttkg1.rlurv.htbhm.4rdbq.jc2cb

What's new

  • Adds a new interface for navigating to an existing DM from the "New DM" prompt in Talk
  • Adds a banner informing the user that an OTA to Groups or Talk has occurred in the background
  • Adds a progress spinner to the "Mark as Read" button in the Group Activity screen
  • Adds progress spinners to the Group invite dialog ("Invite") and the Pending Members screen ("Cancel")
  • Adds version, hash, and source info to the main app context menu
  • Fixes an issue where hoon syntax processing in Notebooks would throw an error
  • Fixes Notebook references in Chat of excessive length
  • Fixes an issue where clicking a reference to a Notebook would not navigate
  • Fixes an issue where references to a Secret group would not appear if you are a member or invited
  • Fixes an issue where the blue activity dot in the Groups sidebar would appear for events other than unread messages
  • Fixes an issue where entering text into an Invite field in Groups and switching tabs would clear the field
  • Fixes an issue where joining a new Group from a reference in a Chat channel would navigate to a blank page
  • Fixes an issue in Find Groups where the input field wouldn't allow a pasted @p
  • Fixes the copy in Find Groups to include cases where the searched-for ship is offline or unresponsive
  • Fixes an issue where clicking "Leave Message" in Talk would navigate to a blank screen
  • Adds behavior to join an unjoined Channel in a Group you are in when you are following a reference originating in that Channel
  • Fixes an issue where Channel sorting in the Groups sidebar would not persist between Groups
  • Fixes an issue where deleting the first reply in a threaded Chat message did not remove the "1 reply" indicator in the main Chat log
  • Fixes an issue in Talk where threads in multi-DMs would show the DM's @uv
  • Fixes issues with time correction with Chat messages
  • Fixes an issue where refreshing the detail view of a Gallery item threw a crashing error
  • Fixes an issue where threads and Channels were marked read by sending a message (not by reading the channel)
  • Fixes an issue where sending a message to a Chat channel or thread would mark the channel as unread
  • Fixes an issue where one would repeatedly need to accept a Group DM invitation
  • Fixes an issue where one could send a Chat message even if the Send button is disabled


Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0


24 Jan 16:39
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release improves Chat message input, hardens S3 region compatibility, and improves the performance of the Groups sidebar.

%talk: 0va.8h2eh.nhsh8.73tef.m7tmt.fiacr.mslak.cs04s.va5v7.v6b5v.vdv1u
%groups: 0v1i.haeq1.catgc.rbk3e.dog5c.5godm.tpd5l.t9rla.81idi.hapm7.phgep

What's new

  • Refactors the S3 uploader to be compliant with region settings in Landscape
  • Fixes an issue where multi-DMs wouldn't load
  • Fixes an issue with subscriptions hanging around after being kicked from/leaving a group
  • Fixes an issue where sending a message in a Chat channel or DM would not refocus the Chat input in a variety of scenarios
  • Fixes an issue where the arrival of new messages in multi-DMs would wipe the Chat input
  • Fixes an issue where pasting image data into the Chat input and immediately pressing "Send" would send a broken image link
  • Fixes an issue where uploading an image to another field (e.g. multi-DM icon, Gallery item) would attach the image to the Chat input
  • Fixes an issue where pasting a reference link into a Chat thread would also attach it to the main channel's input
  • Fixes an issue where code-fenced expressions containing a sig would attempt to create a ship mention in Chat
  • Fixes an issue where a string prefixed with a sig and suffixed with a zap would fail to post in Chat
  • Fixes an issue where entering a link to an image and some text in the Chat input in the same message would fail to post
  • Fixes an issue where text formatting triggered by keyboard shortcut in Chat would only persist for one character
  • Fixes an issue where pressing "Enter" twice when commenting on a Notebook post would post the comment twice
  • Fixes an issue where an error would appear when loading a Notebook post
  • Fixes an issue where the user's avatar and the message field were misaligned in the Chat input
  • Fixes an issue where group hosts could be demoted from the admin role
  • Fixes a typo in the "X messages since Y" banner in Chat
  • Fixes an issue in Talk where entering the same ships in as an existing multi-DM would create a new multi-DM
  • Fixes a compilation error in Talk when booting a new fakezod
  • Fixes the appearance of app references in Notebooks and Galleries
  • Fixes an issue where one could react with emoji in un-permissioned Chat channels
  • Improves the reliability of string-matching in mentions
  • Improves the permissions copy in the Channel creation and edit screen
  • Adds desk.ship to both apps so their desks have valid upstream sources
  • Adds message loading placeholders for Chat channels
  • Adds secondary helper text to indicate if a ship in the ~mention menu is outside the current Group or message
  • Adds significant loading and scrolling improvements to the Groups sidebar and All Groups menu on mobile
  • Adds the group a Gallery or Notebook channel belongs to in the response when scrying through the airlock
  • Adds support for 415K


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.5.0


13 Jan 22:06
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%groups 0v1o.ds8rb.meas7.4hgu3.3pbs9.0orbc.orb2h.kltq5.gd6q7.4g4ja.179ko
 %talk 0v16.1alli.6nftf.3qelb.464nd.c10q1.j3for.a84ip.igqot.anubg.08st3


Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2


12 Jan 22:21
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.4.1


11 Jan 22:08
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk.

What's new

  • Fixes existing rank-level bans on groups. A UI to add new rank-level bans will be coming shortly.
  • Fixes an issue where editing a Notebook post would cause excessive newline insertion.
  • Fixes an issue where renaming a channel would kick off multiple notifications to members that the channel had been added to the group.
  • Fixes an issue where " is not a function" would appear in every Chat channel for certain Port users.
  • Fixes an issue where no members were visible in the Group Info screen on mobile for both admins and members.
  • Fixes an issue where syntax highlighting would fail to appear in Notebook posts.
  • Fixes an issue where uploading an image to Chat via S3 would cause the resultant image to appear smaller than hotlinked images.
  • Fixes an issue where Collection item titles would only show the first 20 characters in the sidebar of the detail view.
  • Removes extraneous migration checks.
  • Adds a "Mark All as Read" button on the Notifications screen of Groups.
  • Adds All Channels and Leave Group actions for Groups on mobile.
  • Adds support for Kelvin version 416.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.2...v2.4.0


06 Jan 21:04
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v2.3.2 Pre-release

Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk.

What's new

  • Fixes an error where is not a function would crash chat channels with threads.
  • Adds a "Mark All as Read" button for notifications in Groups.


Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2


05 Jan 20:48
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk.

What's new

  • Hotfixes v2.3.0, where multi-party DMs were inaccessible in Talk.


Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1


05 Jan 19:22
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk.

What's new

  • Ensures that group admins can actually perform admin actions regardless of pre-migration channel permissions. Also includes a manual reset for pre-migration custom channel permissions and switches the channel to "Open to All," which should cleanly set the stage for custom reader/writer permissions coming later. The team will work out wiring the poke up to a button somewhere in the admin UI. This also makes sure kicking members from a group works.
  • Improves the reliability of loading a migrated chat channel.
  • Ensures that admins can delete chat messages, not just their own.
  • Fixes an issue where receiving a new message in a multi-party DM would wipe whatever text you had entered in the chat input.
  • Fixes the seeming dead-end when following a chat thread notification from Landscape. Also makes the ESC hotkey more reliable to dismiss modals or threads.
  • Automatically marks a channel as read when you submit a message, preventing being notified for your own messages.
  • Marks a chat channel as read as soon as you navigate away from it, even if you didn't click the "Mark as read" banner.
  • Fixes an issue where new multi-party DM invitations wouldn't appear in the Talk sidebar, and existing multi-DMs wouldn't show unread indicators.
  • Marks a @mention notification as read when you see the ~mention and prevents group unread markers from lingering.
  • Blocks read-only channel members from seeing the text input in chat threads.
  • Shows the correct last-reply time for chat threads in the main chat log.
  • Prevents the contents of a DM invitation from being shown in notifications until you accept the DM.
  • Prevents a group invitation notification from a group you just joined.
  • Allows you to leave a group and see all the channels in the group on mobile.
  • Adds unread counts to the browser title bar of Talk, based on the selected message type filter in the sidebar.
  • Loads >50 notebook posts on scroll.
  • Adds horizontal scrolling to code blocks in chat messages.
  • Removes an empty overflow menu for non-editable collection items.
  • Reduces the number of on-screen elements in the chat input on mobile.
  • Sets an appropriate width for the multi-DM info modal and improves the layout of the color/image picker for the multi-DM icon.
  • Adjusts the layout of the "Favorite Groups" tags in profiles.


Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3.0


16 Dec 20:38
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups and %talk. This release fixes a resubscription loop and enhances image upload support in Chat and Talk.

What's new

  • Fixed a bug where getting a fact for a channel in a group you're not in would cause a resubscription loop
  • Fixed a regression in v2.2.0 in the Chat scroller
  • Adds a timeout to tooltips in Chat message actions to prevent them from sticking
  • Adds paste from clipboard, drag and drop, thumbnails, and removal of multiple image attachments in Chat


Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1