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Configuration management, in go... get it? Well, I tried.

Anyway, this repo is me building a toy configuration management engine in go, mostly for learning purposes.

Project/design goals:

  • Compatibility with's inventory format
  • Each system manages itself via idempotent scripts/programs
  • The daemon should be easy to analyze/inspect
    • Pprof enabled
    • Native Prometheus metrics
    • Structured logging (LogFmt and JSON)
    • Tracing for script manager execution stats (Planned)
    • Exemplars to link metrics/logs to specific manager script run traces (Planned)
    • Grafana dashboard (Planned)


Download a release appropriate for your system from the Releases page. While packages are built for several systems, there are currently no plans to attempt to submit packages to upstream package repositories.



mango is the configuration management daemon. It should run on the host it is intended to manage as a long-lived service. In order for mango to properly/effectively manage the system, it will likely need to be run as root.

Binary Usage

mango --inventory.path /path/to/inventory

All options:

~/go/src/ (main [  ]) -> ./mango -h
 _ __ ___    __ _  _ __    __ _   ___
| '_ ` _ \  / _` || '_ \  / _` | / _ \
| | | | | || (_| || | | || (_| || (_) |
|_| |_| |_| \__,_||_| |_| \__, | \___/

Usage of ./mango:
  -h, --help                                       Prints help and usage information
      --hostname string                            (Requires root) Custom hostname to use [default is system hostname]
  -i, --inventory.path string                      Path to mango configuration inventory
      --inventory.reload-interval string           Time duration for how frequently mango will auto reload and apply the inventory [default disabled]
  -l, --logging.level string                       Logging level may be one of: [debug, info, warning, error]
      --logging.output string                      Logging format may be one of: [logfmt, json] (default "logfmt")
      --manager.skip-apply-on-test-success apply   If enabled, this will allow mango to skip running the module's idempotent apply script if the `test` script passes without issues
  -v, --version                                    Prints version and build info

Mango is charityware, in honor of Bram Moolenaar and out of respect for Vim. You can use and copy it as much as you like, but you are encouraged to make a donation for needy children in Uganda.  Please visit the ICCF web site, available at these URLs:

Container Usage

Since mango is intended to be run on the system it is managing and thus requires access to the host system, if you must run mango as a container, you may want to use the --privileged flag.

# docker works too, but podman is wonderful
podman run \
-v /path/to/inventory:/opt/mango/inventory \
--privileged \


mango-helper is a helper utility that ships with mango to make it easier to interact with various aspects of mango:

mh -h
Mango Helper is a utility tool to aid in working with mango

  mh [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  inventory   Command to interact with mango inventory
  mango       Command to interact with a running mango server

  -h, --help                    help for mh
  -l, --logging.level string    Logging level may be one of: [debug, info, warning, error] (default "info")
      --logging.output string   Logging format may be one of: [logfmt, json] (default "logfmt")
  -v, --version                 version for mh

Use "mh [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The mh inventory command has several subcommands available to assist in working with the mango inventory:

mh inventory -h
Command to interact with the mango inventory, such as initializing skeleton inventory directory structures

  mh inventory [command]

  inventory, inv

Available Commands:
  directive   Command to interact with mango directives in the inventory
  group       Command to interact with mango groups in the inventory
  host        Command to interact with mango hosts in the inventory
  init        Create an empty inventory
  module      Command to interact with mango modules in the inventory
  role        Command to interact with mango roles in the inventory

      --enrolled-only           Only return modules that the provided host is enrolled for
  -h, --help                    help for inventory
      --hostname string         (Requires root) Custom hostname to use [default is system hostname]
  -i, --inventory.path string   Path to mango configuration inventory

Global Flags:
  -l, --logging.level string    Logging level may be one of: [debug, info, warning, error] (default "info")
      --logging.output string   Logging format may be one of: [logfmt, json] (default "logfmt")

Use "mh inventory [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The mh mango command has further subcommands available to interact with a running mango server:

mh mango -h
Command to interact with a running mango server, including interacting with pprofs, metrics, etc

  mh mango [command]

Available Commands:
  metrics     Command to simplify metrics interactions for mango
  pprof       Command to simplify pprof interactions for mango

      --address string   Address of the running mango server (default "")
  -h, --help             help for mango

Global Flags:
  -l, --logging.level string    Logging level may be one of: [debug, info, warning, error] (default "info")
      --logging.output string   Logging format may be one of: [logfmt, json] (default "logfmt")

Use "mh mango [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Configuration Management

Mango is intended to be run as a daemon on the system that it will be managing. Mango requires privileges to touch and manage the things you ask it to do (whether via your user when launching the service or a service manager like Systemd, that's up to you). Mango is best used with an inventory controlled via git, for configuration as code.


Mango's inventory is based on's inventory. A detailed explanation of the differences between mango and, as well as a detailed explanation of each component/file in the mango inventory, can be found below.

Inventory Setup

An inventory can be created using the companion mango-helper tool that ships with mango releases/builds:

mkdir inventory
cd inventory
mh inventory init
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"

The mh inventory command also has other utility functions to make working with the inventory easier. See mango-helper for more details.

NOTE: While's inventory system is designed to work with bash scripts, it's possible to write a module in any language. Mango treats module test scripts as optional (yet recommended), and module/host variables are similarly optional. The module's apply script is the only required script for a module, so it's possible to simply use the apply script as a launcher to whatever other idempotent scripts/configs written in other languages.

Differences from Mango
Short lived process Long lived process
Runs as scheduled service (cron, systemd-timer, etc) Runs as systemd daemon (Systemd unit, etc)
Inventory updated during config management runs Inventory updated via scheduled service (cron, systemd-timer, etc)
Inventory scripts executed directly by shell Inventory scripts executed by Go shell interpreter library. Bash is supported with some caveats

Inventory files per component and what they do

Inventory Component File/Directory Name File Type Description Required Allows templating
directives any allowed Bash script "one-off" commands that get run only a single time and only if the file has been modified within the last 24 hours No Yes
modules apply Bash script idempotent bash script to get the system to the desired state Yes Yes
modules test Bash script test script to validate if system is in the desired state No Yes
modules variables Bash script script containing variables to set for the module's execution context for apply and test scripts No Yes
modules requires Newline delimited list List of other modules that are required to apply before this module can apply (dependency ordering) No No
modules templates/ Directory Contains Go text templates as .tpl files No No
roles modules Newline delimited list List of modules that are included in/executed as part of this role No No
roles variables Bash script script containing variables to set for the role's execution context for apply and test scripts No Yes
roles templates/ Directory Contains Go text templates as .tpl files No No
hosts modules Newline delimited list List of modules that are included in/executed as part of the defined host No No
hosts roles Newline delimited list List of roles that are included in/executed as part of the defined host No No
hosts variables Bash script script containing variables to set for the host's execution context for apply and test scripts No Yes
hosts templates/ Directory Contains Go text templates as .tpl files No No
groups glob Newline delimited list List of glob patterns that are members of this group. Glob patterns are matched against the hostname of the system No No
groups regex Newline delimited list List of regular expression patterns that are members of this group. Regular expression patterns are matched against the hostname of the system No No
groups roles Newline delimited list List of roles assigned to members of this group No No
groups modules Newline delimited list List of modules assigned to members of this group No No
groups variables Bash script script containing variables to set for the group's execution context for apply and test scripts No Yes
groups templates/ Directory Contains Go text templates as .tpl files No No

Monitoring and Alerting


Mango exposes Prometheus metrics on port 9555 on all interfaces by default.


Sample alerts are planned.


A Grafana dashboard is in progress.


Required Software

This project uses:

  • goreleaser to manage builds.
  • podman compose to run supplementary services during testing
  • podman to build and run containers
  • aardvark-dns for container DNS resolution (default in podman 4+, required for compose service name resolution within containers.

Build From Source

Most development work can be done with the included Makefile:

~/go/src/ (main [ ]) -> make help
# autogenerate help messages for comment lines with 2 `#`
 help:                  print this help message
 tidy:                  tidy modules
 fmt:                   apply go code style formatter
 lint:                  run linters
 binary:                build a binary
 build:                 alias for `binary`
 container:             build container image with binary
 image:                 alias for `container`
 podman:                alias for `container`
 docker:                alias for `container`
 test-container:        build test containers with binary for testing purposes
 test-image:            alias for `container`
 test-podman:           alias for `container`
 test-docker:           alias for `container`
 services:              use podman compose to spin up local grafana, prometheus, etc
 run-test-containers    use podman compose to spin up test containers running systemd for use with the test inventory
 reload-test-inventory: use podman to reload the mango systemd service running in the ubuntu test container
 stop:                  stop test environment and any other cleanup
 clean:                 alias for `stop`


Inventory Testing

A skeleton inventory is included for use with testing:

make run-test-inventory

Code Testing

Doesn't exist yet :')


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