+This version was edited to integrate with EarthSHAB.
+Contributing authors: Craig Motell and Michael Rodriguez of NIWC Pacific
+Edited and integrated: Tristan Schuler
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import netCDF4
+from termcolor import colored
+import math
+from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
+import sys
+import os
+from scipy import interpolate
+from pytz import timezone
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import config_earth #integrate with EARTHSHAB
class ERA5:
#def __init__(self, start_coord, end_coord, input_file, dt_sec, sim_time_hours, use_time):
def __init__(self, start_coord): #CHANGED INPUT VARIABLES
"""Create a class object containing information about an ERA5. Along the way,
it checks whether it can take a subset of your model data. For example, if you have
data before or after your simulation times, you can ignore these data through saving
:param start_coord: starting coordinate of balloon for simulation
:type coord: dict
.. note:: Similar to class GFS which stores NOAA GFS data from NOMAD server
.. seealso:: GFS
self.dt = config_earth.simulation['dt']
self.sim_time = config_earth.simulation['sim_time']
self.file = netCDF4.Dataset("forecasts/" + config_earth.netcdf_era5["filename"]) # Only accepting manual uploads for now
print(colored((f'Unable to locate netcdf file'),"red"))
self.geod = Geodesic.WGS84
self.resolution_hr = config_earth.netcdf_era5['resolution_hr']
self.start_coord = config_earth.simulation["start_coord"]
#def init_without_time(self, start_coord, end_coord, dt_sec, sim_time_hours): # modded the number of varibales for troubleshootin
def init_with_time(self):
''' adds to class object containing information about an ERA5 but without any time
ERA5 : ERA5 Class Object
Initialize class object with our NetCDF data.
Similar to class GFS which stores NOAA GFS data from NOMAD server
See Also
self.start_time = config_earth.simulation['start_time']
self.min_alt_m = self.start_coord['alt']
time_arr = self.file.variables['time']
#Convert from epoch to human readable time. Different than GFS for now.
self.time_convert = netCDF4.num2date(time_arr[:], time_arr.units, time_arr.calendar)
self.model_start_datetime = self.time_convert[0] #reanalysis should be same time as gfs predictions for now
self.model_end_datetime = self.time_convert[-1]
# Determine Index values from netcdf4 subset
netcdf_ranges = self.file.variables['u'][0, 0, :, :]
# smaller array of downloaded forecast subset
self.lat = self.file.variables['latitude'][self.lat_max_idx:self.lat_min_idx]
self.lon = self.file.variables['longitude'][self.lon_min_idx:self.lon_max_idx]
# min/max lat/lon degree values from netcdf4 subset
self.LAT_LOW = self.file.variables['latitude'][self.lat_min_idx-1]
self.LON_LOW = self.file.variables['longitude'][self.lon_min_idx]
self.LAT_HIGH = self.file.variables['latitude'][self.lat_max_idx]
self.LON_HIGH = self.file.variables['longitude'][self.lon_max_idx-1]
print("LAT RANGE: min:" + str(self.file.variables['latitude'][self.lat_min_idx-1]), " max: " + str(self.file.variables['latitude'][self.lat_max_idx]) + " size: " + str(self.lat_min_idx-self.lat_max_idx))
print("LON RANGE: min:" + str(self.file.variables['longitude'][self.lon_min_idx]), " max: " + str(self.file.variables['longitude'][self.lon_max_idx-1]) + " size: " + str(self.lon_max_idx-self.lon_min_idx))
# Import the netcdf4 subset to speed up table lookup in this script
g = 9.80665 # gravitation constant used to convert geopotential height to height
self.levels = self.file.variables['level'][:]
#these are typos, fix later. Should be ugrdprs0
self.ugdrps0 = self.file.variables['u'][self.start_time_idx:self.end_time_idx+1, :, self.lat_max_idx:self.lat_min_idx, self.lon_min_idx:self.lon_max_idx]
self.vgdrps0 = self.file.variables['v'][self.start_time_idx:self.end_time_idx+1, :, self.lat_max_idx:self.lat_min_idx, self.lon_min_idx:self.lon_max_idx]
self.hgtprs = self.file.variables['z'][self.start_time_idx:self.end_time_idx+1, :, self.lat_max_idx:self.lat_min_idx, self.lon_min_idx:self.lon_max_idx] / g #what is this divide by g???
#Check if number of hours will fit in simulation time
desired_simulation_end_time = self.start_time + timedelta(hours=self.sim_time)
diff_time = (self.time_convert[self.end_time_idx] - self.start_time).total_seconds() #total number of seconds between 2 timestamps
print("Sim start time: ", self.start_time)
print("NetCDF end time:", self.time_convert[self.end_time_idx])
print("Max sim runtime:", diff_time//3600, "hours")
print("Des sim runtime:", self.sim_time, "hours")
if not desired_simulation_end_time <= self.time_convert[self.end_time_idx]:
print(colored("Desired simulation run time of " + str(self.sim_time) +
" hours is out of bounds of downloaded forecast. " +
"Check simulation start time and/or download a new forecast.", "red"))
def determineRanges(self, netcdf_ranges):
Determine the dimensions of actual data. If you have columns or rows with missing data
as indicated by NaN, then this function will return your actual shape size so you can
resize your data being used.
results = np.all(~netcdf_ranges.mask)
if results == False:
timerange, latrange, lonrange = np.nonzero(~netcdf_ranges.mask)
self.start_time_idx = timerange.min()
self.end_time_idx = timerange.max()
self.lat_min_idx = latrange.min() #Min/Max are switched compared to with ERA5
self.lat_max_idx = latrange.max()
self.lon_min_idx = lonrange.min()
self.lon_max_idx = lonrange.max()
else: #This might be broken for time
self.start_time_idx = 0
self.end_time_idx = len(self.time_convert)-1
lati, loni = netcdf_ranges.shape
#THese are backwards???
self.lat_min_idx = lati
self.lat_max_idx = 0
self.lon_max_idx = loni
self.lon_min_idx = 0
def closestIdx(self, arr, k):
""" Given an ordered array and a value, determines the index of the closest item contained in the array.
return min(range(len(arr)), key=lambda i: abs(arr[i] - k))
def getNearestLatIdx(self, lat, min, max):
""" Determines the nearest latitude index (to .25 degrees), which will be integer index starting at 0 where you data is starting
# arr = np.arange(start=min, stop=max, step=self.res)
# i = self.closest(arr, lat)
i = self.closestIdx(self.lat, lat)
return i
def getNearestLonIdx(self, lon, min, max):
""" Determines the nearest longitude (to .25 degrees)
# lon = lon % 360 #convert from -180-180 to 0-360
# arr = np.arange(start=min, stop=max, step=self.res)
i = self.closestIdx(self.lon, lon)
return i
def get2NearestAltIdxs(self, h, alt_m):
""" Determines 2 nearest indexes for altitude for interpolating angles.
It does index wrap from 0 to -1, which is taken care of in `ERA5.interpolateBearing()`
h_nearest = self.closestIdx(h, alt_m)
if alt_m > h[h_nearest]:
h_idx0 = h_nearest
h_idx1 = h_nearest +1
h_idx0 = h_nearest - 1
h_idx1 = h_nearest
return h_idx0, h_idx1
def getNearestAltbyIndex(self, int_hr_idx, lat_i, lon_i, alt_m):
""" Determines the nearest altitude based off of geo potential height of a .25 degree lat/lon area.
at a given latitude, longitude index
i = self.closestIdx(self.hgtprs[int_hr_idx, :, lat_i, lon_i], alt_m)
return i
def wind_alt_Interpolate(self, alt_m, diff_time, lat_idx, lon_idx):
.. warning:: This function is no longer used. Use wind_alt_Interpolate2 which does 2 different types of interpolation to choose from.
Performs a 2 step linear interpolation to determine horizontal wind velocity. First the altitude is interpolated between the two nearest
.25 degree lat/lon areas. Once altitude is matched, a second linear interpolation is performed with respect to time.
.. note:: I performed a lot of clean up of this code from what Craig originally sent me. I'm not exactly sure what
about all the difference from GFS to ERA5 for this function. I will do more cleaning and variable renaming in a later version.
The results are the same right now thoug.
alt_m : float
Contains current altitude of balloon object.
diff_time: ?
This parameter is calculated in two different places, need to clean up this parameter
lon_idx : integer
Closest index into longitude array
lat_idx : integer
Closest index into latitude array
u : float
u component wind vector
v : float
v component wind vector
#This function is deprecated and no longer used!
#we need to clean this up, ends up we check for the hour_index before we call this function
#diff = coord["timestamp"] - self.model_start_datetime
hour_index = (diff_time.days * 24 + diff_time.seconds / 3600.) / self.resolution_hr
hgt_m = alt_m
# First interpolate wind speeds between 2 closest time steps to match altitude estimates (hgtprs), which can change with time
v_0 = self.vgdrps0[int(hour_index), :, lat_idx, lon_idx] # Round hour index to nearest int
v_0 = self.fill_missing_data(v_0) # Fill the missing wind data if occurs at upper heights
u_0 = self.ugdrps0[int(hour_index), :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
u_0 = self.fill_missing_data(u_0)
xp_0 = self.hgtprs[int(hour_index), :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
xp_0 = self.fill_missing_data(xp_0)
f = interpolate.interp1d(xp_0, u_0, assume_sorted=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
u0_pt = f(hgt_m)
f = interpolate.interp1d(xp_0, v_0, assume_sorted=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
v0_pt = f(hgt_m)
# Next interpolate the wind velocities with respect to time.
v_1 = self.vgdrps0[int(hour_index) + 1, :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
v_1 = self.fill_missing_data(v_1)
u_1 = self.ugdrps0[int(hour_index) + 1, :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
u_1 = self.fill_missing_data(u_1)
#t_1 = self.temp0[int_hr_idx2, :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
#t_1 = self.fill_missing_data(t_1)
xp_1 = self.hgtprs[int(hour_index) +1 , :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
xp_1 = self.fill_missing_data(xp_1)
#t1_pt = f(hgt_m)
f = interpolate.interp1d(xp_1, u_1, assume_sorted=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
u1_pt = f(hgt_m)
f = interpolate.interp1d(xp_1, v_1, assume_sorted=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
v1_pt = f(hgt_m)
fp = [int(hour_index), int(hour_index) + 1]
u = np.interp(hour_index, fp, [u0_pt, u1_pt])
v = np.interp(hour_index, fp, [v0_pt, v1_pt])
return [u, v]
def wind_alt_Interpolate2(self, alt_m, diff_time, lat_idx, lon_idx):
Performs two different types of a 2 step linear interpolation to determine horizontal wind velocity. First the altitude is interpolated between the two nearest
.25 degree lat/lon areas. Once altitude is matched, a second linear interpolation is performed with respect to time.
The old method performs the linear interpolation using u-v wind Components
the new method performs the linear interpolation using wind bearing and speed.
Both are calculated in this function. The examples use the new method (bearing and wind), which should be slightly more accurate.
alt_m : float
Contains current altitude of balloon object.
diff_time: ?
This parameter is calculated in two different places, need to clean up this parameter
lon_idx : integer
Closest index into longitude array
lat_idx : integer
Closest index into latitude array
.. note:: **TODO**: Make these variable names more descriptive. Maybe make a dictionary return value instead.
u_new : float
u component wind vector (bearing/speed interpolation)
v_new : float
v component wind vector (bearing/speed interpolation)
u_old : float
u component wind vector (u-v component interpolation)
v_old : float
v component wind vector (u-v component interpolation)
hour_index = (diff_time.days * 24 + diff_time.seconds / 3600.) / self.resolution_hr
# First interpolate wind speeds between 2 closest time steps to match altitude estimates (hgtprs), which can change with time
v_0 = self.vgdrps0[int(hour_index), :, lat_idx, lon_idx] # Round hour index to nearest int
v_0 = self.fill_missing_data(v_0) # Fill the missing wind data if occurs at upper heights
u_0 = self.ugdrps0[int(hour_index), :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
u_0 = self.fill_missing_data(u_0)
h0 = self.hgtprs[int(hour_index), :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
h0 = self.fill_missing_data(h0)
u0_pt = np.interp(alt_m,h0[::-1],u_0[::-1]) #reverse order for ERA5
v0_pt = np.interp(alt_m,h0[::-1],v_0[::-1]) #reverse order for ERA5
bearing_t0, speed_t0 = self.interpolateBearing(h0[::-1], u_0[::-1], v_0[::-1], alt_m)
v_1 = self.vgdrps0[int(hour_index) + 1, :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
v_1 = self.fill_missing_data(v_1)
u_1 = self.ugdrps0[int(hour_index) + 1, :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
u_1 = self.fill_missing_data(u_1)
h1 = self.hgtprs[int(hour_index) +1 , :, lat_idx, lon_idx]
h1 = self.fill_missing_data(h1)
u1_pt = np.interp(alt_m,h1[::-1],u_1[::-1])
v1_pt = np.interp(alt_m,h1[::-1],v_1[::-1])
bearing_t1, speed_t1 = self.interpolateBearing(h1[::-1], u_1[::-1], v_1[::-1], alt_m)
#interpolate between 2 timesteps (t0, t1)
#old Method (u-v wind components linear interpolation):
fp = [int(hour_index), int(hour_index) + 1]
u_old = np.interp(hour_index, fp, [u0_pt, u1_pt])
v_old = np.interp(hour_index, fp, [v0_pt, v1_pt])
#New Method (Bearing/speed linear interpolation):
bearing_interpolated, speed_interpolated = self.interpolateBearingTime(bearing_t0, speed_t0, bearing_t1, speed_t1, hour_index )
u_new = speed_interpolated * np.cos(np.radians(bearing_interpolated))
v_new = speed_interpolated * np.sin(np.radians(bearing_interpolated))
return [u_new, v_new, u_old, v_old]
def fill_missing_data(self, data):
"""Helper function to fill in linearly interpolate and fill in missing data
data = data.filled(np.nan)
nans, x = np.isnan(data), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
data[nans] = np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), data[~nans])
return data
def windVectorToBearing(self, u, v):
"""Helper function to conver u-v wind components to bearing and speed.
bearing = np.arctan2(v,u)
speed = np.power((np.power(u,2)+np.power(v,2)),.5)
return [bearing, speed]
def interpolateBearing(self, h, u, v, alt_m ): #h, bearing0, speed0, bearing1, speed1):
"""Given altitude, u_velocity and v_velocity arrays as well as a desired altitude, perform a linear interpolation
between the 2 altitudes (h0 and h1) while accounting for possible 0/360degree axis crossover.
h_idx0, h_idx1 = self.get2NearestAltIdxs(h, alt_m)
#Check to make sure altitude isn't outside bounds of altitude array for interpolating
if h_idx0 == -1:
h_idx0 = 0
if h_idx1 == 0: #this one should most likely never trigger because altitude forecasts go so high.
h_idx1 = -1
bearing0, speed0 = self.windVectorToBearing(u[h_idx0], v[h_idx0])
bearing1, speed1 = self.windVectorToBearing(u[h_idx1], v[h_idx1])
interp_dir_deg = 0
angle1 = np.degrees(bearing0) %360
angle2 = np.degrees(bearing1) %360
angular_difference = abs(angle2-angle1)
if angular_difference > 180:
if (angle2 > angle1):
angle1 += 360
angle2 += 360
interp_speed = np.interp(alt_m, [h[h_idx0], h[h_idx1]], [speed0, speed1])
interp_dir_deg = np.interp(alt_m, [h[h_idx0], h[h_idx1]], [angle1, angle2]) % 360 #make sure in the range (0, 360)
return (interp_dir_deg, interp_speed)
def interpolateBearingTime(self, bearing0, speed0, bearing1, speed1, hour_index ): #h, bearing0, speed0, bearing1, speed1):
"""Similar to `ERA5.interpolateBearing()` however bearings and speeds are already known
and linearly then interpolated with respect to time (t0 and t1)
interp_dir_deg = 0
angle1 = bearing0 %360
angle2 = bearing1 %360
angular_difference = abs(angle2-angle1)
if angular_difference > 180:
if (angle2 > angle1):
angle1 += 360
angle2 += 360
fp = [int(hour_index), int(hour_index) + 1]
interp_speed = np.interp(hour_index, fp, [speed0, speed1])
interp_dir_deg = np.interp(hour_index, fp, [angle1, angle2]) % 360 #make sure in the range (0, 360)
return (interp_dir_deg, interp_speed)
def getNewCoord(self, coord, dt):
Determines the new coordinates of the balloon based on the effects of U and V wind components.
coord : dict
Contains current position, altitude and time of balloon object.
dt : float
Integration time
lat_new, lon_new, x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel, bearing, closest_lat, closest_lon, closest alt
diff_time = coord["timestamp"] - self.model_start_datetime
hour_index = (diff_time.days * 24 + diff_time.seconds / 3600.) / self.resolution_hr
int_hr_idx = int(hour_index)
lat_idx = self.getNearestLatIdx(coord["lat"], self.lat_max_idx, self.lat_min_idx)
lon_idx = self.getNearestLonIdx(coord["lon"], self.lon_min_idx, self.lon_max_idx)
#z = self.getNearestAltbyIndex(lat_idx, lon_idx, coord["alt_m"]) # fix this for lower and Upper
z = self.getNearestAltbyIndex(int_hr_idx, lat_idx, lon_idx, coord["alt"]) # fix this for lower and Upper
#for Debugging outside try catch block below. Delete when done.
#x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel, x_wind_vel_old, y_wind_vel_old = self.wind_alt_Interpolate2(coord['alt'], diff_time, lat_idx, lon_idx)
#x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel = self.wind_alt_Interpolate(coord['alt'], diff_time, lat_idx, lon_idx) # for now hour index is 0
#x_wind_vel_old, y_wind_vel_old = None, None
x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel, x_wind_vel_old, y_wind_vel_old = self.wind_alt_Interpolate2(coord['alt'], diff_time, lat_idx, lon_idx)
if x_wind_vel == None:
return [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
"Mismatch with simulation and forecast timstamps. Check simulation start time and/or download a new forecast.",
bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(y_wind_vel, x_wind_vel))
bearing = 90 - bearing # perform 90 degree rotation for bearing from wind data
d = math.pow((math.pow(y_wind_vel, 2) + math.pow(x_wind_vel, 2)), .5) * dt # dt multiplier
g = self.geod.Direct(coord["lat"], coord["lon"], bearing, d)
#GFS is %360 here. The files are organized a bit differently
if g['lat2'] < self.LAT_LOW or g['lat2'] > self.LAT_HIGH or (g['lon2']) < self.LON_LOW or (g['lon2']) > self.LON_HIGH:
print(colored("WARNING: Trajectory is out of bounds of downloaded netcdf forecast", "yellow"))
'''Changed to alt instead of alt_m'''
if coord["alt"] <= self.min_alt_m:
# Balloon should remain stationary if it's reached the minimum altitude
return [coord['lat'], coord['lon'], x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel, x_wind_vel_old, y_wind_vel_old, bearing, self.lat[lat_idx], self.lon[lon_idx],
self.hgtprs[0, z, lat_idx, lon_idx]] # hgtprs doesn't matter here so is set to 0
return [g['lat2'], g['lon2'], x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel, x_wind_vel_old, y_wind_vel_old, bearing, self.lat[lat_idx], self.lon[lon_idx],
self.hgtprs[0, z, lat_idx, lon_idx]]
#This function is unused now after code cleanup, but leaving for now because Craig included it with the orginal code
def datetime_epoch(self, timedate_obj):
gmt = timezone('GMT')
dt = timedate_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
naive_ts = datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
naive_ts = datetime.strptime(timedate_obj, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
local_ts = gmt.localize(naive_ts)
epoch_ts = local_ts.timestamp()
return int(epoch_ts)